/** * Copyright 2018 VMware * Copyright 2018 Ted Yin * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "salticidae/stream.h" #include "salticidae/util.h" #include "salticidae/network.h" #include "salticidae/msg.h" #include "hotstuff/promise.hpp" #include "hotstuff/type.h" #include "hotstuff/entity.h" #include "hotstuff/util.h" #include "hotstuff/client.h" #include "hotstuff/hotstuff.h" using salticidae::MsgNetwork; using salticidae::ClientNetwork; using salticidae::ElapsedTime; using salticidae::Config; using salticidae::_1; using salticidae::_2; using salticidae::static_pointer_cast; using salticidae::trim_all; using salticidae::split; using hotstuff::TimerEvent; using hotstuff::EventContext; using hotstuff::NetAddr; using hotstuff::HotStuffError; using hotstuff::CommandDummy; using hotstuff::Finality; using hotstuff::command_t; using hotstuff::uint256_t; using hotstuff::opcode_t; using hotstuff::bytearray_t; using hotstuff::DataStream; using hotstuff::ReplicaID; using hotstuff::MsgReqCmd; using hotstuff::MsgRespCmd; using hotstuff::get_hash; using hotstuff::promise_t; using HotStuff = hotstuff::HotStuffSecp256k1; class HotStuffApp: public HotStuff { double stat_period; double impeach_timeout; EventContext ec; /** Network messaging between a replica and its client. */ ClientNetwork cn; /** Timer object to schedule a periodic printing of system statistics */ TimerEvent ev_stat_timer; /** Timer object to monitor the progress for simple impeachment */ TimerEvent impeach_timer; /** The listen address for client RPC */ NetAddr clisten_addr; std::unordered_map unconfirmed; using conn_t = ClientNetwork::conn_t; void client_request_cmd_handler(MsgReqCmd &&, const conn_t &); static command_t parse_cmd(DataStream &s) { auto cmd = new CommandDummy(); s >> *cmd; return cmd; } void reset_imp_timer() { impeach_timer.del(); impeach_timer.add(impeach_timeout); } void state_machine_execute(const Finality &fin) override { reset_imp_timer(); #ifndef HOTSTUFF_ENABLE_BENCHMARK HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("replicated %s", std::string(fin).c_str()); #endif auto it = unconfirmed.find(fin.cmd_hash); if (it != unconfirmed.end()) { it->second.resolve(fin); unconfirmed.erase(it); } } public: HotStuffApp(uint32_t blk_size, double stat_period, double impeach_timeout, ReplicaID idx, const bytearray_t &raw_privkey, NetAddr plisten_addr, NetAddr clisten_addr, hotstuff::pacemaker_bt pmaker, const EventContext &ec, size_t nworker); void start(); }; std::pair split_ip_port_cport(const std::string &s) { auto ret = trim_all(split(s, ";")); if (ret.size() != 2) throw std::invalid_argument("invalid cport format"); return std::make_pair(ret[0], ret[1]); } salticidae::BoxObj papp = nullptr; int main(int argc, char **argv) { Config config("hotstuff.conf"); ElapsedTime elapsed; elapsed.start(); auto opt_blk_size = Config::OptValInt::create(1); auto opt_parent_limit = Config::OptValInt::create(-1); auto opt_stat_period = Config::OptValDouble::create(10); auto opt_replicas = Config::OptValStrVec::create(); auto opt_idx = Config::OptValInt::create(0); auto opt_client_port = Config::OptValInt::create(-1); auto opt_privkey = Config::OptValStr::create(); auto opt_help = Config::OptValFlag::create(false); auto opt_pace_maker = Config::OptValStr::create("dummy"); auto opt_fixed_proposer = Config::OptValInt::create(1); auto opt_qc_timeout = Config::OptValDouble::create(0.5); auto opt_imp_timeout = Config::OptValDouble::create(11); auto opt_nworker = Config::OptValInt::create(4); config.add_opt("block-size", opt_blk_size, Config::SET_VAL); config.add_opt("parent-limit", opt_parent_limit, Config::SET_VAL); config.add_opt("stat-period", opt_stat_period, Config::SET_VAL); config.add_opt("replica", opt_replicas, Config::APPEND, 'a', "add an replica to the list"); config.add_opt("idx", opt_idx, Config::SET_VAL, 'i', "specify the index in the replica list"); config.add_opt("cport", opt_client_port, Config::SET_VAL, 'c', "specify the port listening for clients"); config.add_opt("privkey", opt_privkey, Config::SET_VAL); config.add_opt("pace-maker", opt_pace_maker, Config::SET_VAL, 'p', "specify pace maker (sticky, dummy)"); config.add_opt("proposer", opt_fixed_proposer, Config::SET_VAL, 'l', "set the fixed proposer (for dummy)"); config.add_opt("qc-timeout", opt_qc_timeout, Config::SET_VAL, 't', "set