function nerv.ChunkFile:write_chunkdata(metadata, writer) if type(metadata) ~= "table" then nerv.error("metadata should be a Lua table") return end return self:_write_chunkdata(table.tostring(metadata), writer) end function nerv.ChunkFile:write_chunk(chunk) local id = local type = chunk.__typename if id == nil then nerv_error("id of chunk %s must be specified", type) end self:write_chunkdata({id = id, type = type, info = chunk:get_info()}, chunk) end function nerv.ChunkFile:read_chunk(id, global_conf) local metadata = self.metadata[id] if metadata == nil then nerv.error("chunk with id %s does not exist", id) end local chunk_type = nerv.get_type(metadata.type) local chunk = chunk_type(id, global_conf) chunk:set_info( chunk:read(self:get_chunkdata(id)) return chunk end