from __future__ import with_statement, division import hashlib try: from hashlib import algorithms_available except ImportError: # pragma: no cover algorithms_available = [ "md5", "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512"] from functools import partial import pytest import sys from six import binary_type import hypothesis.strategies as st from hypothesis import note, assume, given, settings, example from .keys import SigningKey from .keys import BadSignatureError from .util import sigencode_der, sigencode_string from .util import sigdecode_der, sigdecode_string from .curves import curves, NIST256p from .der import encode_integer, encode_bitstring, encode_octet_string, \ encode_oid, encode_sequence, encode_constructed example_data = b"some data to sign" """Since the data is hashed for processing, really any string will do.""" hash_and_size = [(name, for name in algorithms_available] """Pairs of hash names and their output sizes. Needed for pairing with curves as we don't support hashes bigger than order sizes of curves.""" keys_and_sigs = [] """Name of the curve+hash combination, VerifyingKey and DER signature.""" # for hypothesis strategy shrinking we want smallest curves and hashes first for curve in sorted(curves, key=lambda x: x.baselen): for hash_alg in [name for name, size in sorted(hash_and_size, key=lambda x: x[1]) if 0 < size <= curve.baselen]: sk = SigningKey.generate( curve, hashfunc=partial(, hash_alg)) keys_and_sigs.append( ("{0} {1}".format(curve, hash_alg), sk.verifying_key, sk.sign(example_data, sigencode=sigencode_der))) # first make sure that the signatures can be verified @pytest.mark.parametrize( "verifying_key,signature", [pytest.param(vk, sig, id=name) for name, vk, sig in keys_and_sigs]) def test_signatures(verifying_key, signature): assert verifying_key.verify(signature, example_data, sigdecode=sigdecode_der) @st.composite def st_fuzzed_sig(draw, keys_and_sigs): """ Hypothesis strategy that generates pairs of VerifyingKey and malformed signatures created by fuzzing of a valid signature. """ name, verifying_key, old_sig = draw(st.sampled_from(keys_and_sigs)) note("Configuration: {0}".format(name)) sig = bytearray(old_sig) # decide which bytes should be removed to_remove = draw(st.lists( st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=len(sig)-1), unique=True)) to_remove.sort() for i in reversed(to_remove): del sig[i] note("Remove bytes: {0}".format(to_remove)) # decide which bytes of the original signature should be changed if sig: # pragma: no branch xors = draw(st.dictionaries( st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=len(sig)-1), st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=255))) for i, val in xors.items(): sig[i] ^= val note("xors: {0}".format(xors)) # decide where new data should be inserted insert_pos = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=len(sig))) # NIST521p signature is about 140 bytes long, test slightly longer insert_data = draw(st.binary(max_size=256)) sig = sig[:insert_pos] + insert_data + sig[insert_pos:] note("Inserted at position {0} bytes: {1!r}" .format(insert_pos, insert_data)) sig = bytes(sig) # make sure that there was performed at least one mutation on the data assume(to_remove or xors or insert_data) # and that the mutations didn't cancel each-other out assume(sig != old_sig) return verifying_key, sig params = {} # not supported in hypothesis 2.0.0 if sys.version_info >= (2, 7): # pragma: no branch from hypothesis import HealthCheck # deadline=5s because NIST521p are slow to verify params["deadline"] = 5000 params["suppress_health_check"] = [HealthCheck.data_too_large, HealthCheck.filter_too_much, HealthCheck.too_slow] slow_params = dict(params) slow_params["max_examples"] = 10 @settings(**params) @given(st_fuzzed_sig(keys_and_sigs)) def test_fuzzed_der_signatures(args): verifying_key, sig = args with pytest.raises(BadSignatureError): verifying_key.verify(sig, example_data, sigdecode=sigdecode_der) @st.composite def st_random_der_ecdsa_sig_value(draw): """ Hypothesis strategy for selecting random values and encoding them to ECDSA-Sig-Value object:: ECDSA-Sig-Value ::= SEQUENCE { r INTEGER, s INTEGER } """ name, verifying_key, _ = draw(st.sampled_from(keys_and_sigs)) note("Configuration: {0}".format(name)) order = int(verifying_key.curve.order) # the encode_integer doesn't suport negative numbers, would be nice # to generate them too, but we have coverage for remove_integer() # verifying that it doesn't accept them, so meh. # Test