#include "hotstuff/hotstuff.h" using salticidae::static_pointer_cast; #define LOG_INFO HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO #define LOG_DEBUG HOTSTUFF_LOG_DEBUG #define LOG_WARN HOTSTUFF_LOG_WARN namespace hotstuff { void MsgHotStuff::gen_propose(const Proposal &proposal) { DataStream s; set_opcode(PROPOSE); s << proposal; set_payload(std::move(s)); } void MsgHotStuff::parse_propose(Proposal &proposal) const { DataStream(get_payload()) >> proposal; } void MsgHotStuff::gen_vote(const Vote &vote) { DataStream s; set_opcode(VOTE); s << vote; set_payload(std::move(s)); } void MsgHotStuff::parse_vote(Vote &vote) const { DataStream(get_payload()) >> vote; } void MsgHotStuff::gen_qfetchblk(const std::vector &blk_hashes) { DataStream s; set_opcode(QUERY_FETCH_BLK); gen_hash_list(s, blk_hashes); set_payload(std::move(s)); } void MsgHotStuff::parse_qfetchblk(std::vector &blk_hashes) const { DataStream s(get_payload()); parse_hash_list(s, blk_hashes); } void MsgHotStuff::gen_rfetchblk(const std::vector &blks) { DataStream s; set_opcode(RESP_FETCH_BLK); s << htole((uint32_t)blks.size()); for (auto blk: blks) s << *blk; set_payload(std::move(s)); } void MsgHotStuff::parse_rfetchblk(std::vector &blks, HotStuffCore *hsc) const { DataStream s; uint32_t size; s >> size; size = letoh(size); blks.resize(size); for (auto &blk: blks) { Block _blk; _blk.unserialize(s, hsc); if (!_blk.verify(hsc->get_config())) blk = hsc->storage->add_blk(std::move(_blk)); else { blk = nullptr; LOG_WARN("block is invalid"); } } } ReplicaID HotStuffBase::add_command(command_t cmd) { ReplicaID proposer = pmaker->get_proposer(); if (proposer != get_id()) return proposer; cmd_pending.push(storage->add_cmd(cmd)); if (cmd_pending.size() >= blk_size) { std::vector cmds; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < blk_size; i++) { cmds.push_back(cmd_pending.front()); cmd_pending.pop(); } pmaker->beat().then([this, cmds = std::move(cmds)]() { on_propose(cmds); }); } return proposer; } void HotStuffBase::add_replica(ReplicaID idx, const NetAddr &addr, pubkey_bt &&pub_key) { HotStuffCore::add_replica(idx, addr, std::move(pub_key)); if (addr != listen_addr) pn.add_peer(addr); } void HotStuffBase::on_fetch_blk(const block_t &blk) { #ifdef HOTSTUFF_ENABLE_TX_PROFILE blk_profiler.get_tx(blk->get_hash()); #endif LOG_DEBUG("fetched %.10s", get_hex(blk->get_hash()).c_str()); part_fetched++; fetched++; for (auto cmd: blk->get_cmds()) on_fetch_cmd(cmd); const uint256_t &blk_hash = blk->get_hash(); auto it = blk_fetch_waiting.find(blk_hash); if (it != blk_fetch_waiting.end()) { it->second.resolve(blk); blk_fetch_waiting.erase(it); } } void HotStuffBase::on_fetch_cmd(const command_t &cmd) { const uint256_t &cmd_hash = cmd->get_hash(); auto it = cmd_fetch_waiting.find(cmd_hash); if (it != cmd_fetch_waiting.end()) { it->second.resolve(cmd); cmd_fetch_waiting.erase(it); } } void HotStuffBase::on_deliver_blk(const block_t &blk) { const uint256_t &blk_hash = blk->get_hash(); bool valid; /* sanity check: all parents must be delivered */ for (const auto &p: blk->get_parent_hashes()) assert(storage->is_blk_delivered(p)); if ((valid = HotStuffCore::on_deliver_blk(blk))) { LOG_DEBUG("block %.10s delivered", get_hex(blk_hash).c_str()); part_parent_size += blk->get_parent_hashes().size(); part_delivered++; delivered++; } else { LOG_WARN("dropping invalid block"); } auto it = blk_delivery_waiting.find(blk_hash); if (it != blk_delivery_waiting.end()) { auto &pm = it->second; if (valid) { pm.elapsed.stop(false); auto sec = pm.elapsed.elapsed_sec; part_delivery_time += sec; part_delivery_time_min = std::min(part_delivery_time_min, sec); part_delivery_time_max = std::max(part_delivery_time_max, sec); pm.resolve(blk); } else { pm.reject(blk); // TODO: do we need to also free it from storage? } blk_delivery_waiting.erase(it); } } promise_t HotStuffBase::async_fetch_blk(const uint256_t &blk_hash, const NetAddr *replica_id, bool fetch_now) { if (storage->is_blk_fetched(blk_hash)) return promise_t([this, &blk_hash](promise_t pm){ pm.resolve(storage->find_blk(blk_hash)); }); auto it = blk_fetch_waiting.find(blk_hash); if (it == blk_fetch_waiting.end()) { #ifdef HOTSTUFF_ENABLE_TX_PROFILE blk_profiler.rec_tx(blk_hash, false); #endif it = blk_fetch_waiting.insert( std::make_pair( blk_hash, BlockFetchContext(blk_hash, this))).first; } if (replica_id != nullptr) it->second.add_replica(*replica_id, fetch_now); return static_cast(it->second); } promise_t HotStuffBase::async_fetch_cmd(const uint256_t &cmd_hash, const NetAddr *replica_id, bool fetch_now) { if (storage->is_cmd_fetched(cmd_hash)) return promise_t([this, &cmd_hash](promise_t pm){ pm.resolve(storage->find_cmd(cmd_hash)); }); auto it = cmd_fetch_waiting.find(cmd_hash); if (it == cmd_fetch_waiting.end()) { it = cmd_fetch_waiting.insert( std::make_pair(cmd_hash, CmdFetchContext(cmd_hash, this))).first; } if (replica_id != nullptr) it->second.add_replica(*replica_id, fetch_now); return static_cast(it->second); } promise_t HotStuffBase::async_deliver_blk(const uint256_t &blk_hash, const NetAddr &replica_id) { if (storage->is_blk_delivered(blk_hash)) return promise_t([this, &blk_hash](promise_t pm) { pm.resolve(storage->find_blk(blk_hash)); }); auto it = blk_delivery_waiting.find(blk_hash); if (it != blk_delivery_waiting.end()) return static_cast(it->second); BlockDeliveryContext pm{[](promise_t){}}; it = blk_delivery_waiting.insert(std::make_pair(blk_hash, pm)).first; /* otherwise the on_deliver_batch will resolve */ async_fetch_blk(blk_hash, &replica_id).then([this, replica_id](block_t blk) { /* qc_ref should be fetched */ std::vector pms; const auto &qc = blk->get_qc(); if (qc) pms.push_back(async_fetch_blk(qc->get_blk_hash(), &replica_id)); /* the parents should be delivered */ for (const auto &phash: blk->get_parent_hashes()) pms.push_back(async_deliver_blk(phash, replica_id)); promise::all(pms).then([this, blk]() { on_deliver_blk(blk); }); }); return static_cast(pm); } void HotStuffBase::propose_handler(const MsgHotStuff &msg, conn_t conn_) { auto conn = static_pointer_cast::Conn>(conn_); const NetAddr &peer = conn->get_peer(); Proposal prop(this); msg.parse_propose(prop); block_t blk = prop.blk; promise::all(std::vector{ async_deliver_blk(prop.bqc_hash, peer), async_deliver_blk(blk->get_hash(), peer), }).then([this, prop = std::move(prop)]() { on_receive_proposal(prop); }); } void HotStuffBase::vote_handler(const MsgHotStuff &msg, conn_t conn_) { auto conn = static_pointer_cast::Conn>(conn_); const NetAddr &peer = conn->get_peer(); Vote vote(this); msg.parse_vote(vote); promise::all(std::vector{ async_deliver_blk(vote.bqc_hash, peer), async_deliver_blk(vote.blk_hash, peer) }).then([this, vote = std::move(vote)]() { on_receive_vote(vote); }); } void HotStuffBase::query_fetch_blk_handler(const MsgHotStuff &msg, conn_t conn_) { auto conn = static_pointer_cast::Conn>(conn_); const NetAddr replica = conn->get_peer(); std::vector blk_hashes; msg.parse_qfetchblk(blk_hashes); std::vector pms; for (const auto &h: blk_hashes) pms.push_back(async_fetch_blk(h, nullptr)); promise::all(pms).then([replica, this](const promise::values_t values) { MsgHotStuff resp; std::vector blks; for (auto &v: values) { auto blk = promise::any_cast(v); blks.push_back(blk); } resp.gen_rfetchblk(blks); pn.send_msg(resp, replica); }); } void HotStuffBase::resp_fetch_blk_handler(const MsgHotStuff &msg, conn_t) { std::vector blks; msg.parse_rfetchblk(blks, this); for (const auto &blk: blks) if (blk) on_fetch_blk(blk); } void HotStuffBase::print_stat() const { LOG_INFO("===== begin stats ====="); LOG_INFO("-------- queues -------"); LOG_INFO("blk_fetch_waiting: %lu", blk_fetch_waiting.size()); LOG_INFO("blk_delivery_waiting: %lu", blk_delivery_waiting.size()); LOG_INFO("cmd_fetch_waiting: %lu", cmd_fetch_waiting.size()); LOG_INFO("decision_waiting: %lu", decision_waiting.size()); LOG_INFO("-------- misc ---------"); LOG_INFO("fetched: %lu", fetched); LOG_INFO("delivered: %lu", delivered); LOG_INFO("cmd_cache: %lu", storage->get_cmd_cache_size()); LOG_INFO("blk_cache: %lu", storage->get_blk_cache_size()); LOG_INFO("------ misc (10s) -----"); LOG_INFO("fetched: %lu", part_fetched); LOG_INFO("delivered: %lu", part_delivered); LOG_INFO("decided: %lu", part_decided); LOG_INFO("gened: %lu", part_gened); LOG_INFO("avg. parent_size: %.3f", part_delivered ? part_parent_size / double(part_delivered) : 0); LOG_INFO("delivery time: %.3f avg, %.3f min, %.3f max", part_delivered ? part_delivery_time / double(part_delivered) : 0, part_delivery_time_min == double_inf ? 0 : part_delivery_time_min, part_delivery_time_max); part_parent_size = 0; part_fetched = 0; part_delivered = 0; part_decided = 0; part_gened = 0; part_delivery_time = 0; part_delivery_time_min = double_inf; part_delivery_time_max = 0; LOG_INFO("-- sent opcode (10s) --"); auto &sent_op = pn.get_sent_by_opcode(); for (auto &op: sent_op) { auto &val = op.second; LOG_INFO("%02x: %lu, %.2fBpm", op.first, val.first, val.first ? val.second / double(val.first) : 0); val.first = val.second = 0; } LOG_INFO("-- recv opcode (10s) --"); auto &recv_op = pn.get_recv_by_opcode(); for (auto &op: recv_op) { auto &val = op.second; LOG_INFO("%02x: %lu, %.2fBpm", op.first, val.first, val.first ? val.second / double(val.first) : 0); val.first = val.second = 0; } LOG_INFO("--- replica msg. (10s) ---"); size_t _nsent = 0; size_t _nrecv = 0; for (const auto &replica: pn.all_peers()) { auto