#The Nerv IO Package# Part of the [Nerv](../README.md) toolkit. ##Description## The main class that the user uses to store and read parameter object to and from files is __nerv.ChunkFile__. In the file, a parameter object will be saved using a standard format. First is the length(in byte) of this object, then a table which includes some meta information of the object, and a data area. Below is an example text file. ``` [0000000000202] {type="nerv.ExampleP",info={message="just-a-try"},id="exampleP1"} 3 3 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000 1 3 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 [0000000000202] {type="nerv.ExampleP",info={message="just-a-try"},id="exampleP2"} 3 3 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 1 3 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 ``` ##Methods## * __ChunkFile ChunkFile(string fn, string mode)__ `mode` can be `r` or `w`, for reading or writing a file. The returned __ChunkFile__ will be ready to write or read objects which follows the __nerv.Param__ interface(using `write_chunk` and `read_chunk`). * __void ChunkFile.write_chunk(ChunkFile self, Param p)__ Write `p` into the file. `p:write` will be called. * __Param ChunkFile.read_chunk(ChunkFile self, string id, table global_conf)__ Read the __Param__ object by id `id` from the file `self`. It will be constructed using `__init(id, global_conf)`. `p:read` will be called. ##Examples## * An example showing how to use __ChunkFile__ to store and read parameter objects. ``` require 'io' do local mt, mpt = nerv.class('nerv.ExampleP', 'nerv.Param') function nerv.ExampleP:__init(id, global_conf) self.id = id self.global_conf = global_conf self.matrix = nerv.MMatrixFloat(3, 3) for i = 0, 2, 1 do for j = 0, 2, 1 do self.matrix[i][j] = 3 end end self.bias = nerv.MMatrixFloat(1, 3) for i = 0, 2, 1 do self.bias[i] = 2; end self:set_info({message = 'just-a-try'}) end function nerv.ExampleP:addOne() for i = 0, 2, 1 do for j = 0, 2, 1 do self.matrix[i][j] = self.matrix[i][j] + 1 end end for i = 0, 2, 1 do self.bias[i] = self.bias[i] + 1 end end function nerv.ExampleP:read(pcdata) self.matrix = nerv.MMatrixFloat.load(pcdata) self.bias = nerv.MMatrixFloat.load(pcdata) end function nerv.ExampleP:write(pfhandle) self.matrix:save(pfhandle) self.bias:save(pfhandle) end end global_conf = {} do local f = nerv.ChunkFile('../tmp', 'w') local exampleP1 = nerv.ExampleP('exampleP1', global_conf) local exampleP2 = nerv.ExampleP('exampleP2', global_conf) exampleP1:addOne() exampleP1:addOne() exampleP2:addOne() f:write_chunk(exampleP1) f:write_chunk(exampleP2) end do local f = nerv.ChunkFile('../tmp', 'r') local exampleP1 = f:read_chunk('exampleP1', global_conf) local exampleP2 = f:read_chunk('exampleP2', global_conf) print(exampleP1.matrix) print(exampleP2.matrix) end ``` ##Developer Notes## * There are four classes in to deal with chunk data, which are __nerv.ChunkFile__, __nerv.ChunkFileHandle__, __nerv.ChunkInfo__, __nerv.ChunkData__. Below is the underlying C structs. ``` typedef struct ChunkFileHandle { FILE *fp; } ChunkFileHandle; typedef struct ChunkInfo { off_t offset, length; } ChunkInfo; typedef struct ChunkData { FILE *fp; char *data; } ChunkData; ``` * In __Nerv.io__, a returned(by `ChunkFile.__init`) __nerv.ChunkFile__ will have a member `handle`, which is a __nerv.ChunkFileHandle__.