#include #include #include #include #include "ast.h" #include "ssa.h" #include "mips.h" #define NEW(type) ((type *)malloc(sizeof(type))) #define DBLINK(from, to) ((from)->next = (to))->prev = (from) static CGraph cfg, dtree; static CBlock_t blks[MAX_BLOCK]; static COList_t raw_defs; /* defintion of all vars and tmps */ static int bcnt; /* block counter */ static int tcnt; /* temporary counter */ /* for code generation */ int gbbase; CBlock_t entry; CType_t func; COList_t defs; /* all defintions that have actual effects */ COpr_t copr_create(void) { COpr_t opr = NEW(COpr); opr->type = NULL; opr->cval = NULL; opr->same = opr; opr->dep = 0; opr->mod = 0; opr->par = opr; return opr; } CInst_t cinst_create(void) { CInst_t inst = NEW(CInst); inst->dest = NULL; inst->src1 = NULL; inst->src2 = NULL; return inst; } CBlock_t cblock_create(int inc) { CBlock_t cblk = NEW(CBlock); CInst_t dum = cinst_create(); CPhi_t pdum = NEW(CPhi); dum->prev = dum; dum->next = dum; pdum->prev = pdum; pdum->next = pdum; cblk->insts = dum; cblk->phis = pdum; cblk->next = NULL; if (inc) cblk->id = bcnt++; cblk->ref = 0; return cblk; } void cblock_append(CBlock_t cblk, CInst_t inst) { CInst_t head = cblk->insts; (inst->prev = head->prev)->next = inst; (inst->next = head)->prev = inst; } void cblock_pushfront(CBlock_t cblk, CInst_t inst) { CInst_t head = cblk->insts; (inst->next = head->next)->prev = inst; (inst->prev = head)->next = inst; } void cblock_pappend(CBlock_t cblk, CPhi_t phi) { CPhi_t head = cblk->phis; (phi->prev = head->prev)->next = phi; (phi->next = head)->prev = phi; } void cblock_popback(CBlock_t cblk) { CInst_t last = cblk->insts->prev; last->next->prev = last->prev; last->prev->next = last->next; } void cblock_popfront(CBlock_t cblk) { CInst_t first = cblk->insts->next; first->next->prev = first->prev; first->prev->next = first->next; } CInst_t cblock_getback(CBlock_t cblk) { CInst_t res = cblk->insts->prev; return res != cblk->insts ? res : NULL; } int cblock_isempty(CBlock_t cblk) { return cblk->insts->prev == cblk->insts; } CVar_t ctmp_create(void) { static char buff[MAX_NAMELEN]; sprintf(buff, "t%d", tcnt++); return cvar_create(strdup(buff), NULL, NULL); } void ctmp_destroy(CVar_t type) { /* allocated dynamically */ free(type->name); free(type); } void cfg_clear(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCK; i++) { CEdge *p, *np; for (p = cfg.head[i]; p; p = np) { np = p->next; free(p); } cfg.head[i] = NULL; for (p = cfg.rhead[i]; p; p = np) { np = p->next; free(p); } cfg.rhead[i] = NULL; } } void dtree_clear(void) { int i; CEdge *p, *np; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCK; dtree.head[i++] = NULL) for (p = dtree.head[i]; p; p = np) { np = p->next; free(p); } } void cfg_add_edge(CBlock_t from, CBlock_t to) { int fid = from->id, tid = to->id; fprintf(stderr, "%d -> %d\n", from->id, to->id); CEdge *e = NEW(CEdge), *re = NEW(CEdge); e->to = to; e->next = cfg.head[fid]; cfg.head[fid] = e; re->to = from; re->next = cfg.rhead[tid]; cfg.rhead[tid] = re; } void dtree_add_edge(CBlock_t from, CBlock_t to) { fprintf(stderr, "%d d-> %d\n", from->id, to->id); int id = from->id; CEdge *e = NEW(CEdge); e->to = to; e->next = dtree.head[id]; dtree.head[id] = e; } void copr_print(FILE *f, COpr_t opr) { switch (opr->kind) { case VAR: fprintf(f, "%s_%d", opr->info.var->name, opr->sub); break; case TMP: fprintf(f, "%s", opr->info.var->name); break; case