all numbers around the ones that can show up (around order) # way smaller and slightly bigger r = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=order << 4) | st.integers(min_value=order >> 2, max_value=order+1)) s = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=order << 4) | st.integers(min_value=order >> 2, max_value=order+1)) sig = encode_sequence(encode_integer(r), encode_integer(s)) return verifying_key, sig @settings(**slow_params) @given(st_random_der_ecdsa_sig_value()) def test_random_der_ecdsa_sig_value(params): """ Check if random values encoded in ECDSA-Sig-Value structure are rejected as signature. """ verifying_key, sig = params with pytest.raises(BadSignatureError): verifying_key.verify(sig, example_data, sigdecode=sigdecode_der) def st_der_integer(*args, **kwargs): """ Hypothesis strategy that returns a random positive integer as DER INTEGER. Parameters are passed to hypothesis.strategy.integer. """ if "min_value" not in kwargs: # pragma: no branch kwargs["min_value"] = 0 return st.builds(encode_integer, st.integers(*args, **kwargs)) @st.composite def st_der_bit_string(draw, *args, **kwargs): """ Hypothesis strategy that returns a random DER BIT STRING. Parameters are passed to hypothesis.strategy.binary. """ data = draw(st.binary(*args, **kwargs)) if data: unused = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=7)) data = bytearray(data) data[-1] &= - (2**unused) data = bytes(data) else: unused = 0 return encode_bitstring(data, unused) def st_der_octet_string(*args, **kwargs): """ Hypothesis strategy that returns a random DER OCTET STRING object. Parameters are passed to hypothesis.strategy.binary """ return st.builds(encode_octet_string, st.binary(*args, **kwargs)) def st_der_null(): """ Hypothesis strategy that returns DER NULL object. """ return st.just(b'\x05\x00') @st.composite def st_der_oid(draw): """ Hypothesis strategy that returns DER OBJECT IDENTIFIER objects. """ first = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=2)) if first < 2: second = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=39)) else: second = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=2**512)) rest = draw(st.lists(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=2**512), max_size=50)) return encode_oid(first, second, *rest) def st_der(): """ Hypothesis strategy that returns random DER structures. A valid DER structure is any primitive object, an octet encoding of a valid DER structure, sequence of valid DER objects or a constructed encoding of any of the above. """ return st.recursive( st.just(b'') | st_der_integer(max_value=2**4096) | st_der_bit_string(max_size=1024**2) | st_der_octet_string(max_size=1024**2) | st_der_null() | st_der_oid(), lambda children: st.builds(lambda x: encode_octet_string(x), st.one_of(children)) | st.builds(lambda x: encode_bitstring(x, 0), st.one_of(children)) | st.builds(lambda x: encode_sequence(*x), st.lists(children, max_size=200)) | st.builds(lambda tag, x: encode_constructed(tag, x), st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=0x3f), st.one_of(children)), max_leaves=40 ) @settings(**params) @given(st.sampled_from(keys_and_sigs), st_der()) def test_random_der_as_signature(params, der): """Check if random DER structures are rejected as signature""" name, verifying_key, _ = params with pytest.raises(BadSignatureError): verifying_key.verify(der, example_data, sigdecode=sigdecode_der) @settings(**params) @given(st.sampled_from(keys_and_sigs), st.binary(max_size=1024**2)) @example( keys_and_sigs[0], encode_sequence(encode_integer(0), encode_integer(0))) @example( keys_and_sigs[0], encode_sequence(encode_integer(1), encode_integer(1)) + b'\x00') @example( keys_and_sigs[0], encode_sequence(*[encode_integer(1)] * 3)) def test_random_bytes_as_signature(params, der): """Check if random bytes are rejected as signature""" name, verifying_key, _ = params with pytest.raises(BadSignatureError): verifying_key.verify(der, example_data, sigdecode=sigdecode_der) keys_and_string_sigs = [ (name, verifying_key, sigencode_string(*sigdecode_der(sig, verifying_key.curve.order), order=verifying_key.curve.order)) for name, verifying_key, sig in keys_and_sigs] """ Name of the curve+hash combination, VerifyingKey and signature as a byte string. """ @settings(**params) @given(st_fuzzed_sig(keys_and_string_sigs)) def test_fuzzed_string_signatures(params): verifying_key, sig = params with pytest.raises(BadSignatureError): verifying_key.verify(sig, example_data, sigdecode=sigdecode_string)