require 'htk_io' gconf = {lrate = 0.8, wcost = 1e-6, momentum = 0.9, frm_ext = 5, rearrange = true, -- just to make the context order consistent with old results, deprecated frm_trim = 5, -- trim the first and last 5 frames, TNet just does this, deprecated tr_scp = "/speechlab/users/mfy43/swb50/train_bp.scp", cv_scp = "/speechlab/users/mfy43/swb50/train_cv.scp", htk_conf = "/speechlab/users/mfy43/swb50/plp_0_d_a.conf", initialized_param = {"/speechlab/users/mfy43/swb50/swb_init.nerv", "/speechlab/users/mfy43/swb50/swb_global_transf.nerv"}} function make_layer_repo(param_repo) local layer_repo = nerv.LayerRepo( { -- global transf ["nerv.BiasLayer"] = { blayer1 = {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}, params = {bias = "bias1"}}, blayer2 = {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}, params = {bias = "bias2"}} }, ["nerv.WindowLayer"] = { wlayer1 = {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}, params = {window = "window1"}}, wlayer2 = {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}, params = {window = "window2"}} }, -- biased linearity ["nerv.AffineLayer"] = { affine0 = {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {2048}, params = {ltp = "affine0_ltp", bp = "affine0_bp"}}, affine1 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}, params = {ltp = "affine1_ltp", bp = "affine1_bp"}}, affine2 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}, params = {ltp = "affine2_ltp", bp = "affine2_bp"}}, affine3 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}, params = {ltp = "affine3_ltp", bp = "affine3_bp"}}, affine4 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}, params = {ltp = "affine4_ltp", bp = "affine4_bp"}}, affine5 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}, params = {ltp = "affine5_ltp", bp = "affine5_bp"}}, affine6 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}, params = {ltp = "affine6_ltp", bp = "affine6_bp"}}, affine7 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {3001}, params = {ltp = "affine7_ltp", bp = "affine7_bp"}} }, ["nerv.SigmoidLayer"] = { sigmoid0 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}, sigmoid1 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}, sigmoid2 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}, sigmoid3 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}, sigmoid4 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}, sigmoid5 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}, sigmoid6 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}} }, ["nerv.SoftmaxCELayer"] = -- softmax + ce criterion layer for finetune output { ce_crit = {dim_in = {3001, 1}, dim_out = {1}, compressed = true} }, ["nerv.SoftmaxLayer"] = -- softmax for decode output { softmax = {dim_in = {3001}, dim_out = {3001}} } }, param_repo, gconf) layer_repo:add_layers( { ["nerv.GraphLayer"] = { global_transf = { dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}, layer_repo = layer_repo, connections = { {"[1]", "blayer1[1]", 0}, {"blayer1[1]", "wlayer1[1]", 0}, {"wlayer1[1]", "blayer2[1]", 0}, {"blayer2[1]", "wlayer2[1]", 0}, {"wlayer2[1]", "[1]", 0} } }, main = { dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {3001}, layer_repo = layer_repo, connections = { {"[1]", "affine0[1]", 0}, {"affine0[1]", "sigmoid0[1]", 0}, {"sigmoid0[1]", "affine1[1]", 0}, {"affine1[1]", "sigmoid1[1]", 0}, {"sigmoid1[1]", "affine2[1]", 0}, {"affine2[1]", "sigmoid2[1]", 0}, {"sigmoid2[1]", "affine3[1]", 0}, {"affine3[1]", "sigmoid3[1]", 0}, {"sigmoid3[1]", "affine4[1]", 0}, {"affine4[1]", "sigmoid4[1]", 0}, {"sigmoid4[1]", "affine5[1]", 0}, {"affine5[1]", "sigmoid5[1]", 0}, {"sigmoid5[1]", "affine6[1]", 0}, {"affine6[1]", "sigmoid6[1]", 0}, {"sigmoid6[1]", "affine7[1]", 0}, {"affine7[1]", "[1]", 0} } } } }, param_repo, gconf) layer_repo:add_layers( { ["nerv.GraphLayer"] = { ce_output = { dim_in = {429, 1}, dim_out = {1}, layer_repo = layer_repo, connections = { {"[1]", "main[1]", 0}, {"main[1]", "ce_crit[1]", 0}, {"[2]", "ce_crit[2]", 0}, {"ce_crit[1]", "[1]", 0} } }, softmax_output = { dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {3001}, layer_repo = layer_repo, connections = { {"[1]", "main[1]", 0}, {"main[1]", "softmax[1]", 0}, {"softmax[1]", "[1]", 0} } } } }, param_repo, gconf) return layer_repo end function get_network(layer_repo) return layer_repo:get_layer("ce_output") end function get_decode_network(layer_repo) return layer_repo:get_layer("softmax_output") end function get_global_transf(layer_repo) return layer_repo:get_layer("global_transf") end function make_readers(scp_file, layer_repo) return { {reader = nerv.TNetReader(gconf, { id = "main_scp", scp_file = scp_file, conf_file = gconf.htk_conf, frm_ext = gconf.frm_ext, mlfs = { phone_state = { file = "/speechlab/users/mfy43/swb50/ref.mlf", format = "map", format_arg = "/speechlab/users/mfy43/swb50/dict", dir = "*/", ext = "lab" } } }), data = {main_scp = 429, phone_state = 1}} } end function make_buffer(readers) return nerv.SGDBuffer(gconf, { buffer_size = gconf.buffer_size, batch_size = gconf.batch_size, randomize = gconf.randomize, readers = readers, use_gpu = true }) end function get_input_order() return {{id = "main_scp", global_transf = true}, {id = "phone_state"}} end function get_decode_input_order() return {{id = "main_scp", global_transf = true}} end function get_accuracy(layer_repo) local ce_crit = layer_repo:get_layer("ce_crit") return ce_crit.total_correct / ce_crit.total_frames * 100 end function print_stat(layer_repo) local ce_crit = layer_repo:get_layer("ce_crit")"*** training stat begin ***") nerv.printf("cross entropy:\t\t%.8f\n", ce_crit.total_ce) nerv.printf("correct:\t\t%d\n", ce_crit.total_correct) nerv.printf("frames:\t\t\t%d\n", ce_crit.total_frames) nerv.printf("err/frm:\t\t%.8f\n", ce_crit.total_ce / ce_crit.total_frames) nerv.printf("accuracy:\t\t%.3f%%\n", get_accuracy(layer_repo))"*** training stat end ***") end