/** * Copyright 2018 VMware * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _HOTSTUFF_CRYPTO_H #define _HOTSTUFF_CRYPTO_H #include <openssl/rand.h> #include "secp256k1.h" #include "salticidae/crypto.h" #include "hotstuff/type.h" #include "hotstuff/task.h" namespace hotstuff { using salticidae::SHA256; class PubKey: public Serializable, Cloneable { public: virtual ~PubKey() = default; virtual PubKey *clone() override = 0; }; using pubkey_bt = BoxObj<PubKey>; class PrivKey: public Serializable { public: virtual ~PrivKey() = default; virtual pubkey_bt get_pubkey() const = 0; virtual void from_rand() = 0; }; using privkey_bt = BoxObj<PrivKey>; class PartCert: public Serializable, public Cloneable { public: virtual ~PartCert() = default; virtual promise_t verify(const PubKey &pubkey, VeriPool &vpool) = 0; virtual bool verify(const PubKey &pubkey) = 0; virtual const uint256_t &get_obj_hash() const = 0; virtual PartCert *clone() override = 0; }; class ReplicaConfig; class QuorumCert: public Serializable, public Cloneable { public: virtual ~QuorumCert() = default; virtual void add_part(ReplicaID replica, const PartCert &pc) = 0; virtual void compute() = 0; virtual promise_t verify(const ReplicaConfig &config, VeriPool &vpool) = 0; virtual bool verify(const ReplicaConfig &config) = 0; virtual const uint256_t &get_obj_hash() const = 0; virtual QuorumCert *clone() override = 0; }; using part_cert_bt = BoxObj<PartCert>; using quorum_cert_bt = BoxObj<QuorumCert>; class PubKeyDummy: public PubKey { PubKeyDummy *clone() override { return new PubKeyDummy(*this); } void serialize(DataStream &) const override {} void unserialize(DataStream &) override {} }; class PrivKeyDummy: public PrivKey { pubkey_bt get_pubkey() const override { return new PubKeyDummy(); } void serialize(DataStream &) const override {} void unserialize(DataStream &) override {} void from_rand() override {} }; class PartCertDummy: public PartCert { uint256_t obj_hash; public: PartCertDummy() {} PartCertDummy(const uint256_t &obj_hash): obj_hash(obj_hash) {} void serialize(DataStream &s) const override { s << (uint32_t)0 << obj_hash; } void unserialize(DataStream &s) override { uint32_t tmp; s >> tmp >> obj_hash; } PartCert *clone() override { return new PartCertDummy(obj_hash); } bool verify(const PubKey &) override { return true; } promise_t verify(const PubKey &, VeriPool &) override { return promise_t([](promise_t &pm){ pm.resolve(true); }); } const uint256_t &get_obj_hash() const override { return obj_hash; } }; class QuorumCertDummy: public QuorumCert { uint256_t obj_hash; public: QuorumCertDummy() {} QuorumCertDummy(const ReplicaConfig &, const uint256_t &obj_hash): obj_hash(obj_hash) {} void serialize(DataStream &s) const override { s << (uint32_t)1 << obj_hash; } void unserialize(DataStream &s) override { uint32_t tmp; s >> tmp >> obj_hash; } QuorumCert *clone() override { return new QuorumCertDummy(*this); } void add_part(ReplicaID, const PartCert &) override {} void compute() override {} bool verify(const ReplicaConfig &) override { return true; } promise_t verify(const ReplicaConfig &, VeriPool &) override { return promise_t([](promise_t &pm) { pm.resolve(true); }); } const uint256_t &get_obj_hash() const override { return obj_hash; } }; class Secp256k1Context { secp256k1_context *ctx; friend class PubKeySecp256k1; friend class SigSecp256k1; public: Secp256k1Context(bool sign = false): ctx(secp256k1_context_create( sign ? SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN : SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY)) {} Secp256k1Context(const