/** * Copyright 2018 VMware * Copyright 2018 Ted Yin * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _HOTSTUFF_LIVENESS_H #define _HOTSTUFF_LIVENESS_H #include "salticidae/util.h" #include "hotstuff/hotstuff.h" namespace hotstuff { using salticidae::_1; using salticidae::_2; /** Abstraction for liveness gadget (oracle). */ class PaceMaker { protected: HotStuffCore *hsc; public: virtual ~PaceMaker() = default; /** Initialize the PaceMaker. A derived class should also call the * default implementation to set `hsc`. */ virtual void init(HotStuffCore *_hsc) { hsc = _hsc; } /** Get a promise resolved when the pace maker thinks it is a *good* time * to issue new commands. When promise is resolved, the replica should * propose the command. */ virtual promise_t beat() = 0; /** Get the current proposer. */ virtual ReplicaID get_proposer() = 0; /** Select the parent blocks for a new block. * @return Parent blocks. The block at index 0 is the direct parent, while * the others are uncles/aunts. The returned vector should be non-empty. */ virtual std::vector<block_t> get_parents() = 0; /** Get a promise resolved when the pace maker thinks it is a *good* time * to vote for a block. The promise is resolved with the next proposer's ID * */ virtual promise_t beat_resp(ReplicaID last_proposer) = 0; /** Impeach the current proposer. */ virtual void impeach() {} virtual void on_consensus(const block_t &) {} virtual size_t get_pending_size() = 0; }; using pacemaker_bt = BoxObj<PaceMaker>; /** Parent selection implementation for PaceMaker: select the highest tail that * follows the current hqc block. */ class PMHighTail: public virtual PaceMaker { block_t hqc_tail; const int32_t parent_limit; /**< maximum number of parents */ bool check_ancestry(const block_t &_a, const block_t &_b) { block_t b; for (b = _b; b->get_height() > _a->get_height(); b = b->get_parents()[0]); return b == _a; } void reg_hqc_update() { hsc->async_hqc_update().then([this](const block_t &hqc) { hqc_tail = hqc; for (const auto &tail: hsc->get_tails()) if (check_ancestry(hqc, tail) && tail->get_height() > hqc_tail->get_height()) hqc_tail = tail; reg_hqc_update(); }); } void reg_proposal() { hsc->async_wait_proposal().then([this](const Proposal &prop) { hqc_tail = prop.blk; reg_proposal(); }); } void reg_receive_proposal() { hsc->async_wait_receive_proposal().then([this](const Proposal &prop) { const auto &hqc = hsc->get_hqc(); const auto &blk = prop.blk; if (check_ancestry(hqc, blk) && blk->get_height() > hqc_tail->get_height()) hqc_tail = blk; reg_receive_proposal(); }); } public: PMHighTail(int32_t parent_limit): parent_limit(parent_limit) {} void init() { hqc_tail = hsc->get_genesis(); reg_hqc_update(); reg_proposal(); reg_receive_proposal(); } std::vector<block_t> get_parents() override { const auto &tails = hsc->get_tails(); std::vector<block_t> parents{hqc_tail}; // TODO: inclusive block chain // auto nparents = tails.size(); // if (parent_limit > 0) // nparents = std::min(nparents, (size_t)parent_limit); // nparents--; // /* add the rest of tails as "uncles/aunts" */ // for (const auto &blk: tails) // { // if (blk != hqc_tail) // { // parents.push_back(blk); // if (!--nparents) break; // } // } return parents; } }; /** Beat implementation for PaceMaker: simply wait for the QC of last proposed * block. PaceMakers derived from this class will beat only when the last * block proposed by itself gets its QC. */ class PMWaitQC: public virtual PaceMaker { std::queue<promise_t> pending_beats; block_t last_proposed; bool locked; promise_t pm_qc_finish; promise_t pm_wait_propose; protected: void schedule_next() { if (!pending_beats.empty() && !locked) { auto pm = pending_beats.front(); pending_beats.pop(); pm_qc_finish.reject(); (pm_qc_finish = hsc->async_qc_finish(last_proposed)) .then([this, pm]() { pm.resolve(get_proposer()); }); locked = true; } } void update_last_proposed() { pm_wait_propose.reject(); (pm_wait_propose = hsc->async_wait_proposal()).then( [this](const Proposal &prop) { last_proposed = prop.blk; locked = false; schedule_next(); update_last_proposed(); }); } public: size_t get_pending_size() override { return pending_beats.size(); } void init() { last_proposed = hsc->get_genesis(); locked = false; update_last_proposed(); } ReplicaID get_proposer() override { return hsc->get_id(); } promise_t beat() override { promise_t pm; pending_beats.push(pm); schedule_next(); return pm; } promise_t beat_resp(ReplicaID last_proposer) override { return promise_t([last_proposer](promise_t &pm) { pm.resolve(last_proposer); }); } }; /** Naive PaceMaker where everyone can be a proposer at any moment. */ struct PaceMakerDummy: public PMHighTail, public PMWaitQC { PaceMakerDummy(int32_t parent_limit): PMHighTail(parent_limit), PMWaitQC() {} void init(HotStuffCore *hsc) override { PaceMaker::init(hsc); PMHighTail::init(); PMWaitQC::init(); } }; /** PaceMakerDummy with a fixed proposer. */ class PaceMakerDummyFixed: public PaceMakerDummy { ReplicaID