import operator from six import print_ from functools import reduce import operator try: import unittest2 as unittest except ImportError: import unittest import hypothesis.strategies as st import pytest from hypothesis import given, settings, example try: from hypothesis import HealthCheck HC_PRESENT=True except ImportError: # pragma: no cover HC_PRESENT=False from .numbertheory import (SquareRootError, factorization, gcd, lcm, jacobi, inverse_mod, is_prime, next_prime, smallprimes, square_root_mod_prime) BIGPRIMES = (999671, 999683, 999721, 999727, 999749, 999763, 999769, 999773, 999809, 999853, 999863, 999883, 999907, 999917, 999931, 999953, 999959, 999961, 999979, 999983) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "prime, next_p", [(p, q) for p, q in zip(BIGPRIMES[:-1], BIGPRIMES[1:])]) def test_next_prime(prime, next_p): assert next_prime(prime) == next_p @pytest.mark.parametrize( "val", [-1, 0, 1]) def test_next_prime_with_nums_less_2(val): assert next_prime(val) == 2 @pytest.mark.parametrize("prime", smallprimes) def test_square_root_mod_prime_for_small_primes(prime): squares = set() for num in range(0, 1 + prime // 2): sq = num * num % prime squares.add(sq) root = square_root_mod_prime(sq, prime) # tested for real with TestNumbertheory.test_square_root_mod_prime assert root * root % prime == sq for nonsquare in range(0, prime): if nonsquare in squares: continue with pytest.raises(SquareRootError): square_root_mod_prime(nonsquare, prime) @st.composite def st_two_nums_rel_prime(draw): # 521-bit is the biggest curve we operate on, use 1024 for a bit # of breathing space mod = draw(st.integers(min_value=2, max_value=2**1024)) num = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=mod-1) .filter(lambda x: gcd(x, mod) == 1)) return num, mod @st.composite def st_primes(draw, *args, **kwargs): if "min_value" not in kwargs: # pragma: no branch kwargs["min_value"] = 1 prime = draw(st.sampled_from(smallprimes) | st.integers(*args, **kwargs) .filter(is_prime)) return prime @st.composite def st_num_square_prime(draw): prime = draw(st_primes(max_value=2**1024)) num = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=1 + prime // 2)) sq = num * num % prime return sq, prime @st.composite def st_comp_with_com_fac(draw): """ Strategy that returns lists of numbers, all having a common factor. """ primes = draw(st.lists(st_primes(max_value=2**512), min_size=1, max_size=10)) # select random prime(s) that will make the common factor of composites com_fac_primes = draw(st.lists(st.sampled_from(primes), min_size=1, max_size=20)) com_fac = reduce(operator.mul, com_fac_primes, 1) # select at most 20 lists (returned numbers), # each having at most 30 primes (factors) including none (then the number # will be 1) comp_primes = draw( st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=20). flatmap(lambda n: st.lists(st.lists(st.sampled_from(primes), max_size=30), min_size=1, max_size=n))) return [reduce(operator.mul, nums, 1) * com_fac for nums in comp_primes] @st.composite def st_comp_no_com_fac(draw): """ Strategy that returns lists of numbers that don't have a common factor. """ primes = draw(st.lists(st_primes(max_value=2**512), min_size=2, max_size=10, unique=True)) # first select the primes that will create the uncommon factor # between returned numbers uncom_fac_primes = draw(st.lists( st.sampled_from(primes), min_size=1, max_size=len(primes)-1, unique=True)) uncom_fac = reduce(operator.mul, uncom_fac_primes, 1) # then build composites from leftover primes leftover_primes = [i for i in primes if i not in uncom_fac_primes] assert