use std::collections::BinaryHeap; #[repr(u8)] enum WALRingType { Null = 0x0, Full, First, Middle, Last } #[repr(C)] struct WALRingBlob { crc32: u32, rsize: u32, rtype: WALRingType, // payload follows } type WALFileId = u64; type WALPos = u64; #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] pub struct WALRingId { start: WALPos, end: WALPos } impl Ord for WALRingId { fn cmp(&self, other: &WALRingId) -> std::cmp::Ordering { other.start.cmp(&self.start).then_with(|| other.end.cmp(&self.end)) } } impl PartialOrd for WALRingId { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &WALRingId) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(other)) } } /// the state for a WAL writer struct WALState { /// the first file id of WAL pub first_fid: WALFileId, /// the next position for a record, addressed in the entire WAL space pub next: WALPos, /// number of bits for a block pub block_nbit: u8, /// number of bits for a file pub file_nbit: u8, } pub trait WALFile { fn allocate(&self, offset: WALPos, length: usize); fn write(&self, offset: WALPos, data: Box<[u8]>); fn read(&self, offset: WALPos, length: usize) -> Box<[u8]>; } pub trait WALStore { fn open_file(&self, filename: &str, touch: bool) -> Option>; fn remove_file(&self, filename: &str) -> bool; fn scan_files(&self) -> Box<[&str]>; } /// The middle layer that manages WAL file handles and invokes public trait functions to actually /// manipulate files and their contents. struct WALFilePool { store: F, handles: lru::LruCache>, file_nbit: u64, file_size: u64, block_size: u64, } impl WALFilePool { fn new(store: F, file_nbit: u8, block_nbit: u8, cache_size: usize) -> Self { let file_nbit = file_nbit as u64; WALFilePool { store, handles: lru::LruCache::new(cache_size), file_nbit, file_size: 1 << (file_nbit as u64), block_size: 1 << (block_nbit as u64) } } fn get_fname(fid: WALFileId) -> String { format!("{:08x}.log", fid) } fn get_file(&mut self, fid: u64) -> &'static dyn WALFile { let h = match self.handles.get(&fid) { Some(h) => &**h, None => { self.handles.put(fid,, true).unwrap()); &**self.handles.get(&fid).unwrap() } }; unsafe {&*(h as *const dyn WALFile)} } fn write(&mut self, writes: Vec<(WALPos, Box<[u8]>)>) { // pre-allocate the blocks let fid = writes[0].0 >> self.file_nbit; let mut alloc_start = writes[0].0 & (self.file_size - 1); let mut alloc_end = alloc_start + self.block_size; let mut h = self.get_file(fid); for (off, _) in &writes[1..] { let next_fid = off >> self.file_nbit; if next_fid != fid { h.allocate(alloc_start, (alloc_end - alloc_start) as usize); h = self.get_file(next_fid); alloc_start = 0; alloc_end = alloc_start + self.block_size; } else { alloc_end += self.block_size; } } h.allocate(alloc_start, (alloc_end - alloc_start) as usize); for (off, w) in writes.into_iter() { self.get_file(off >> self.file_nbit).write(off, w); } } fn remove_file(&self, fid: u64) -> bool { true } } pub struct WALWriter { state: WALState, file_pool: WALFilePool, block_buffer: Box<[u8]>, block_size: u32, next_complete: WALPos, io_complete: BinaryHeap } impl WALWriter { fn new(state: WALState, wal_store: F, cache_size: usize) -> Self { let mut b = Vec::new(); let block_nbit = state.block_nbit; let block_size = 1 << (block_nbit as u32); let file_nbit = state.file_nbit; let file_size = 1 << (file_nbit as u64); b.resize(block_size as usize, 0); WALWriter{ state, file_pool: WALFilePool::new(wal_store, file_nbit, block_nbit, cache_size), block_buffer: b.into_boxed_slice(), block_size, next_complete: 0, io_complete: BinaryHeap::new(), } } /// Submit a sequence of records to WAL; WALStore/WALFile callbacks are invoked before the /// function returns. The caller then has the knowledge of WAL writes so it should defer /// actual data writes after WAL writes. pub fn grow(&mut self, records: &[Box<[u8]>]) -> Box<[WALRingId]> { let mut res = Vec::new(); let mut writes = Vec::new(); let msize = std::mem::size_of::() as u32; // the global offest of the begining of the block // the start of the unwritten data let mut bbuff_start = as u32 & (self.block_size - 1); // the end of the unwritten data let mut bbuff_cur = bbuff_start; for _rec in records { let mut rec = &_rec[..]; let mut rsize = rec.len() as u32; let mut started = false; while rsize > 0 { let remain = self.block_size - bbuff_cur; if remain > msize { let d = remain - msize; let blob = unsafe {std::mem::transmute::<*mut u8, &mut WALRingBlob>( &mut self.block_buffer[bbuff_cur as usize] as *mut u8)}; let ring_start = + (bbuff_cur - bbuff_start) as u64; if d >= rsize { // the remaining rec fits in the block let payload = rec; blob.crc32 = crc::crc32::checksum_ieee(payload); blob.rsize = rsize; blob.rtype = if started {WALRingType::Last} else {WALRingType::Full}; rsize = 0; &mut self.block_buffer[bbuff_cur as usize..].copy_from_slice(payload); bbuff_cur += rsize; } else { // the remaining block can only accommodate partial rec let payload = &rec[..d as usize]; blob.crc32 = crc::crc32::checksum_ieee(payload); blob.rsize = d; blob.rtype = if started {WALRingType::Middle} else { started = true; WALRingType::First }; rsize -= d; &mut self.block_buffer[bbuff_cur as usize..].copy_from_slice(payload); bbuff_cur += d; rec = &rec[d as usize..]; } let ring_end = + (bbuff_cur - bbuff_start) as u64; res.push(WALRingId{start: ring_start, end: ring_end}); } else { // add padding space by moving the point to the end of the block bbuff_cur = self.block_size; } if bbuff_cur == self.block_size { writes.push((, self.block_buffer[bbuff_start as usize..] .to_vec().into_boxed_slice())); += (self.block_size - bbuff_start) as u64; bbuff_start = 0; bbuff_cur = 0; } } } if bbuff_cur > bbuff_start { writes.push((, self.block_buffer[bbuff_start as usize..bbuff_cur as usize] .to_vec().into_boxed_slice())); += (bbuff_cur - bbuff_start) as u64; } self.file_pool.write(writes); res.into_boxed_slice() } /// Inform the WALWriter that data writes (specified by a slice of (offset, length) tuples) are /// complete so that it could automatically remove obsolete WAL files. pub fn peel(&mut self, records: &[WALRingId]) { for rec in records { self.io_complete.push(*rec) } let orig_fid = self.state.first_fid; while let Some(s) = self.io_complete.peek().and_then(|&e| Some(e.start)) { if s != self.next_complete { break } let m = self.io_complete.pop().unwrap(); self.next_complete = m.end } let next_fid = self.next_complete >> self.state.file_nbit; for fid in orig_fid..next_fid { self.file_pool.remove_file(fid); } self.state.first_fid = next_fid; } } struct WALReader { }