Secp256k1Context &) = delete; Secp256k1Context(Secp256k1Context &&other): ctx(other.ctx) { other.ctx = nullptr; } ~Secp256k1Context() { if (ctx) secp256k1_context_destroy(ctx); } }; using secp256k1_context_t = ArcObj<Secp256k1Context>; extern secp256k1_context_t secp256k1_default_sign_ctx; extern secp256k1_context_t secp256k1_default_verify_ctx; class PrivKeySecp256k1; class PubKeySecp256k1: public PubKey { static const auto _olen = 33; friend class SigSecp256k1; secp256k1_pubkey data; secp256k1_context_t ctx; public: PubKeySecp256k1(const secp256k1_context_t &ctx = secp256k1_default_sign_ctx): PubKey(), ctx(ctx) {} PubKeySecp256k1(const bytearray_t &raw_bytes, const secp256k1_context_t &ctx = secp256k1_default_sign_ctx): PubKeySecp256k1(ctx) { from_bytes(raw_bytes); } inline PubKeySecp256k1(const PrivKeySecp256k1 &priv_key, const secp256k1_context_t &ctx = secp256k1_default_sign_ctx); void serialize(DataStream &s) const override { static uint8_t output[_olen]; size_t olen = _olen; (void)secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize( ctx->ctx, (unsigned char *)output, &olen, &data, SECP256K1_EC_COMPRESSED); s.put_data(output, output + _olen); } void unserialize(DataStream &s) override { static const auto _exc = std::invalid_argument("ill-formed public key"); try { if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse( ctx->ctx, &data, s.get_data_inplace(_olen), _olen)) throw _exc; } catch (std::ios_base::failure &) { throw _exc; } } PubKeySecp256k1 *clone() override { return new PubKeySecp256k1(*this); } }; class PrivKeySecp256k1: public PrivKey { static const auto nbytes = 32; friend class PubKeySecp256k1; friend class SigSecp256k1; uint8_t data[nbytes]; secp256k1_context_t ctx; public: PrivKeySecp256k1(const secp256k1_context_t &ctx = secp256k1_default_sign_ctx): PrivKey(), ctx(ctx) {} PrivKeySecp256k1(const bytearray_t &raw_bytes, const secp256k1_context_t &ctx = secp256k1_default_sign_ctx): PrivKeySecp256k1(ctx) { from_bytes(raw_bytes); } void serialize(DataStream &s) const override { s.put_data(data, data + nbytes); } void unserialize(DataStream &s) override { static const auto _exc = std::invalid_argument("ill-formed private key"); try { memmove(data, s.get_data_inplace(nbytes), nbytes); } catch (std::ios_base::failure &) { throw _exc; } } void from_rand() override { if (!RAND_bytes(data, nbytes)) throw std::runtime_error("cannot get rand bytes from openssl"); } inline pubkey_bt get_pubkey() const override; }; pubkey_bt PrivKeySecp256k1::get_pubkey() const { return new PubKeySecp256k1(*this, ctx); } PubKeySecp256k1::PubKeySecp256k1( const PrivKeySecp256k1 &priv_key, const secp256k1_context_t &ctx): PubKey(), ctx(ctx) { if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(ctx->ctx, &data, priv_key.data)) throw std::invalid_argument("invalid secp256k1 private key"); } class SigSecp256k1: public Serializable { secp256k1_ecdsa_signature data; secp256k1_context_t ctx; static void check_msg_length(const bytearray_t &msg) { if (msg.size() != 32) throw std::invalid_argument("the message should be 32-bytes"); } public: SigSecp256k1(const secp256k1_context_t &ctx = secp256k1_default_sign_ctx): Serializable(), ctx(ctx) {} SigSecp256k1(const uint256_t &digest, const PrivKeySecp256k1 &priv_key, secp256k1_context_t &ctx = secp256k1_default_sign_ctx): Serializable(), ctx(ctx) { sign(digest, priv_key); } void serialize(DataStream &s) const override { static uint8_t output[64]; (void)secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_serialize_compact( ctx->ctx, (unsigned