#include <string> #include "base/kaldi-common.h" #include "util/common-utils.h" #include "tree/context-dep.h" #include "hmm/transition-model.h" #include "fstext/fstext-lib.h" #include "decoder/faster-decoder.h" #include "decoder/decodable-matrix.h" #include "lat/kaldi-lattice.h" #include "lat/lattice-functions.h" #include "nnet/nnet-trnopts.h" #include "nnet/nnet-component.h" #include "nnet/nnet-activation.h" #include "nnet/nnet-nnet.h" #include "nnet/nnet-pdf-prior.h" #include "nnet/nnet-utils.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "cudamatrix/cu-device.h" #include <iomanip> typedef kaldi::BaseFloat BaseFloat; typedef struct Matrix NervMatrix; namespace kaldi{ namespace nnet1{ void LatticeAcousticRescore(const kaldi::Matrix<BaseFloat> &log_like, const TransitionModel &trans_model, const std::vector<int32> &state_times, Lattice *lat); } } extern "C" { #include "kaldi_mmi.h" #include "string.h" #include "assert.h" #include "nerv/lib/common.h" #include "nerv/lib/matrix/mmatrix.h" extern NervMatrix *nerv_matrix_host_float_create(long nrow, long ncol, MContext *context, Status *status); extern void nerv_matrix_host_float_copy_fromd(NervMatrix *mat, const NervMatrix *cumat, int, int, int, Status *); using namespace kaldi; using namespace kaldi::nnet1; typedef kaldi::int32 int32; struct KaldiMMI { TransitionModel *trans_model; RandomAccessLatticeReader *den_lat_reader; RandomAccessInt32VectorReader *ref_ali_reader; Lattice den_lat; vector<int32> state_times; PdfPriorOptions *prior_opts; PdfPrior *log_prior; std::vector<int32> ref_ali; Timer *time; double time_now; int32 num_done, num_no_ref_ali, num_no_den_lat, num_other_error; int32 num_frm_drop; kaldi::int64 total_frames; double lat_like; // total likelihood of the lattice double lat_ac_like; // acoustic likelihood weighted by posterior. double total_mmi_obj, mmi_obj; double total_post_on_ali, post_on_ali; int32 num_frames; bool binary; BaseFloat acoustic_scale, lm_scale, old_acoustic_scale; kaldi::int32 max_frames; bool drop_frames; std::string use_gpu; }; KaldiMMI * new_KaldiMMI(const char* arg, const char* mdl, const char* lat, const char* ali) { KaldiMMI * mmi = new KaldiMMI; const char *usage = "Perform one iteration of DNN-MMI training by stochastic " "gradient descent.\n" "The network weights are updated on each utterance.\n" "Usage: nnet-train-mmi-sequential [options] <model-in> <transition-model-in> " "<feature-rspecifier> <den-lat-rspecifier> <ali-rspecifier> [<model-out>]\n" "e.g.: \n" " nnet-train-mmi-sequential nnet.init trans.mdl scp:train.scp scp:denlats.scp ark:train.ali " "nnet.iter1\n"; ParseOptions po(usage); NnetTrainOptions trn_opts; trn_opts.learn_rate=0.00001; trn_opts.Register(&po); mmi->binary = true; po.Register("binary", &(mmi->binary), "Write output in binary mode"); std::string feature_transform; po.Register("feature-transform", &feature_transform, "Feature transform in Nnet format"); mmi->prior_opts = new PdfPriorOptions; PdfPriorOptions &prior_opts = *(mmi->prior_opts); prior_opts.Register(&po); mmi->acoustic_scale = 1.0, mmi->lm_scale = 1.0, mmi->old_acoustic_scale = 0.0; po.Register("acoustic-scale", &(mmi->acoustic_scale), "Scaling