QC timeout (for sticky)"); config.add_opt("imp-timeout", opt_imp_timeout, Config::SET_VAL, 'u', "set impeachment timeout (for sticky)"); config.add_opt("nworker", opt_nworker, Config::SET_VAL, 'n', "the number of threads for verification"); config.add_opt("help", opt_help, Config::SWITCH_ON, 'h', "show this help info"); EventContext ec; config.parse(argc, argv); if (opt_help->get()) { config.print_help(); exit(0); } auto idx = opt_idx->get(); auto client_port = opt_client_port->get(); std::vector> replicas; for (const auto &s: opt_replicas->get()) { auto res = trim_all(split(s, ",")); if (res.size() != 2) throw HotStuffError("invalid replica info"); replicas.push_back(std::make_pair(res[0], res[1])); } if (!(0 <= idx && (size_t)idx < replicas.size())) throw HotStuffError("replica idx out of range"); std::string binding_addr = replicas[idx].first; if (client_port == -1) { auto p = split_ip_port_cport(binding_addr); size_t idx; try { client_port = stoi(p.second, &idx); } catch (std::invalid_argument &) { throw HotStuffError("client port not specified"); } } NetAddr plisten_addr{split_ip_port_cport(binding_addr).first}; auto parent_limit = opt_parent_limit->get(); hotstuff::pacemaker_bt pmaker; if (opt_pace_maker->get() == "sticky") pmaker = new hotstuff::PaceMakerSticky(parent_limit, opt_qc_timeout->get(), ec); else if (opt_pace_maker->get() == "rr") pmaker = new hotstuff::PaceMakerRR(parent_limit, opt_qc_timeout->get(), ec); else pmaker = new hotstuff::PaceMakerDummyFixed(opt_fixed_proposer->get(), parent_limit); papp = new HotStuffApp(opt_blk_size->get(), opt_stat_period->get(), opt_imp_timeout->get(), idx, hotstuff::from_hex(opt_privkey->get()), plisten_addr, NetAddr("", client_port), std::move(pmaker), ec, opt_nworker->get()); for (size_t i = 0; i < replicas.size(); i++) { auto p = split_ip_port_cport(replicas[i].first); papp->add_replica(i, NetAddr(p.first), hotstuff::from_hex(replicas[i].second)); } auto shutdown = [&](int) { ec.stop(); }; salticidae::SigEvent ev_sigint(ec, shutdown); salticidae::SigEvent ev_sigterm(ec, shutdown); ev_sigint.add(SIGINT); ev_sigterm.add(SIGTERM); papp->start(); elapsed.stop(true); return 0; } HotStuffApp::HotStuffApp(uint32_t blk_size, double stat_period, double impeach_timeout, ReplicaID idx, const bytearray_t &raw_privkey, NetAddr plisten_addr, NetAddr clisten_addr, hotstuff::pacemaker_bt pmaker, const EventContext &ec, size_t nworker): HotStuff(blk_size, idx, raw_privkey, plisten_addr, std::move(pmaker), ec, nworker), stat_period(stat_period), impeach_timeout(impeach_timeout), ec(ec), cn(ec, ClientNetwork::Config()), clisten_addr(clisten_addr) { /* register the handlers for msg from clients */ cn.reg_handler(salticidae::generic_bind(&HotStuffApp::client_request_cmd_handler, this, _1, _2)); cn.start(); cn.listen(clisten_addr); } void HotStuffApp::client_request_cmd_handler(MsgReqCmd &&msg, const conn_t &conn) { const NetAddr addr = conn->get_addr(); auto cmd = parse_cmd(msg.serialized); const auto &cmd_hash = cmd->get_hash(); std::vector pms; HOTSTUFF_LOG_DEBUG("processing %s", std::string(*cmd).c_str()); // record the data of the command storage->add_cmd(cmd); if (get_pace_maker().get_proposer() == get_id()) exec_command(cmd_hash).then([this, addr](Finality fin) { cn.send_msg(MsgRespCmd(fin), addr); }); else { auto it = unconfirmed.find(cmd_hash); if (it == unconfirmed.end()) it = unconfirmed.insert( std::make_pair(cmd_hash, promise_t([](promise_t &){}))).first; it->second.then([this, addr](const Finality &fin) { cn.send_msg(MsgRespCmd(std::move(fin)), addr); }); } } void HotStuffApp::start() { ev_stat_timer = TimerEvent(ec, [this](TimerEvent &) { HotStuff::print_stat(); //HotStuffCore::prune(100); ev_stat_timer.add(stat_period); }); ev_stat_timer.add(stat_period); impeach_timer = TimerEvent(ec, [this](TimerEvent &) { get_pace_maker().impeach(); reset_imp_timer(); }); impeach_timer.add(impeach_timeout); HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("** starting the system with parameters **"); HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("blk_size = %lu", blk_size); HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("conns = %lu", HotStuff::size()); HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("** starting the event loop..."); HotStuff::start(); /* enter the event main loop */ ec.dispatch(); }