#define MATRIX_DATA_FREE(ptr) cuda_float_array_free(ptr) #define MATRIX_DATA_ALLOC(dptr, stride, width, height) cuda_float_array_alloc(dptr, stride, width, height) #define MATRIX_DATA_WRITE(data, idx, val) cuda_float_array_write(data, idx, val) #define MATRIX_DATA_READ(data, idx) cuda_float_array_read(data, idx) #define MATRIX_INIT(L) cuda_float_init(L) #define NERV_GENERIC_MATRIX #define nerv_float_matrix_(NAME) nerv_float_matrix_cuda_ ## NAME #include "../common.h" #include "generic/matrix.h" #include "cukernel.h" #include "cuda.h" #include "driver_types.h" #include "cublas_v2.h" const char *nerv_float_matrix_(tname) = "nerv.FloatCuMatrix"; static cublasHandle_t cublas_handle; Matrix *nerv_float_matrix_(new_)(long nrow, long ncol); static int nerv_float_matrix_(add)(lua_State *L) { Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_float_matrix_(tname)); Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_float_matrix_(tname)); Matrix *c; long nrow, ncol; if (!(a->nrow == b->nrow && a->ncol == b->ncol)) nerv_error(L, "Matrices should be of the same dimension"); nrow = a->nrow; ncol = a->ncol; c = nerv_float_matrix_(new_)(nrow, ncol); float alpha = 1.0f, beta = 1.0f; cublasSgeam(cublas_handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, ncol, nrow, &alpha, a->data.f, a->stride / sizeof(float), &beta, b->data.f, b->stride / sizeof(float), c->data.f, c->stride / sizeof(float)); luaT_pushudata(L, c, nerv_float_matrix_(tname)); return 1; } static int nerv_float_matrix_(mul)(lua_State *L) { Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_float_matrix_(tname)); Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_float_matrix_(tname)); Matrix *c; if (a->ncol != b->nrow) nerv_error(L, "Wrong dimension of multipliers"); c = nerv_float_matrix_(new_)(a->nrow, b->ncol); float alpha = 1.0f, beta = 0.0f; cublasSgemm(cublas_handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, b->ncol, a->nrow, b->nrow, &alpha, b->data.f, b->stride / sizeof(float), a->data.f, a->stride / sizeof(float), &beta, c->data.f, c->stride / sizeof(float)); luaT_pushudata(L, c, nerv_float_matrix_(tname)); return 1; } static int nerv_float_matrix_(sigmoid)(lua_State *L) { Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_float_matrix_(tname)); Matrix *b = nerv_float_matrix_(new_)(a->nrow, a->ncol); cuda_sigmoid(a, b); luaT_pushudata(L, b, nerv_float_matrix_(tname)); return 1; } static const luaL_Reg nerv_float_matrix_(extra_methods)[] = { {"__add__", nerv_float_matrix_(add)}, {"__mul__", nerv_float_matrix_(mul)}, {"sigmoid", nerv_float_matrix_(sigmoid)}, {NULL, NULL} }; static void cuda_float_init(lua_State *L) { luaN_append_methods(L, nerv_float_matrix_(extra_methods)); cublasCreate(&cublas_handle); } static cuda_float_array_free(float *ptr) { cudaFree(ptr); } static cuda_float_array_alloc(float **dptr, long *stride, long width, long height) { cudaMallocPitch(dptr, stride, width, height); } static float cuda_float_array_read(float *data, int idx) { float res; cudaMemcpy(&res, data + idx, sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); return res; } static void cuda_float_array_write(float *data, int idx, float val) { cudaMemcpy(data + idx, &val, sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); } int nerv_float_matrix_(get_elem)(lua_State *L) { return nerv_error_method_not_implemented(L); } int nerv_float_matrix_(set_elem)(lua_State *L) { return nerv_error_method_not_implemented(L); } #include "generic/matrix.c"