#!/bin/bash proj_client_bin="hotstuff-client" proj_client_path="/home/ted/hot-stuff/$proj_client_bin" proj_conf_name="hotstuff.conf" peer_list="./nodes.txt" # the list of nodes client_list="./clients.txt" # the list of clients conf_src="./hotstuff.gen.conf" template_dir="template" # the dir that keeps the content shared among all nodes remote_base="/home/ted/testbed" # remote dir used to keep files for the experiment #remote_base="/tmp/" # remote dir used to keep files for the experiment remote_log="log" # log filename remote_user="ted" copy_to_remote_pat="rsync -avz <local_path> <remote_user>@<remote_ip>:<remote_path>" copy_from_remote_pat="rsync -avz <remote_user>@<remote_ip>:<remote_path> <local_path>" exe_remote_pat="ssh <remote_user>@<remote_ip> bash" run_remote_pat="cd \"<rworkdir>\"; '$proj_client_path' --idx \"<node_id>\" --iter -1 --max-async 3" reset_remote_pat="pgrep -f '$proj_client_bin' | xargs kill -9" node_id_step=1 function join { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; } function split { local IFS="$1" local arr=($2) echo "${arr[@]}" } function die { echo "$1"; exit 1; } declare -A nodes nodes_cnt=0 function get_node_info { pl="$1" if [[ "$force_peer_list" == 1 ]]; then pl="$peer_list" fi OIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' node_list=($(cat "$pl")) IFS="$OIFS" for tuple in "${node_list[@]}"; do tup0=($(split $'\t' "$tuple")) tup=($(split : "${tup0[0]}")) nodes[${tup[0]}]="${tup[1]}:${tup[2]}" echo "${tup[0]} => ${nodes[${tup[0]}]}" let nodes_cnt++ done } function get_client_info { cip_list=($(cat "$1")) } function get_addr { tup=($(split ';' $1)) echo "${tup[0]}" } function get_ip { tup=($(split : $1)) echo "${tup[0]}" } function get_peer_port { tup=($(split : $1)) tup2=($(split ';' ${tup[1]})) echo "${tup2[0]}" } function get_client_port { tup=($(split : $1)) tup2=($(split ';' ${tup[1]})) echo "${tup2[1]}" } function get_ip_by_id { get_ip "${nodes[$1]}" } function get_peer_port_by_id { get_peer_port "${nodes[$1]}" } function get_client_port_by_id { get_client_port "${nodes[$1]}" } function copy_file { local pat="$1" local cmd="${pat//<local_path>/$2}" cmd="${cmd//<remote_ip>/$3}" cmd="${cmd//<remote_user>/$remote_user}" cmd="${cmd//<remote_path>/$4}" echo $cmd eval "$cmd" } >> log 2>&1 function execute_remote_cmd_pid { local node_ip="$1" local c="$2" local l="$3" local cmd="${exe_remote_pat//<remote_ip>/$node_ip}" cmd="${cmd//<remote_user>/$remote_user}" eval $cmd << EOF $c > $l 2>&1 & echo \$! EOF } function execute_remote_cmd_stat { local node_ip="$1" local c="$2" local l="$3" local cmd="${exe_remote_pat//<remote_ip>/$node_ip}" cmd="${cmd//<remote_user>/$remote_user}" eval $cmd << EOF $c > $l 2>&1 ; echo \$? EOF } function _remote_load { local workdir="$1" local rworkdir="$2" local node_ip="$3" local tmpldir="$workdir/$template_dir/" [[ $(execute_remote_cmd_stat "$node_ip" \ "mkdir -p \"$rworkdir\"" \ /dev/null) == 0 ]] || die "failed to create directory $rworkdir" copy_file "$copy_to_remote_pat" "$tmpldir" "$node_ip" "$rworkdir" } function _remote_start { local workdir="$1" local rworkdir="$2" local node_id="$3" local node_ip="$4" local client_port="$5" local client_ip="$6" local cmd="${run_remote_pat//<rworkdir>/$rworkdir}" cmd="${cmd//<node_id_step>/$node_id_step}" cmd="${cmd//<node_id>/$((node_id * node_id_step))}" cmd="${cmd//<server>/$node_ip:$client_port}" execute_remote_cmd_pid "$client_ip" "$cmd" \ "\"$rworkdir/$remote_log\"" > "$workdir/${node_id}.pid" } function _remote_exec { local workdir="$1" local rworkdir="$2" local node_ip="$3" local cmd="$4" [[ $(execute_remote_cmd_stat "$node_ip" "$cmd" /dev/null) == 0 ]] } function _remote_stop { local node_pid="$4" _remote_exec "$1" "$2" "$3" "kill $node_pid" } function _remote_status { local node_pid="$4" _remote_exec "$1" "$2" "$3" "kill -0 $node_pid" } function _remote_fetch { local workdir="$1" local rworkdir="$2" local node_id="$3" local node_ip="$4" copy_file "$copy_from_remote_pat" "$workdir/${node_id}.log" "$node_ip" "$rworkdir/$remote_log" } function start_all { local workdir="$1" local tmpldir="$workdir/$template_dir/" mkdir "$workdir" > /dev/null 2>&1 || die "workdir already exists" rm -rf "$tmpldir" mkdir "$tmpldir" cp "$peer_list" "$workdir/peer_list.txt" cp "$client_list" "$workdir/client_list.txt" get_node_info "$workdir/peer_list.txt" get_client_info "$workdir/client_list.txt" echo "coyping configuration file" rsync -avP "$conf_src" "$tmpldir/$proj_conf_name" local i=0 local