# The Nerv OOP Part of the [Nerv](../README.md) toolkit. ## Methods * __metatable mt, metatable mpt = nerv.class(string tname, string parenttname)__ This method is used to create a class by the name `tname`, which inherits `parenttname` in __Nerv__, then you create a new instance of this class by calling `obj=tname(...)`. The `tname.__init(...)` method(if defined) will be called in the constructing. The metatable of the class and its parent class will be returned. ## Examples * This example implements a simple `nerv.Counter` class which is inherited by `nerv.BetterCounter`. ``` do nerv.class("nerv.Counter") function nerv.Counter:__init(c) if (c) then self.c = c else self.c = 0 end end end do local mt, mpt = nerv.class("nerv.BetterCounter", "nerv.Counter") function nerv.BetterCounter:__init(c, bc) mpt.__init(self, c) if (bc) then self.bc = bc else self.bc = 0 end end end c1 = nerv.Counter(1) print(c1.c) bc1 = nerv.BetterCounter(1, 1) print(bc1.c, bc1.bc) ```