conn = pn.get_peer_conn(replica); size_t ns = conn->get_nsent(); size_t nr = conn->get_nrecv(); conn->clear_nsent(); conn->clear_nrecv(); LOG_INFO("%s: %u, %u, %u", std::string(replica).c_str(), ns, nr, part_fetched_replica[replica]); _nsent += ns; _nrecv += nr; part_fetched_replica[replica] = 0; } nsent += _nsent; nrecv += _nrecv; LOG_INFO("sent: %lu", _nsent); LOG_INFO("recv: %lu", _nrecv); LOG_INFO("--- replica msg. total ---"); LOG_INFO("sent: %lu", nsent); LOG_INFO("recv: %lu", nrecv); LOG_INFO("====== end stats ======"); } promise_t HotStuffBase::async_decide(const uint256_t &cmd_hash) { if (get_cmd_decision(cmd_hash)) return promise_t([this, cmd_hash](promise_t pm){ pm.resolve(storage->find_cmd(cmd_hash)); }); /* otherwise the do_decide will resolve the promise */ auto it = decision_waiting.find(cmd_hash); if (it == decision_waiting.end()) { promise_t pm{[](promise_t){}}; it = decision_waiting.insert(std::make_pair(cmd_hash, pm)).first; } return it->second; } HotStuffBase::HotStuffBase(uint32_t blk_size, int32_t parent_limit, ReplicaID rid, privkey_bt &&priv_key, NetAddr listen_addr, EventContext eb, pacemaker_bt pmaker): HotStuffCore(rid, std::move(priv_key), parent_limit), listen_addr(listen_addr), blk_size(blk_size), eb(eb), pmaker(std::move(pmaker)), pn(eb), fetched(0), delivered(0), nsent(0), nrecv(0), part_parent_size(0), part_fetched(0), part_delivered(0), part_decided(0), part_gened(0), part_delivery_time(0), part_delivery_time_min(double_inf), part_delivery_time_max(0) { /* register the handlers for msg from replicas */ pn.reg_handler(PROPOSE, std::bind(&HotStuffBase::propose_handler, this, _1, _2)); pn.reg_handler(VOTE, std::bind(&HotStuffBase::vote_handler, this, _1, _2)); pn.reg_handler(QUERY_FETCH_BLK, std::bind(&HotStuffBase::query_fetch_blk_handler, this, _1, _2)); pn.reg_handler(RESP_FETCH_BLK, std::bind(&HotStuffBase::resp_fetch_blk_handler, this, _1, _2)); pn.init(listen_addr); } void HotStuffBase::do_broadcast_proposal(const Proposal &prop) { MsgHotStuff prop_msg; prop_msg.gen_propose(prop); for (const auto &replica: pn.all_peers()) pn.send_msg(prop_msg, replica); } void HotStuffBase::do_vote(ReplicaID last_proposer, const Vote &vote) { pmaker->next_proposer(last_proposer) .then([this, vote](ReplicaID proposer) { if (proposer == get_id()) on_receive_vote(vote); else { MsgHotStuff vote_msg; vote_msg.gen_vote(vote); pn.send_msg(vote_msg, get_config().get_addr(proposer)); } }); } void HotStuffBase::do_decide(const command_t &cmd) { auto it = decision_waiting.find(cmd->get_hash()); if (it != decision_waiting.end()) { it->second.resolve(cmd); decision_waiting.erase(it); } } void HotStuffBase::do_forward(const uint256_t &cmd_hash, ReplicaID rid) { auto it = decision_waiting.find(cmd_hash); if (it != decision_waiting.end()) { it->second.reject(rid); decision_waiting.erase(it); } } HotStuffBase::~HotStuffBase() {} void HotStuffBase::start(bool eb_loop) { /* ((n - 1) + 1 - 1) / 3 */ uint32_t nfaulty = pn.all_peers().size() / 3; if (nfaulty == 0) LOG_WARN("too few replicas in the system to tolerate any failure"); pmaker->init(this); on_init(nfaulty); if (eb_loop) eb.dispatch(); } }