j=0 for cip in "${cip_list[@]}"; do local rid="${nodes[$i]}" local ip="$(get_ip_by_id $rid)" local pport="$(get_peer_port_by_id $rid)" local cport="$(get_client_port_by_id $rid)" local rworkdir="$remote_base/$workdir/${j}" ( echo "Starting a client @ $cip, connecting to server #$rid @ $ip:$cport" _remote_load "$workdir" "$rworkdir" "$cip" _remote_start "$workdir" "$rworkdir" "$j" "$ip" "$cport" "$cip" echo "client #$j started" ) & let i++ let j++ if [[ "$i" -eq "${#nodes[@]}" ]]; then i=0 fi done wait } function fetch_all { local workdir="$1" get_client_info "$workdir/client_list.txt" local i=0 for cip in "${cip_list[@]}"; do local rworkdir="$remote_base/$workdir/${i}" local pid="$(cat $workdir/${i}.pid)" local msg="Fetching $i @ $cip" _remote_fetch "$workdir" "$rworkdir" "$i" "$cip" && echo "$msg: copied" || echo "$msg: failed" & let i++ done wait } function exec_all { local workdir="$1" local cmd="$2" get_client_info "$workdir/client_list.txt" local i=0 for cip in "${cip_list[@]}"; do local rworkdir="$remote_base/$workdir/${i}" local msg="Executing $i @ $cip" _remote_exec "$workdir" "$rworkdir" "$cip" "$cmd" && echo "$msg: succeeded" || echo "$msg: failed" & let i++ done wait } function reset_all { exec_all "$1" "$reset_remote_pat" } function stop_all { local workdir="$1" get_client_info "$workdir/client_list.txt" local i=0 for cip in "${cip_list[@]}"; do local rworkdir="$remote_base/$workdir/${i}" local pid="$(cat $workdir/${i}.pid)" local msg="Killing $i @ $cip" _remote_stop "$workdir" "$rworkdir" "$cip" "$pid" && echo "$msg: stopped" || echo "$msg: failed" & let i++ done wait } function status_all { local workdir="$1" get_client_info "$workdir/client_list.txt" local i=0 for cip in "${cip_list[@]}"; do local rworkdir="$remote_base/$workdir/${i}" local pid="$(cat $workdir/${i}.pid)" local msg="$i @ $cip" _remote_status "$workdir" "$rworkdir" "$cip" "$pid" && echo "$msg: running" || echo "$msg: dead" & let i++ done wait } function check_all { status_all "$1" | grep dead -q [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]] && die "some nodes are dead" echo "ok" } function print_help { echo "Usage: $0 [--bin] [--path] [--conf] [--conf-src] [--peer-list] [--client-list] [--user] [--force-peer-list] [--help] COMMAND WORKDIR --help show this help and exit --bin name of binary executable --path path to the binary --conf shared configuration filename --conf-src shared configuration source file --peer-list FILE read peer list from FILE (default: $peer_list) --client-list FILE read client list from FILE (default: $client_list) --user USER the username to login the remote machines --force-peer-list force the use of FILE specified by --peer-list instead of the peer list in WORKDIR" exit 0 } function check_argnum { argnum=$(($# - 1)) [[ "$1" -eq "$argnum" ]] || die "incorrect argnum: got $argnum, $1 expected" } getopt --test > /dev/null [[ $? -ne 4 ]] && die "getopt unsupported" SHORT= LONG='\ bin:,path:,conf:,conf-src:,\ peer-list:,\ client-list:,\ remote-base:,\ remote-user:,\ copy-to-remote-pat:,\ copy-from-remote-pat:,\ exe-remote-pat:,\ run-remote-pat:,\ reset-remote-pat:,\ force-peer-list,\ node-id-step:,\ help' PARSED=$(getopt --options "$SHORT" --longoptions "$LONG" --name "$0" -- "$@") [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && exit 1 eval set -- "$PARSED" while true; do case "$1" in --bin) proj_client_bin="$2"; shift 2;; --path) proj_client_path="$2"; shift 2;; --conf) proj_conf_name="$2"; shift 2;; --conf-src) conf_src="$2"; shift 2;; --peer-list) peer_list="$2"; shift 2;; --client-list) client_list="$2"; shift 2;; --remote-base) remote_base="$2"; shift 2;; --remote-user) remote_user="$2"; shift 2;; --copy-to-remote-pat) copy_to_remote_pat="$2"; shift 2;; --copy-from-remote-pat) copy_from_remote_pat="$2"; shift 2;; --exe-remote-pat) exe_remote_pat="$2"; shift 2;; --run-remote-pat) run_remote_pat="$2"; shift 2;; --reset-remote-pat) reset_remote_pat="$2"; shift 2;; --node-id-step) node_id_step="$2"; shift 2;; --help) print_help; shift 1;; --) shift; break;; *) die "internal error";; esac done cmd="$1" shift 1 case "$cmd" in start) check_argnum 1 "$@" && start_all "$1" ;; stop) check_argnum 1 "$@" && stop_all "$1" ;; status) check_argnum 1 "$@" && status_all "$1" ;; check) check_argnum 1 "$@" && check_all "$1" ;; fetch) check_argnum 1 "$@" && fetch_all "$1" ;; reset) check_argnum 1 "$@" && reset_all "$1" ;; exec) check_argnum 2 "$@" && exec_all "$1" "$2" ;; *) print_help ;; esac