--- ## basic config ansible_connection: ssh ansible_user: ubuntu # change to your aws ec2 key file here ansible_ssh_private_key_file: ~/.ssh/ted-aws-key2.pem # remote directory that keeps the work directory for the running app testbed_prefix: "/home/ubuntu/testbed" ## app specific config # process name that is used by killall in reset bin_name: hotstuff-app # binary path (remote) replica_bin: "/home/ubuntu/libhotstuff/examples/hotstuff-app" client_bin: "/home/ubuntu/libhotstuff/examples/hotstuff-client" # remote repo path hs_repo_dir: "/home/ubuntu/libhotstuff" # local source code path (that will be copied to the remote) hs_local_repo_dir: "../../" hs_conf_dir: "conf" hs_log_dir: "log" hs_base_conf: "./hotstuff.gen.conf"