IMM: fprintf(f, "%d", opr->info.imm); break; case IMMS: fprintf(f, "\"%s\"", opr->info.cstr->str); break; case IMMF: fprintf(f, "%s", opr->info.str); break; } } void cinst_print(FILE *f, CInst_t inst) { switch (inst->op) { case LOAD: fprintf(f, "load "); copr_print(f, inst->dest); break; case MOVE: copr_print(f, inst->dest); fprintf(f, " = "); copr_print(f, inst->src1); break; case BEQ: fprintf(f, "if ("); copr_print(f, inst->src1); fprintf(f, " == "); copr_print(f, inst->src2); fprintf(f, ") goto _L"); copr_print(f, inst->dest); break; case BNE: fprintf(f, "if ("); copr_print(f, inst->src1); fprintf(f, " != "); copr_print(f, inst->src2); fprintf(f, ") goto _L"); copr_print(f, inst->dest); break; case GOTO: fprintf(f, "goto _L"); copr_print(f, inst->dest); break; case ARR: copr_print(f, inst->dest); fprintf(f, " = "); copr_print(f, inst->src1); fprintf(f, "["); copr_print(f, inst->src2); fprintf(f, "]"); break; case NEG: copr_print(f, inst->dest); fprintf(f, " = -"); copr_print(f, inst->src1); break; case WARR: copr_print(f, inst->dest); fprintf(f, "["); copr_print(f, inst->src2); fprintf(f, "] = "); copr_print(f, inst->src1); break; case PUSH: fprintf(f, "push "); copr_print(f, inst->src1); break; case CALL: copr_print(f, inst->dest); fprintf(f, " = call "); copr_print(f, inst->src1); break; case RET: if (inst->src1) { fprintf(f, "return "); copr_print(f, inst->src1); } else fprintf(f, "return"); break; case ADDR: copr_print(f, inst->dest); fprintf(f, " = addr "); copr_print(f, inst->src1); break; default: { const char *op; switch (inst->op) { case MUL: op = "*"; break; case DIV: op = "/"; break; case MOD: op = "%"; break; case ADD: op = "+"; break; case SUB: op = "-"; break; case SHL: op = "<<"; break; case SHR: op = ">>"; break; case AND: op = "&"; break; case XOR: op = "^"; break; case OR: op = "|"; break; case LT: op = "<"; break; case GT: op = ">"; break; case LE: op = "<="; break; case GE: op = ">="; break; case EQ: op = "=="; break; case NE: op = "!="; break; case NOR: op = "nor"; break; default: ; } copr_print(f, inst->dest); fprintf(f, " = "); copr_print(f, inst->src1); fprintf(f, " %s ", op); copr_print(f, inst->src2); } } fprintf(f, "\n"); } void cphi_print(CPhi_t phi, CBlock_t blk) { int i; fprintf(stderr, "%s_%d = phi", phi->dest->info.var->name, phi->dest->sub); for (i = 0; i < blk->pred; i++) fprintf(stderr, " %s_%d", phi->oprs[i]->info.var->name, phi->oprs[i]->sub); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } void cblock_print(CBlock_t blk) { /*if (blk->ref)*/ fprintf(stderr, "_L%d:\n", blk->id + gbbase); { CPhi_t p, sp = blk->phis; for (p = sp->next; p != sp; p = p->next) { fprintf(stderr, "\t"); cphi_print(p, blk); } } { CInst_t p, sp = blk->insts; for (p = sp->next; p != sp; p = p->next) { fprintf(stderr, "%02d\t", p->id); cinst_print(stderr, p); } } } void ssa_func_print(CBlock_t p) { for (; p; p = p->next) cblock_print(p); } void ssa_func(CType_t); void ssa_generate(void) { CTList_t f; mips_prologue(); for (f = funcs; f; f = f->next) { func = f->type; fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n", func->name); ssa_func(func); ssa_func_print(entry); mips_generate(); gbbase += bcnt; bcnt = 0; } } #define POINTER_CONV(inst) \ do { \ if (rt->type == CARR) \ { \ /* convert to pointer type */ \ CType_t a; \ a = ctype_create("", CPTR, p); \ a->rec.ref = rt->rec.arr.elem; \ (inst)->op = ADD; \ (inst)->dest->type = a; \ } \ else if (rt->type == CSTRUCT || rt->type == CUNION) \ (inst)->op = ADD; \ else (inst)->op = ARR; \ } while (0) COpr_t ssa_exp_(CNode *p, CBlock_t *, CInst_t, CBlock_t); COpr_t ssa_postfix(CNode *p, CBlock_t *cur, CInst_t lval, CBlock_t succ) { CNode *post = p->chd->next; CType_t rt = p->ext.type; CInst_t base = cinst_create(); switch (post->rec.subtype) { case POSTFIX_ARR: { CInst_t off = cinst_create(); off->dest = copr_create(); off->dest->kind = TMP; off->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); off->dest->type = post->chd->ext.type; off->op = MUL; off->src1 = ssa_exp_(post->chd, cur, NULL, succ); off->src2 = copr_create(); off->src2->kind = IMM; off->src2->info.imm = calc_size(rt); cblock_append(*cur, off); base->dest = copr_create(); base->dest->kind = TMP; base->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); base->dest->type = rt; base->src1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, NULL, succ); base->src2 = off->dest; POINTER_CONV(base); } break; case POSTFIX_DOT: { base->dest = copr_create(); base->dest->kind = TMP; base->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); base->dest->type = rt; base->src1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, NULL, succ); base->src2 = copr_create(); base->src2->kind = IMM; base->src2->info.imm = p->ext.offset; POINTER_CONV(base); } break; case POSTFIX_PTR: { base->dest = copr_create(); base->dest->kind = TMP; base->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); base->dest->type = rt; base->src1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, NULL, succ); base->src2 = copr_create(); base->src2->kind = IMM; base->src2->info.imm = p->ext.offset; POINTER_CONV(base); } break; case POSTFIX_CALL: { CNode *arg = post->chd->chd; CInst h; CInst_t t = &h, n; base->op = CALL; base->src1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, lval, succ); base->dest = copr_create(); base->dest->kind = TMP; base->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); base->dest->type = rt; for (; arg; arg = arg->next) { CInst_t pi = cinst_create(); pi->op = PUSH; pi->src1 = ssa_exp_(arg, cur, lval, succ); t->next = pi; t = pi; } t->next = NULL; for (t = h.next; t; t = n) { n = t->next; cblock_append(*cur, t); } } break; default: { CInst_t tins = cinst_create(); ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, tins, succ); base->op = post->rec.subtype == OPT_INC ? ADD : SUB; base->src2 = copr_create(); base->src2->kind = IMM; base->src2->info.imm = 1; base->src1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, NULL, succ); if (tins->op == MOVE) { base->dest = tins->dest; cblock_append(succ, base); free(tins); } else { CInst_t tins2 = cinst_create(); base->dest = copr_create(); base->dest->kind = TMP; base->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); base->dest->type = rt; tins->src1 = base->dest; tins2->op = ARR; tins2->src1 = tins->dest; tins2->src2 = tins->src2; tins2->dest = copr_create(); tins2->dest->kind = TMP; tins2->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); tins2->dest->type = rt; cblock_append(succ, base); cblock_append(succ, tins); cblock_append(succ, tins2); } return base->src1; } break; } if (lval) { lval->op = WARR; lval->dest = base->src1; lval->src2 = base->src2; lval->wtype = p->ext.type; free(base); return lval->dest; } cblock_append(*cur, base); return