local SeqBuffer = nerv.class('nerv.SeqBuffer', 'nerv.DataBuffer') function SeqBuffer:__init(global_conf, buffer_conf) self.gconf = global_conf self.batch_size = buffer_conf.batch_size self.chunk_size = buffer_conf.chunk_size self.readers = {} for _, v in ipairs(buffer_conf.readers) do table.insert(self.readers, v.reader) end self.nn_act_default = buffer_conf.nn_act_default if self.nn_act_default == nil then self.nn_act_default = 0 end self.mat_type = self.gconf.mmat_type self.queue = {} self.head = 1 self.tail = 0 end function SeqBuffer:new_mini_batch() local res = {} res.data = {} res.new_seq = {} res.seq_length = {} for i = 1, self.batch_size do res.seq_length[i] = 0 end return res end function SeqBuffer:saturate(batch) if self.queue[self.head] ~= nil and self.queue[self.head].seq_length[batch] ~= 0 then return true end local data = {} local drow = nil for i = 1, #self.readers do local tmp = self.readers[i]:get_data() if tmp == nil then return false end for id, d in pairs(tmp) do if drow == nil then drow = d:nrow() elseif d:nrow() ~= drow then nerv.error('readers provides with inconsistent rows of data') end data[id] = d end end local offset = 0 local head = self.head while offset < drow do local last = math.min(offset + self.chunk_size, drow) if head > self.tail then self.tail = self.tail + 1 self.queue[self.tail] = self:new_mini_batch() end self.queue[head].seq_length[batch] = last - offset if offset == 0 then table.insert(self.queue[head].new_seq, batch) end local mini_batch = self.queue[head].data for id, d in pairs(data) do if mini_batch[id] == nil then mini_batch[id] = {} end local tmp = mini_batch[id] for i = offset + 1, last do local chunk = i - offset if tmp[chunk] == nil then tmp[chunk] = self.mat_type(self.batch_size, d:ncol()) tmp[chunk]:fill(self.nn_act_default) end tmp[chunk]:copy_from(d, i - 1, i, batch - 1) end end head = head + 1 offset = last end return true end function SeqBuffer:get_data() local has_data = false for i = 1, self.batch_size do if self:saturate(i) then has_data = true end end if not has_data then return nil end local res = self.queue[self.head] self.queue[self.head] = nil self.head = self.head + 1 if not self.gconf.use_cpu then for id, d in pairs(res.data) do for i = 1, #d do d[i] = self.gconf.cumat_type.new_from_host(d[i]) end end end return res end