#ifndef TNet_MathAux_h #define TNet_MathAux_h #include <cmath> #if !defined(SQR) # define SQR(x) ((x) * (x)) #endif #if !defined(LOG_0) # define LOG_0 (-1.0e10) #endif #if !defined(LOG_MIN) # define LOG_MIN (0.5 * LOG_0) #endif #ifndef DBL_EPSILON #define DBL_EPSILON 2.2204460492503131e-16 #endif #ifndef M_PI # define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 #endif #define M_LOG_2PI 1.8378770664093454835606594728112 #if DOUBLEPRECISION # define FLOAT double # define EPSILON DBL_EPSILON # define FLOAT_FMT "%lg" # define swapFLOAT swap8 # define _ABS fabs # define _COS cos # define _EXP exp # define _LOG log # define _SQRT sqrt #else # define FLOAT float # define EPSILON FLT_EPSILON # define FLOAT_FMT "%g" # define swapFLOAT swap4 # define _ABS fabsf # define _COS cosf # define _EXP expf # define _LOG logf # define _SQRT sqrtf #endif namespace TNet { inline float frand(){ // random between 0 and 1. return (float(rand()) + 1.0f) / (float(RAND_MAX)+2.0f); } inline float gauss_rand(){ return _SQRT( -2.0f * _LOG(frand()) ) * _COS(2.0f*float(M_PI)*frand()); } static const double gMinLogDiff = log(DBL_EPSILON); //*************************************************************************** //*************************************************************************** inline double LogAdd(double x, double y) { double diff; if (x < y) { diff = x - y; x = y; } else { diff = y - x; } double res; if (x >= LOG_MIN) { if (diff >= gMinLogDiff) { res = x + log(1.0 + exp(diff)); } else { res = x; } } else { res = LOG_0; } return res; } //*************************************************************************** //*************************************************************************** inline double LogSub(double x, double y) // returns exp(x) - exp(y). Throws exception if y>=x. { if(y >= x){ if(y==x) return LOG_0; else throw std::runtime_error("LogSub: cannot subtract a larger from a smaller number."); } double diff = y - x; // Will be negative. double res = x + log(1.0 - exp(diff)); if(res != res) // test for res==NaN.. could happen if diff ~0.0, so 1.0-exp(diff) == 0.0 to machine precision. res = LOG_0; return res; } } // namespace TNet #endif