#include #include #include "hotstuff/util.h" #include "hotstuff/consensus.h" #define LOG_INFO HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO #define LOG_DEBUG HOTSTUFF_LOG_DEBUG #define LOG_WARN HOTSTUFF_LOG_WARN namespace hotstuff { /* The core logic of HotStuff, is fairly simple :). */ /*** begin HotStuff protocol logic ***/ HotStuffCore::HotStuffCore(ReplicaID id, privkey_bt &&priv_key): b0(new Block(true, 1)), bqc(b0), bexec(b0), vheight(0), priv_key(std::move(priv_key)), tails{bqc}, id(id), storage(new EntityStorage()) { storage->add_blk(b0); b0->qc_ref = b0; } void HotStuffCore::sanity_check_delivered(const block_t &blk) { if (!blk->delivered) throw std::runtime_error("block not delivered"); } block_t HotStuffCore::get_delivered_blk(const uint256_t &blk_hash) { block_t blk = storage->find_blk(blk_hash); if (blk == nullptr || !blk->delivered) throw std::runtime_error("block not delivered"); return std::move(blk); } bool HotStuffCore::on_deliver_blk(const block_t &blk) { if (blk->delivered) { LOG_WARN("attempt to deliver a block twice"); return false; } blk->parents.clear(); for (const auto &hash: blk->parent_hashes) blk->parents.push_back(get_delivered_blk(hash)); blk->height = blk->parents[0]->height + 1; for (const auto &cmd: blk->cmds) cmd->container = blk; if (blk->qc) { block_t _blk = storage->find_blk(blk->qc->get_blk_hash()); if (_blk == nullptr) throw std::runtime_error("block referred by qc not fetched"); blk->qc_ref = std::move(_blk); } // otherwise blk->qc_ref remains null for (auto pblk: blk->parents) tails.erase(pblk); tails.insert(blk); blk->delivered = true; LOG_DEBUG("deliver %s", std::string(*blk).c_str()); return true; } void HotStuffCore::check_commit(const block_t &_blk) { const block_t &blk = _blk->qc_ref; if (blk->qc_ref == nullptr) return; /* decided blk could possible be incomplete due to pruning */ if (blk->decision) return; block_t p = blk->parents[0]; /* commit requires direct parent */ if (p != blk->qc_ref) return; /* otherwise commit */ std::vector commit_queue; block_t b; for (b = p; b->height > bexec->height; b = b->parents[0]) { /* TODO: also commit the uncles/aunts */ commit_queue.push_back(b); } if (b != bexec) throw std::runtime_error("safety breached :("); for (auto it = commit_queue.rbegin(); it != commit_queue.rend(); it++) { const block_t &blk = *it; blk->decision = 1; #ifdef HOTSTUFF_PROTO_LOG LOG_INFO("commit %s", std::string(*blk).c_str()); #endif size_t idx = 0; for (auto cmd: blk->cmds) do_decide(Finality(id, 1, idx, blk->height, cmd->get_hash(), blk->get_hash())); } bexec = p; } bool HotStuffCore::update(const uint256_t &bqc_hash) { block_t _bqc = get_delivered_blk(bqc_hash); if (_bqc->qc_ref == nullptr) return false; check_commit(_bqc); if (_bqc->qc_ref->height > bqc->qc_ref->height) bqc = _bqc; return true; } void HotStuffCore::on_propose(const std::vector &cmds, const std::vector &parents, bytearray_t &&extra) { if (parents.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("empty parents"); for (const auto &_: parents) tails.erase(_); block_t p = parents[0]; quorum_cert_bt qc = nullptr; block_t qc_ref = nullptr; /* a block can optionally carray a QC */ if (p != b0 && p->voted.size() >= config.nmajority) { qc = p->self_qc->clone(); qc->compute(); qc_ref = p; } /* create the new block */ block_t bnew = storage->add_blk( new Block(parents, cmds, std::move(qc), std::move(extra), p->height + 1, qc_ref, nullptr )); const uint256_t bnew_hash = bnew->get_hash(); bnew->self_qc = create_quorum_cert(bnew_hash); on_deliver_blk(bnew); update(bnew_hash); Proposal prop(id, bqc->get_hash(), bnew, nullptr); #ifdef