require 'lmptb.lmutil' local Vocab = nerv.class("nerv.LMVocab") local printf = nerv.printf local mysplit = function(inputstr, sep) if sep == nil then sep = "%s" end local t={} ; i=1 for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do t[i] = str i = i + 1 end return t end function Vocab:__init(global_conf) self.gconf = global_conf self.sen_end_token = "" self.unk_token = "" self.null_token = "" --indicating end of stream(in feeder) self.log_pre = "[LOG]LMVocab:" self.map_str = {} --map from str to word_entry self.map_id = {} --map from id to word_entry self:add_word(self.sen_end_token) self:add_word(self.unk_token) end --id: int --w_str: string --Returns: table function Vocab:new_word_entry(id, w_str) return { ["id"] = id, ["str"] = w_str, ["cnt"] = 0, } end --Returns: int function Vocab:size() return #self.map_id end --w_str: string --if w_str is not in vocab, then add it in, if it is already in, do nothing function Vocab:add_word(w_str) if (self.map_str[w_str] ~= nil) then return end local e = self:new_word_entry(self:size() + 1, w_str) self.map_id[self:size() + 1] = e self.map_str[w_str] = e end --Returns: table, the entry of the unk function Vocab:get_unk_entry() if (self.map_str[self.unk_token] == nil) then nerv.error("unk entry not found.") end return self.map_str[self.unk_token] end --Returns: table, the entry of sentence end function Vocab:get_sen_entry() if (self.map_str[self.sen_end_token] == nil) then nerv.error("sen end token not found") end return self.map_str[self.sen_end_token] end function Vocab:is_unk_str(w) if (key == self.null_token) then nerv.error("Vocab:get_word_str is called by the null token") end if (w == self.unk_token or self.map_str[w] == nil) then return true else return false end end --key: string --Returns: table, the word_entry of this key function Vocab:get_word_str(key) if (self.map_str[key] == nil) then return self:get_unk_entry() end if (key == self.null_token) then nerv.error("Vocab:get_word_str is called by the null token") end return self.map_str[key] end --key: int --Returns: table function Vocab:get_word_id(key) if (self.map_id[key] == nil) then nerv.error("id key %d does not exist.", key) end return self.map_id[key] end --fn: string --Add all words in fn to the vocab function Vocab:build_file(fn) printf("%s Vocab building on file %s...\n", self.log_pre, fn) local file =, "r") while (true) do local list = nerv.LMUtil.read_line(file) if (list == nil) then break else for i = 1, #list, 1 do self:add_word(list[i]) end end end file:close() printf("%s Building finished, vocab size now is %d.\n", self.log_pre, self:size()) end --[[test do local test_fn = "/home/slhome/txh18/workspace/nerv-project/some-text" local vocab = nerv.LMVocab() vocab:build_file(test_fn) end ]]--