#!/usr/bin/env node import { registerFont } from "canvas"; //registerFont("./ocr-a-ext.ttf", { family: "OCR A Extended" }); import { discover, HAPTIC } from "loupedeck"; import { readFile } from "fs/promises"; import { parse } from "yaml"; import { sendCommand } from "./xplane.mjs"; const labelFont = "OCR A Extended"; const labelSize = 22; const pages = parse(await readFile("./profile.yaml", "utf8")); // state of the controller let currentPage = pages[0].hasOwnProperty("default") ? pages[0].default : 1; let pressed = new Set(); let highlighted = new Set(); // detects and opens first connected device const device = await discover(); const isNumber = (x) => { return !isNaN(x); }; const isObject = (obj) => { return obj != null && obj.constructor.name === "Object"; }; const takeAction = (labeled, type, haptics) => { if (!isObject(labeled)) { return; } let actionSpec = labeled[type]; if (actionSpec === undefined) { return; } if (actionSpec.hasOwnProperty("xplane_cmd")) { sendCommand(actionSpec.xplane_cmd); } if (haptics) { device.vibrate(HAPTIC.REV_FASTEST); } }; const getKeyInfo = (i) => { if (!pages[currentPage].hasOwnProperty("keys")) { return null; } const keys = pages[currentPage].keys; if (Array.isArray(keys) && i < keys.length) { return keys[i]; } return null; }; const rectifyLabel = (label) => { let text; let text2 = null; let font2 = null; let size = labelSize; if (isObject(label)) { text = label.text; if (label.hasOwnProperty("size")) { size = label.size; } if (label.hasOwnProperty("text2")) { text2 = label.text2; font2 = `${size * 0.9}px '${labelFont}'`; } } else { text = label.toString(); } let font = `${size}px '${labelFont}'`; return { text, text2, font, font2 }; }; const drawKey = (key, label, down) => { device.drawKey(key, (c) => { const padding = 10; const bg = down ? "white" : "black"; const fg = down ? "black" : "white"; const w = c.canvas.width; const h = c.canvas.height; // draw background c.fillStyle = bg; c.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); c.fillStyle = fg; c.lineWidth = 2; c.strokeStyle = fg; c.strokeRect(padding, padding, w - padding * 2, h - padding * 2); if (label) { const { text, text2, font, font2 } = rectifyLabel(label); // draw the label c.font = font; const m1 = c.measureText(text); const x1 = (w - m1.width) / 2; if (text2 != null) { const m2 = c.measureText(text2); const h1 = m1.actualBoundingBoxAscent - m1.actualBoundingBoxDescent; const h2 = m2.actualBoundingBoxAscent - m2.actualBoundingBoxDescent; const sep = h1; const y1 = h / 2 + h1 / 2 - sep; const x2 = (w - m2.width) / 2; const y2 = y1 + h1 / 2 + sep + h2 / 2; c.fillText(text, x1, y1); c.font = font2; c.fillText(text2, x2, y2); } else { const y1 = h / 2 + (m1.actualBoundingBoxAscent - m1.actualBoundingBoxDescent) / 2; c.fillText(text, x1, y1); } } }); }; const drawSideKnobs = (side, labels, highlight) => { device.drawScreen(side, (c) => { const light = pages[currentPage].hasOwnProperty("color") ? pages[currentPage].color : "white"; if (!highlight) { highlight = [false, false, false]; } for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const hl = highlight[i]; const y_offset = (i * c.canvas.height) / 3; const x_padding = 8; const y_padding = 3; const bg = hl ? light : "black"; const fg = hl ? "black" : light; const w = c.canvas.width; const h = c.canvas.height / 3; c.fillStyle = bg; c.fillRect(0, y_offset, w, h); c.fillStyle = fg; c.lineWidth = 2; c.strokeStyle = fg; c.strokeRect( x_padding, y_padding + y_offset, w - x_padding * 2, h - y_padding * 2, ); if (labels && labels.length > i) { const { text, font } = rectifyLabel(labels[i]); c.font = font; const { width, actualBoundingBoxAscent, actualBoundingBoxDescent, } = c.measureText(text); const x_axis = (h - width) / 2; const y_axis = w / 2 + (actualBoundingBoxAscent - actualBoundingBoxDescent) / 2; c.rotate((90 * Math.PI) / 180); c.fillStyle = hl ? "black" : "white"; c.fillText(text, x_axis + y_offset, -(w - y_axis)); c.resetTransform(); } } }); }; const loadPage = (page) => { const { left, right, keys } = page || {}; if (!left) { return; } drawSideKnobs("left", left); drawSideKnobs("right", right); for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) { drawKey( i, Array.isArray(keys) && keys.length > i ? keys[i] : null, false, ); } }; // Observe connect events device.on("connect", async () => { console.info("connected"); for (let i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) { const color = pages[i].hasOwnProperty("color") ? pages[i].color : "white"; await device.setButtonColor({ id: i, color: pages[i].color }); } loadPage(pages[currentPage]); }); const handleKnobEvent = (id) => { const { left, right } = pages[currentPage] || {}; let pos = { T: 0, C: 1, B: 2 }[id.substring(4, 5)]; let side = { L: ["left", left], R: ["right", right] }[id.substring(5, 6)]; if ((side[0] == "left" && !left) || (side[0] == "right" && !right)) { return; } let mask = [false, false, false]; mask[pos] = true; drawSideKnobs(side[0], side[1], mask); if (!highlighted.has(id)) { highlighted.add(id); setTimeout(() => { drawSideKnobs(side[0], side[1], [false, false, false]); highlighted.delete(id); }, 200); } return side[1][pos]; }; // React to button presses device.on("down", ({ id }) => { if (isNumber(id)) { if (id >= pages.length) { return; } console.info(`switch to page: ${id}`); currentPage = id; loadPage(pages[currentPage]); } else { takeAction(handleKnobEvent(id), "pressed", false); } }); // React to knob turns device.on("rotate", ({ id, delta }) => { takeAction(handleKnobEvent(id), delta > 0 ? "inc" : "dec", false); }); const clearStaleButton = (touches) => { const s = new Set( touches.map((o) => o.target.key).filter((k) => k !== undefined), ); for (const k of pressed.keys()) { if (!s.has(k)) { const key = getKeyInfo(k); if (key) { drawKey(k, key, false); } pressed.delete(k); } } }; device.on("touchstart", ({ changedTouches, touches }) => { clearStaleButton(changedTouches); const target = changedTouches[0].target; if (target.key === undefined) { return; } pressed.add(target.key); const key = getKeyInfo(target.key); if (key) { drawKey(target.key, key, true); takeAction(key, "pressed", true); } }); device.on("touchmove", ({ changedTouches, touches }) => { clearStaleButton(changedTouches); }); device.on("touchend", ({ changedTouches, touches }) => { clearStaleButton(changedTouches); const target = changedTouches[0].target; if (target.key === undefined) { return; } pressed.delete(target.key); const key = getKeyInfo(target.key); if (key) { drawKey(target.key, key, false); } }); process.on("SIGINT", () => { device.close().then(() => { process.exit(); }); });