Module nerv

NERV: a Lua-based toolkit for high-performance deep learning.

This file contains misc utility functions of NERV and finally initializes NERV by including init.lua of other basic modules.


  • Author: Ted Yin


error_method_not_implemented () Dummy function.
sprintf (fmt, ...) Format a string just like sprintf in C.
printf (fmt, ...) Print a formatted string to stdout.
error (fmt, ...) Raise an global error with the formatted message.
info (fmt, ...) Print a notification message that begins with "info" and a timestamp.
warning (fmt, ...) Print a warning message that begins with "warning" and a timestamp.
class (tname, parenttname) Create a class (Torch-compatible).
table.tostring (tbl) Get the string representation of a table, which can be executed as a valid piece of Lua code.
get_type (tname) Get the class by name.
is_type (obj, tname) Check if the object is of the certain class.
dirname (filename) Strip last component from file name.
include (filename) Include a script file (chunk) into the current script.


error_method_not_implemented ()
Dummy function. Display a friendly error message when user attempts to invoke a non-implemented function.
sprintf (fmt, ...)
Format a string just like sprintf in C.


  • fmt the format string
  • ... args, the data to be formatted


    the formatted string
printf (fmt, ...)
Print a formatted string to stdout.


  • fmt the format string
  • ... args, the data to be formatted
error (fmt, ...)
Raise an global error with the formatted message.


  • fmt the format string
  • ... args, the data to be formatted
info (fmt, ...)
Print a notification message that begins with "info" and a timestamp. Instead of using nerv.printf, normal users should use this to print any notification information.


  • fmt the format string
  • ... args, the data to be formatted
warning (fmt, ...)
Print a warning message that begins with "warning" and a timestamp. Instead of using nerv.printf, normal users should use this to print any warnings.


  • fmt the format string
  • ... args, the data to be formatted
class (tname, parenttname)
Create a class (Torch-compatible). Use this to create a class in NERV.


  • tname the class name
  • parenttname the parent class name (from which it inherits)


    the created class
table.tostring (tbl)
Get the string representation of a table, which can be executed as a valid piece of Lua code.


  • tbl the table


    the string representation which will result in a Lua table entity when evaluated
get_type (tname)
Get the class by name.


  • tname the name of the class


    the class entity
is_type (obj, tname)
Check if the object is of the certain class.


  • obj the object ("class instance")
  • tname the class name ("type name")
dirname (filename)
Strip last component from file name.


  • filename the path to a file


    the path to the containing directory
include (filename)
Include a script file (chunk) into the current script. An analogy to #include in C. Note that the effect is the same as executing dofile(filename) at the current line.


  • filename the path to a file


    all values returned by the chunk
generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2016-01-15 14:56:30