factor for acoustic likelihoods"); po.Register("lm-scale", &(mmi->lm_scale), "Scaling factor for \"graph costs\" (including LM costs)"); po.Register("old-acoustic-scale", &(mmi->old_acoustic_scale), "Add in the scores in the input lattices with this scale, rather " "than discarding them."); mmi->max_frames = 6000; // Allow segments maximum of one minute by default po.Register("max-frames",&(mmi->max_frames), "Maximum number of frames a segment can have to be processed"); mmi->drop_frames = true; po.Register("drop-frames", &(mmi->drop_frames), "Drop frames, where is zero den-posterior under numerator path " "(ie. path not in lattice)"); mmi->use_gpu=std::string("yes"); po.Register("use-gpu", &(mmi->use_gpu), "yes|no|optional, only has effect if compiled with CUDA"); int narg = 0; char args[64][1024]; char *token; char *saveptr = NULL; char tmpstr[1024]; strcpy(tmpstr, arg); strcpy(args[0], "nnet-train-mmi-sequential"); for(narg = 1, token = strtok_r(tmpstr, " ", &saveptr); token; token = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &saveptr)) strcpy(args[narg++], token); strcpy(args[narg++], "0.nnet"); strcpy(args[narg++], mdl); strcpy(args[narg++], "feat"); strcpy(args[narg++], lat); strcpy(args[narg++], ali); strcpy(args[narg++], "1.nnet"); char **argsv = new char*[narg]; for(int _i = 0; _i < narg; _i++) argsv[_i] = args[_i]; po.Read(narg, argsv); delete [] argsv; if (po.NumArgs() != 6) { po.PrintUsage(); exit(1); } std::string transition_model_filename = po.GetArg(2), den_lat_rspecifier = po.GetArg(4), ref_ali_rspecifier = po.GetArg(5); // Select the GPU #if HAVE_CUDA == 1 CuDevice::Instantiate().SelectGpuId(mmi->use_gpu); #endif // Read the class-frame-counts, compute priors mmi->log_prior = new PdfPrior(prior_opts); // Read transition model mmi->trans_model = new TransitionModel; ReadKaldiObject(transition_model_filename, mmi->trans_model); mmi->den_lat_reader = new RandomAccessLatticeReader(den_lat_rspecifier); mmi->ref_ali_reader = new RandomAccessInt32VectorReader(ref_ali_rspecifier); if (mmi->drop_frames) { KALDI_LOG << "--drop-frames=true :" " we will zero gradient for frames with total den/num mismatch." " The mismatch is likely to be caused by missing correct path " " from den-lattice due wrong annotation or search error." " Leaving such frames out stabilizes the training."; } mmi->time = new Timer; mmi->time_now = 0; mmi->num_done =0; mmi->num_no_ref_ali = 0; mmi->num_no_den_lat = 0; mmi->num_other_error = 0; mmi->total_frames = 0; mmi->num_frm_drop = 0; mmi->total_mmi_obj = 0.0, mmi->mmi_obj = 0.0; mmi->total_post_on_ali = 0.0, mmi->post_on_ali = 0.0; return mmi; } void destroy_KaldiMMI(KaldiMMI *mmi) { delete mmi->trans_model; delete mmi->den_lat_reader; delete mmi->ref_ali_reader; delete mmi->time; delete mmi->prior_opts; delete mmi->log_prior; } int check_mmi(KaldiMMI *mmi, const NervMatrix* mat, const char *key) { std::string utt(key); if (!mmi->den_lat_reader->HasKey(utt)) { KALDI_WARN << "Utterance " << utt << ": found no lattice."; mmi->num_no_den_lat++; return 0; } if (!mmi->ref_ali_reader->HasKey(utt)) { KALDI_WARN << "Utterance " << utt << ": found no reference alignment."; mmi->num_no_ref_ali++; return 