leftover_primes assert uncom_fac_primes # select at most 20 lists, each having at most 30 primes # selected from the leftover_primes list number_primes = draw( st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=20). flatmap(lambda n: st.lists(st.lists(st.sampled_from(leftover_primes), max_size=30), min_size=1, max_size=n))) numbers = [reduce(operator.mul, nums, 1) for nums in number_primes] insert_at = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=len(numbers))) numbers.insert(insert_at, uncom_fac) return numbers HYP_SETTINGS = {} if HC_PRESENT: # pragma: no branch HYP_SETTINGS['suppress_health_check']=[HealthCheck.filter_too_much, HealthCheck.too_slow] # the factorization() sometimes takes a long time to finish HYP_SETTINGS['deadline'] = 5000 HYP_SLOW_SETTINGS=dict(HYP_SETTINGS) HYP_SLOW_SETTINGS["max_examples"] = 10 class TestNumbertheory(unittest.TestCase): def test_gcd(self): assert gcd(3 * 5 * 7, 3 * 5 * 11, 3 * 5 * 13) == 3 * 5 assert gcd([3 * 5 * 7, 3 * 5 * 11, 3 * 5 * 13]) == 3 * 5 assert gcd(3) == 3 @unittest.skipUnless(HC_PRESENT, "Hypothesis 2.0.0 can't be made tolerant of hard to " "meet requirements (like `is_prime()`), the test " "case times-out on it") @settings(**HYP_SLOW_SETTINGS) @given(st_comp_with_com_fac()) def test_gcd_with_com_factor(self, numbers): n = gcd(numbers) assert 1 in numbers or n != 1 for i in numbers: assert i % n == 0 @unittest.skipUnless(HC_PRESENT, "Hypothesis 2.0.0 can't be made tolerant of hard to " "meet requirements (like `is_prime()`), the test " "case times-out on it") @settings(**HYP_SLOW_SETTINGS) @given(st_comp_no_com_fac()) def test_gcd_with_uncom_factor(self, numbers): n = gcd(numbers) assert n == 1 @given(st.lists(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=2**8192), min_size=1, max_size=20)) def test_gcd_with_random_numbers(self, numbers): n = gcd(numbers) for i in numbers: # check that at least it's a divider assert i % n == 0 def test_lcm(self): assert lcm(3, 5 * 3, 7 * 3) == 3 * 5 * 7 assert lcm([3, 5 * 3, 7 * 3]) == 3 * 5 * 7 assert lcm(3) == 3 @given(st.lists(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=2**8192), min_size=1, max_size=20)) def test_lcm_with_random_numbers(self, numbers): n = lcm(numbers) for i in numbers: assert n % i == 0 @unittest.skipUnless(HC_PRESENT, "Hypothesis 2.0.0 can't be made tolerant of hard to " "meet requirements (like `is_prime()`), the test " "case times-out on it") @settings(**HYP_SETTINGS) @given(st_num_square_prime()) def test_square_root_mod_prime(self, vals): square, prime = vals calc = square_root_mod_prime(square, prime) assert calc * calc % prime == square @settings(**HYP_SETTINGS) @given(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=10**12)) @example(265399 * 1526929) @example(373297 ** 2 * 553991) def test_factorization(self, num): factors = factorization(num) mult = 1 for i in factors: mult *= i[0] ** i[1] assert mult == num @settings(**HYP_SETTINGS) @given(st.integers(min_value=3, max_value=1000).filter(lambda x: x % 2)) def test_jacobi(self, mod): if is_prime(mod): squares = set() for root in range(1, mod): assert jacobi(root * root, mod) == 1 squares.add(root * root % mod) for i in range(1, mod): if i not in squares: assert jacobi(i, mod) == -1 else: factors = factorization(mod) for a in range(1, mod): c = 1 for i in factors: c *= jacobi(a, i[0]) ** i[1] assert c == jacobi(a, mod) @given(st_two_nums_rel_prime()) def test_inverse_mod(self, nums): num, mod = nums inv = inverse_mod(num, mod) assert 0 < inv < mod assert num * inv % mod == 1 def test_inverse_mod_with_zero(self): assert 0 == inverse_mod(0, 11)