proposer; public: PaceMakerDummyFixed(ReplicaID proposer, int32_t parent_limit): PaceMakerDummy(parent_limit), proposer(proposer) {} ReplicaID get_proposer() override { return proposer; } promise_t beat_resp(ReplicaID) override { return promise_t([this](promise_t &pm) { pm.resolve(proposer); }); } }; /** * Simple long-standing round-robin style proposer liveness gadget. */ class PMRoundRobinProposer: virtual public PaceMaker { double base_timeout; double exp_timeout; double prop_delay; EventContext ec; /** QC timer or randomized timeout */ TimerEvent timer; /** the proposer it believes */ ReplicaID proposer; std::unordered_map<ReplicaID, block_t> prop_blk; bool rotating; /* extra state needed for a proposer */ std::queue<promise_t> pending_beats; block_t last_proposed; bool locked; promise_t pm_qc_finish; promise_t pm_wait_propose; promise_t pm_qc_manual; void reg_proposal() { hsc->async_wait_proposal().then([this](const Proposal &prop) { auto &pblk = prop_blk[hsc->get_id()]; if (!pblk) pblk = prop.blk; if (rotating) reg_proposal(); }); } void reg_receive_proposal() { hsc->async_wait_receive_proposal().then([this](const Proposal &prop) { auto &pblk = prop_blk[prop.proposer]; if (!pblk) pblk = prop.blk; if (rotating) reg_receive_proposal(); }); } void proposer_schedule_next() { if (!pending_beats.empty() && !locked) { auto pm = pending_beats.front(); pending_beats.pop(); pm_qc_finish.reject(); (pm_qc_finish = hsc->async_qc_finish(last_proposed)) .then([this, pm]() { HOTSTUFF_LOG_PROTO("got QC, propose a new block"); pm.resolve(proposer); }); locked = true; } } void proposer_update_last_proposed() { pm_wait_propose.reject(); (pm_wait_propose = hsc->async_wait_proposal()).then( [this](const Proposal &prop) { last_proposed = prop.blk; locked = false; proposer_schedule_next(); proposer_update_last_proposed(); }); } void do_new_consensus(int x, const std::vector<uint256_t> &cmds) { auto blk = hsc->on_propose(cmds, get_parents(), bytearray_t()); pm_qc_manual.reject(); (pm_qc_manual = hsc->async_qc_finish(blk)) .then([this, x]() { HOTSTUFF_LOG_PROTO("Pacemaker: got QC for block %d", x); #ifdef HOTSTUFF_TWO_STEP if (x >= 2) return; #else if (x >= 3) return; #endif do_new_consensus(x + 1, std::vector<uint256_t>{}); }); } void on_exp_timeout(TimerEvent &) { if (proposer == hsc->get_id()) do_new_consensus(0, std::vector<uint256_t>{}); timer = TimerEvent(ec, [this](TimerEvent &){ rotate(); }); timer.add(prop_delay); } /* role transitions */ void rotate() { reg_proposal(); reg_receive_proposal(); prop_blk.clear(); rotating = true; proposer = (proposer + 1) % hsc->get_config().nreplicas; HOTSTUFF_LOG_PROTO("Pacemaker: rotate to %d", proposer); pm_qc_finish.reject(); pm_wait_propose.reject(); pm_qc_manual.reject(); // start timer timer = TimerEvent(ec, salticidae::generic_bind(&PMRoundRobinProposer::on_exp_timeout, this, _1)); timer.add(exp_timeout); exp_timeout *= 2; } void stop_rotate() { timer.del(); HOTSTUFF_LOG_PROTO("Pacemaker: stop rotation at %d", proposer); pm_qc_finish.reject(); pm_wait_propose.reject(); pm_qc_manual.reject(); rotating = false; locked = false; last_proposed = hsc->get_genesis(); proposer_update_last_proposed(); if (proposer == hsc->get_id()) { auto hs = static_cast<hotstuff::HotStuffBase *>(hsc); hs->do_elected(); hs->get_tcall().async_call([this, hs](salticidae::ThreadCall::Handle &) { auto &pending = hs->get_decision_waiting(); if (!pending.size()) return; HOTSTUFF_LOG_PROTO("reproposing pending commands"); std::vector<uint256_t> cmds; for (auto &p: pending) cmds.push_back(p.first); do_new_consensus(0, cmds); }); } } protected: void on_consensus(const block_t &blk) override { timer.del(); exp_timeout = base_timeout; if (prop_blk[proposer] == blk) stop_rotate(); } void impeach() override { if (rotating) return; rotate(); HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("schedule to impeach the proposer"); } public: PMRoundRobinProposer(const EventContext &ec, double base_timeout, double prop_delay): base_timeout(base_timeout), prop_delay(prop_delay), ec(ec), proposer(0), rotating(false) {} size_t get_pending_size() override { return pending_beats.size(); } void init() { exp_timeout = base_timeout; stop_rotate(); } ReplicaID get_proposer() override { return proposer; } promise_t beat() override { if (!rotating && proposer == hsc->get_id()) { promise_t pm; pending_beats.push(pm); proposer_schedule_next(); return pm; } else return promise_t([proposer=proposer](promise_t &pm) { pm.resolve(proposer); }); } promise_t beat_resp(ReplicaID last_proposer) override { return promise_t([this](promise_t &pm) { pm.resolve(proposer); }); } }; struct PaceMakerRR: public PMHighTail, public PMRoundRobinProposer { PaceMakerRR(EventContext ec, int32_t parent_limit, double base_timeout = 1, double prop_delay = 1): PMHighTail(parent_limit), PMRoundRobinProposer(ec, base_timeout, prop_delay) {} void init(HotStuffCore *hsc) override { PaceMaker::init(hsc); PMHighTail::init(); PMRoundRobinProposer::init(); } }; } #endif