-- To define a readable and writable chunk, one must define a class with the -- following methods: __init(id, global_conf), read(handle), write(handle), -- get_info(), set_info(info) and an id attribute. This file demonstrates a -- basic chunk implementation which manages the I/O of a matrix local MatrixChunk = nerv.class("nerv.MatrixChunk") function MatrixChunk:__init(id, global_conf) self.id = id self.info = {} self.gconf = global_conf end function MatrixChunk:read(handle) -- pass the read handle to the matrix method self.data = nerv.MMatrixFloat.load(handle) end function MatrixChunk:write(handle) -- pass the write handle to the matrix method self.data:save(handle) end function MatrixChunk:get_info() return self.info end function MatrixChunk:set_info(info) self.info = info end function MatrixChunk.create_from_matrix(id, mat) local ins = nerv.MatrixChunk(id) ins.data = mat return ins end mat = nerv.MMatrixFloat(3, 4) for i = 0, 2 do for j = 0, 3 do mat[i][j] = i + j end end cd = nerv.MatrixChunk.create_from_matrix("matrix1", mat) cf = nerv.ChunkFile("test.nerv", "w") cf:write_chunk(cd) cf:close() cf2 = nerv.ChunkFile("test.nerv", "r") cd2 = cf2:read_chunk("matrix1") print(cd2.data)