char *)output, &data); s.put_data(output, output + 64); } void unserialize(DataStream &s) override { static const auto _exc = std::invalid_argument("ill-formed signature"); try { if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_parse_compact( ctx->ctx, &data, s.get_data_inplace(64))) throw _exc; } catch (std::ios_base::failure &) { throw _exc; } } void sign(const bytearray_t &msg, const PrivKeySecp256k1 &priv_key) { check_msg_length(msg); if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_sign( ctx->ctx, &data, (unsigned char *)&*msg.begin(), (unsigned char *)priv_key.data, NULL, // default nonce function NULL)) throw std::invalid_argument("failed to create secp256k1 signature"); } bool verify(const bytearray_t &msg, const PubKeySecp256k1 &pub_key, const secp256k1_context_t &_ctx) const { check_msg_length(msg); return secp256k1_ecdsa_verify( _ctx->ctx, &data, (unsigned char *)&*msg.begin(), &pub_key.data) == 1; } bool verify(const bytearray_t &msg, const PubKeySecp256k1 &pub_key) { return verify(msg, pub_key, ctx); } }; class Secp256k1VeriTask: public VeriTask { uint256_t msg; PubKeySecp256k1 pubkey; SigSecp256k1 sig; public: Secp256k1VeriTask(const uint256_t &msg, const PubKeySecp256k1 &pubkey, const SigSecp256k1 &sig): msg(msg), pubkey(pubkey), sig(sig) {} virtual ~Secp256k1VeriTask() = default; bool verify() override { return sig.verify(msg, pubkey, secp256k1_default_verify_ctx); } }; class PartCertSecp256k1: public SigSecp256k1, public PartCert { uint256_t obj_hash; public: PartCertSecp256k1() = default; PartCertSecp256k1(const PrivKeySecp256k1 &priv_key, const uint256_t &obj_hash): SigSecp256k1(obj_hash, priv_key), PartCert(), obj_hash(obj_hash) {} bool verify(const PubKey &pub_key) override { return SigSecp256k1::verify(obj_hash, static_cast<const PubKeySecp256k1 &>(pub_key), secp256k1_default_verify_ctx); } promise_t verify(const PubKey &pub_key, VeriPool &vpool) override { return vpool.verify(new Secp256k1VeriTask(obj_hash, static_cast<const PubKeySecp256k1 &>(pub_key), static_cast<const SigSecp256k1 &>(*this))); } const uint256_t &get_obj_hash() const override { return obj_hash; } PartCertSecp256k1 *clone() override { return new PartCertSecp256k1(*this); } void serialize(DataStream &s) const override { s << obj_hash; this->SigSecp256k1::serialize(s); } void unserialize(DataStream &s) override { s >> obj_hash; this->SigSecp256k1::unserialize(s); } }; class QuorumCertSecp256k1: public QuorumCert { uint256_t obj_hash; salticidae::Bits rids; std::unordered_map<ReplicaID, SigSecp256k1> sigs; public: QuorumCertSecp256k1() = default; QuorumCertSecp256k1(const ReplicaConfig &config, const uint256_t &obj_hash); void add_part(ReplicaID rid, const PartCert &pc) override { if (pc.get_obj_hash() != obj_hash) throw std::invalid_argument("PartCert does match the block hash"); sigs.insert(std::make_pair( rid, static_cast<const PartCertSecp256k1 &>(pc))); rids.set(rid); } void compute() override {} bool verify(const ReplicaConfig &config) override; promise_t verify(const ReplicaConfig &config, VeriPool &vpool) override; const uint256_t &get_obj_hash() const override { return obj_hash; } QuorumCertSecp256k1 *clone() override { return new QuorumCertSecp256k1(*this); } void serialize(DataStream &s) const override { s << obj_hash << rids; for (size_t i = 0; i < rids.size(); i++) if (rids.get(i)) s << sigs.at(i); } void unserialize(DataStream &s) override { s >> obj_hash >> rids; for (size_t i = 0; i < rids.size(); i++) if (rids.get(i)) s >> sigs[i]; } }; } #endif