0; } assert(sizeof(BaseFloat) == sizeof(float)); // 1) get the features, numerator alignment mmi->ref_ali = mmi->ref_ali_reader->Value(utt); long mat_nrow = mat->nrow, mat_ncol = mat->ncol; // check for temporal length of numerator alignments if (static_cast<MatrixIndexT>(mmi->ref_ali.size()) != mat_nrow) { KALDI_WARN << "Numerator alignment has wrong length " << mmi->ref_ali.size() << " vs. "<< mat_nrow; mmi->num_other_error++; return 0; } if (mat_nrow > mmi->max_frames) { KALDI_WARN << "Utterance " << utt << ": Skipped because it has " << mat_nrow << " frames, which is more than " << mmi->max_frames << "."; mmi->num_other_error++; return 0; } // 2) get the denominator lattice, preprocess mmi->den_lat = mmi->den_lat_reader->Value(utt); Lattice &den_lat = mmi->den_lat; if (den_lat.Start() == -1) { KALDI_WARN << "Empty lattice for utt " << utt; mmi->num_other_error++; return 0; } if (mmi->old_acoustic_scale != 1.0) { fst::ScaleLattice(fst::AcousticLatticeScale(mmi->old_acoustic_scale), &den_lat); } // optional sort it topologically kaldi::uint64 props = den_lat.Properties(fst::kFstProperties, false); if (!(props & fst::kTopSorted)) { if (fst::TopSort(&den_lat) == false) KALDI_ERR << "Cycles detected in lattice."; } // get the lattice length and times of states mmi->state_times.clear(); vector<int32> &state_times = mmi->state_times; int32 max_time = kaldi::LatticeStateTimes(den_lat, &state_times); // check for temporal length of denominator lattices if (max_time != mat_nrow) { KALDI_WARN << "Denominator lattice has wrong length " << max_time << " vs. " << mat_nrow; mmi->num_other_error++; return 0; } return 1; } NervMatrix * calc_diff_mmi(KaldiMMI * mmi, NervMatrix * mat, const char * key) { std::string utt(key); assert(sizeof(BaseFloat) == sizeof(float)); kaldi::Matrix<BaseFloat> nnet_out_h, nnet_diff_h; nnet_out_h.Resize(mat->nrow, mat->ncol, kUndefined); size_t stride = mat->stride; for (int i = 0; i < mat->nrow; i++) { const BaseFloat *nerv_row = (BaseFloat *)((char *)mat->data.f + i * stride); BaseFloat *row = nnet_out_h.RowData(i); memmove(row, nerv_row, sizeof(BaseFloat) * mat->ncol); } mmi->num_frames = nnet_out_h.NumRows(); PdfPriorOptions &prior_opts = *(mmi->prior_opts); if (prior_opts.class_frame_counts != "") { CuMatrix<BaseFloat> nnet_out; nnet_out.Resize(mat->nrow, mat->ncol, kUndefined); nnet_out.CopyFromMat(nnet_out_h); mmi->log_prior->SubtractOnLogpost(&nnet_out); nnet_out.CopyToMat(&nnet_out_h); nnet_out.Resize(0,0); } // 4) rescore the latice LatticeAcousticRescore(nnet_out_h, *(mmi->trans_model), mmi->state_times, &(mmi->den_lat)); if (mmi->acoustic_scale != 1.0 || mmi->lm_scale != 1.0) fst::ScaleLattice(fst::LatticeScale(mmi->lm_scale, mmi->acoustic_scale), &(mmi->den_lat)); kaldi::Posterior post; mmi->lat_like = kaldi::LatticeForwardBackward(mmi->den_lat, &post, &(mmi->lat_ac_like)); nnet_diff_h.Resize(mat->nrow, mat->ncol, kSetZero); for (int32 t = 0; t < post.size(); t++) { for (int32 arc = 0; arc < post[t].size(); arc++) { int32 pdf = mmi->trans_model->TransitionIdToPdf(post[t][arc].first); nnet_diff_h(t, pdf) += post[t][arc].second; } } double path_ac_like = 0.0; for(int32 t=0; t<mmi->num_frames; t++) { int32 