int; char; struct {int x;}; /* useless declarations are ok */ int a(int a); int a(int d); /* duplicate function declarations are ok */ struct A {int x; int y;} b; /* struct definitions in parameters is in a local scope * subsequent parameter can make use of previous defined struct */ int foo(struct A {int x;} a, struct A b) { /* function declaration in local scope is ok */ int f(char *x); /* A is defined in parameters */ struct A c; c.x = 43; } void bar() { /* struct definition is ok inside a function */ struct A {int x;}; struct A a; a.x = 1; { /* the following `A' is different from previous one */ struct A {int y;}; struct A b; b.y = 2; } } struct C c; struct C { struct D { int x, y; } b; int c; struct D d; }; struct D d; /* feasible here */ void nonsense() { char q; (void)q; return "yay"; } int assign() { int *a; struct {int *x;} b; a = b.x; } void incomplete() { struct E {struct F *f;} e; } void delay() { struct G *g; struct G {int x; }; g->x = 1; } void comma() { int a; int *b; (b++, a++) * 3; } int complex_pointer() { int (*g(int ***e[10]))(); } int fp(int a, int b, int c) { int (*f)(int a, int b, int c); f = ****fp + 1; (****f)(1, 2, 3); f = &fp + 1; } int fc(int fc()) { fc(complex_pointer); } int incomp(struct I a); struct I { int i, j; }; void (*bsd_signal(int sig, void (*func)(int a)))(int b); void array() { int a[(1 + 1 == 2) * 2]; } void local_decl() { int y = y; { int x = x; int a; int b = a = 2; } } struct Node n; struct Node {int x, y;} n; /* global forward declaration is ok */ int again; int again; typedef int def; int typedef1() { int def; /* overrides outer typedef */ def = 1; } typedef int *ptr1; int typedef2() { typedef int **ptr2; { typedef int ***ptr3; ptr3 ptr2; ptr3 ptr1; } } typedef struct TA { int x; } TA; typedef struct TA TA; int typedef_struct() { TA a; a.x = 1; } int main() { n.x = 1; n.y = 2; }