#!/usr/bin/env perl # Copyright 2010-2012 Microsoft Corporation Johns Hopkins University (Author: Daniel Povey) # Apache 2.0. undef $field_begin; undef $field_end; if ($ARGV[0] eq "-f") { shift @ARGV; $field_spec = shift @ARGV; if ($field_spec =~ m/^\d+$/) { $field_begin = $field_spec - 1; $field_end = $field_spec - 1; } if ($field_spec =~ m/^(\d*)[-:](\d*)/) { # accept e.g. 1:10 as a courtesty (properly, 1-10) if ($1 ne "") { $field_begin = $1 - 1; # Change to zero-based indexing. } if ($2 ne "") { $field_end = $2 - 1; # Change to zero-based indexing. } } if (!defined $field_begin && !defined $field_end) { die "Bad argument to -f option: $field_spec"; } } $symtab = shift @ARGV; if(!defined $symtab) { print STDERR "Usage: sym2int.pl [options] symtab [input] > output\n" . "options: [-f (|-)]\n" . "e.g.: -f 2, or -f 3-4\n"; exit(1); } open(F, "<$symtab") || die "Error opening symbol table file $symtab"; while() { @A = split(" ", $_); @A == 2 || die "bad line in symbol table file: $_"; $int2sym{$A[1]} = $A[0]; } sub int2sym { my $a = shift @_; my $pos = shift @_; if($a !~ m:^\d+$:) { # not all digits.. $pos1 = $pos+1; # make it one-based. die "int2sym.pl: found noninteger token $a [in position $pos1]\n"; } $s = $int2sym{$a}; if(!defined ($s)) { die "int2sym.pl: integer $a not in symbol table $symtab."; } return $s; } $error = 0; while (<>) { @A = split(" ", $_); for ($pos = 0; $pos <= $#A; $pos++) { $a = $A[$pos]; if ( (!defined $field_begin || $pos >= $field_begin) && (!defined $field_end || $pos <= $field_end)) { $a = int2sym($a, $pos); } print $a . " "; } print "\n"; }