HOTSTUFF_PROTO_LOG LOG_INFO("propose %s", std::string(*bnew).c_str()); #endif /* self-vote */ on_receive_vote( Vote(id, bqc->get_hash(), bnew_hash, create_part_cert(*priv_key, bnew_hash), this)); on_propose_(bnew); /* boradcast to other replicas */ do_broadcast_proposal(prop); } void HotStuffCore::on_receive_proposal(const Proposal &prop) { if (!update(prop.bqc_hash)) return; #ifdef HOTSTUFF_PROTO_LOG LOG_INFO("got %s", std::string(prop).c_str()); #endif block_t bnew = prop.blk; sanity_check_delivered(bnew); bool opinion = false; if (bnew->height > vheight) { block_t pref = bqc->qc_ref; block_t b; for (b = bnew; b->height > pref->height; b = b->parents[0]); if (b == pref) /* on the same branch */ { opinion = true; vheight = bnew->height; } } #ifdef HOTSTUFF_PROTO_LOG LOG_INFO("now state: %s", std::string(*this).c_str()); #endif if (bnew->qc_ref) on_qc_finish(bnew); on_receive_proposal_(prop); do_vote(prop.proposer, Vote(id, bqc->get_hash(), bnew->get_hash(), (opinion ? create_part_cert(*priv_key, bnew->get_hash()) : nullptr), this)); } void HotStuffCore::on_receive_vote(const Vote &vote) { if (!update(vote.bqc_hash)) return; #ifdef HOTSTUFF_PROTO_LOG LOG_INFO("got %s", std::string(vote).c_str()); LOG_INFO("now state: %s", std::string(*this).c_str()); #endif block_t blk = get_delivered_blk(vote.blk_hash); if (vote.cert == nullptr) return; /* otherwise the vote is positive */ if (!vote.verify()) { LOG_WARN("invalid vote from %d", vote.voter); return; } if (!blk->voted.insert(vote.voter).second) { LOG_WARN("duplicate vote from %d", vote.voter); return; } size_t qsize = blk->voted.size(); if (qsize <= config.nmajority) { auto &qc = blk->self_qc; if (qc == nullptr) { LOG_WARN("vote for block not proposed by itself"); qc = create_quorum_cert(blk->get_hash()); } qc->add_part(vote.voter, *vote.cert); if (qsize == config.nmajority) on_qc_finish(blk); } } /*** end HotStuff protocol logic ***/ void HotStuffCore::prune(uint32_t staleness) { block_t start; /* skip the blocks */ for (start = bexec; staleness; staleness--, start = start->parents[0]) if (!start->parents.size()) return; std::stack s; start->qc_ref = nullptr; s.push(start); while (!s.empty()) { auto &blk = s.top(); if (blk->parents.empty()) { storage->try_release_blk(blk); s.pop(); continue; } blk->qc_ref = nullptr; s.push(blk->parents.back()); blk->parents.pop_back(); } } void HotStuffCore::add_replica(ReplicaID rid, const NetAddr &addr, pubkey_bt &&pub_key) { config.add_replica(rid, ReplicaInfo(rid, addr, std::move(pub_key))); b0->voted.insert(rid); } promise_t HotStuffCore::async_qc_finish(const block_t &blk) { if (blk->voted.size() >= config.nmajority) return promise_t([](promise_t &pm) { pm.resolve(); }); auto it = qc_waiting.find(blk); if (it == qc_waiting.end()) it = qc_waiting.insert(std::make_pair(blk, promise_t())).first; return it->second; } void HotStuffCore::on_qc_finish(const block_t &blk) { auto it = qc_waiting.find(blk); if (it != qc_waiting.end()) { it->second.resolve(); qc_waiting.erase(it); } } promise_t HotStuffCore::async_wait_propose() { return propose_waiting; } promise_t HotStuffCore::async_wait_receive_proposal() { return receive_proposal_waiting; } void HotStuffCore::on_propose_(const block_t &blk) { auto t = std::move(propose_waiting); propose_waiting = promise_t(); t.resolve(blk); } void HotStuffCore::on_receive_proposal_(const Proposal &prop) { auto t = std::move(receive_proposal_waiting); receive_proposal_waiting = promise_t(); t.resolve(prop); } HotStuffCore::operator std::string () const { DataStream s; s << ""; return std::move(s); } }