pdf = mmi->trans_model->TransitionIdToPdf(mmi->ref_ali[t]); path_ac_like += nnet_out_h(t,pdf); } path_ac_like *= mmi->acoustic_scale; mmi->mmi_obj = path_ac_like - mmi->lat_like; mmi->post_on_ali = 0.0; for(int32 t=0; t<mmi->num_frames; t++) { int32 pdf = mmi->trans_model->TransitionIdToPdf(mmi->ref_ali[t]); double posterior = nnet_diff_h(t, pdf); mmi->post_on_ali += posterior; } KALDI_VLOG(1) << "Lattice #" << mmi->num_done + 1 << " processed" << " (" << utt << "): found " << mmi->den_lat.NumStates() << " states and " << fst::NumArcs(mmi->den_lat) << " arcs."; KALDI_VLOG(1) << "Utterance " << utt << ": Average MMI obj. value = " << (mmi->mmi_obj/mmi->num_frames) << " over " << mmi->num_frames << " frames," << " (Avg. den-posterior on ali " << mmi->post_on_ali/mmi->num_frames << ")"; // 7a) Search for the frames with num/den mismatch int32 frm_drop = 0; std::vector<int32> frm_drop_vec; for(int32 t=0; t<mmi->num_frames; t++) { int32 pdf = mmi->trans_model->TransitionIdToPdf(mmi->ref_ali[t]); double posterior = nnet_diff_h(t, pdf); if(posterior < 1e-20) { frm_drop++; frm_drop_vec.push_back(t); } } // 8) subtract the pdf-Viterbi-path for(int32 t=0; t<nnet_diff_h.NumRows(); t++) { int32 pdf = mmi->trans_model->TransitionIdToPdf(mmi->ref_ali[t]); nnet_diff_h(t, pdf) -= 1.0; } // 9) Drop mismatched frames from the training by zeroing the derivative if(mmi->drop_frames) { for(int32 i=0; i<frm_drop_vec.size(); i++) { nnet_diff_h.Row(frm_drop_vec[i]).Set(0.0); } mmi->num_frm_drop += frm_drop; } // Report the frame dropping if (frm_drop > 0) { std::stringstream ss; ss << (mmi->drop_frames?"Dropped":"[dropping disabled] Would drop") << " frames in " << utt << " " << frm_drop << "/" << mmi->num_frames << ","; //get frame intervals from vec frm_drop_vec ss << " intervals :"; //search for streaks of consecutive numbers: int32 beg_streak=frm_drop_vec[0]; int32 len_streak=0; int32 i; for(i=0; i<frm_drop_vec.size(); i++,len_streak++) { if(beg_streak + len_streak != frm_drop_vec[i]) { ss << " " << beg_streak << ".." << frm_drop_vec[i-1] << "frm"; beg_streak = frm_drop_vec[i]; len_streak = 0; } } ss << " " << beg_streak << ".." << frm_drop_vec[i-1] << "frm"; //print KALDI_WARN << ss.str(); } assert(mat->nrow == nnet_diff_h.NumRows() && mat->ncol == nnet_diff_h.NumCols()); stride = mat->stride; for (int i = 0; i < mat->nrow; i++) { const BaseFloat *row = nnet_diff_h.RowData(i); BaseFloat *nerv_row = (BaseFloat *)((char *)mat->data.f + i * stride); memmove(nerv_row, row, sizeof(BaseFloat) * mat->ncol); } nnet_diff_h.Resize(0,0); // increase time counter mmi->total_mmi_obj += mmi->mmi_obj; mmi->total_post_on_ali += mmi->post_on_ali; mmi->total_frames += mmi->num_frames; mmi->num_done++; if (mmi->num_done % 100 == 0) { mmi->time_now = mmi->time->Elapsed(); KALDI_VLOG(1) << "After " << mmi->num_done << " utterances: time elapsed = " << mmi->time_now/60 << " min; processed " << mmi->total_frames/mmi->time_now << " frames per second."; #if HAVE_CUDA==1 // check the GPU is not overheated CuDevice::Instantiate().CheckGpuHealth(); #endif } return mat; } double get_num_frames_mmi(const KaldiMMI *mmi) { return (double)mmi->num_frames; } }