base->dest; } CInst_t compress_branch(COpr_t r, CBlock_t blk, int rev) { int flag = -1; CInst_t b; if (r->kind == TMP) { b = cblock_getback(blk); if (b) { assert(r == b->dest); if (b->op == EQ) flag = 0; else if (b->op == NE) flag = 1; } } if (flag != -1) b->op = flag ? BNE : BEQ; else { b = cinst_create(); b->op = BNE; b->src1 = r; b->src2 = copr_create(); b->src2->kind = IMM; b->src2->info.imm = 0; cblock_append(blk, b); } b->op ^= rev; b->dest = copr_create(); b->dest->kind = IMM; return b; } #define IS_PTR(tt) ((tt) == CPTR || (tt) == CARR) COpr_t ssa_exp(CNode *, CBlock_t *, int); COpr_t ssa_exp_(CNode *p, CBlock_t *cur, CInst_t lval, CBlock_t succ) {/*{{{*/ COpr_t res; CInst_t inst = cinst_create(); switch (p->type) { case NOP: ; break; case ID: res = copr_create(); res->kind = VAR; res->info.var = p->ext.var; res->type = p->ext.type; { CVar_t var = res->info.var; CType_t type = var->type; if (type->type == CPTR && type->rec.ref->type == CFUNC) { char *name = type->rec.ref->name; if (*name != '\0') { res->kind = IMMF; res->info.str = name; } } } if (lval) { lval->op = MOVE; lval->dest = res; } break; case STR: res = copr_create(); res->kind = IMMS; res->info.cstr = (CSList_t)(p->ext.const_val); break; default: if (p->ext.is_const) { res = copr_create(); res->kind = IMM; res->info.imm = p->ext.const_val; } else { int op = p->rec.subtype; int rec = 1, auto_dest = 1; if (op == ',') { ssa_exp(p->chd, cur, 1); return ssa_exp_(p->chd->next, cur, NULL, succ); } else if (op == '=') { inst->src1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd->next, cur, NULL, succ); ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, inst, succ); if (inst->op == MOVE) { CInst_t last = cblock_getback(*cur); if (last && last->dest->kind == TMP && last->dest == inst->src1) { free(last->dest); last->dest = inst->dest; free(inst); return last->dest; } else { cblock_append(*cur, inst); return inst->dest; } } else { CInst_t tins = cinst_create(); cblock_append(*cur, inst); tins->op = ARR; tins->src1 = inst->dest; /* base */ tins->src2 = inst->src2; /* displacement */ tins->dest = copr_create(); tins->dest->kind = TMP; tins->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); tins->dest->type = p->ext.type; cblock_append(*cur, tins); return tins->dest; } } else if (op == '*' && !p->chd->next) { if (lval) { lval->op = WARR; lval->dest = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, NULL, succ); lval->src2 = copr_create(); lval->src2->kind = IMM; lval->src2->info.imm = 0; lval->wtype = p->ext.type; return lval->dest; } else { CType_t rt = p->ext.type; inst->src1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, NULL, succ); inst->src2 = copr_create(); inst->src2->kind = IMM; inst->src2->info.imm = 0; inst->dest = copr_create(); inst->dest->kind = TMP; inst->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); inst->dest->type = rt; POINTER_CONV(inst); cblock_append(*cur, inst); return inst->dest; } } else if (op == OPT_AND) { CBlock_t else_h = cblock_create(1), else_t = else_h, one_blk = cblock_create(1), zero_blk = cblock_create(1), next_blk = cblock_create(1), sblk; COpr_t r0, r1, ri; CInst_t b, a0, a1; CPhi_t m = NEW(CPhi); CNode *t; /* constant opt */ a0 = cinst_create(); a0->op = MOVE; a0->dest = copr_create(); a0->dest->kind = TMP; a0->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); a0->dest->type = p->ext.type; /* int */ a0->src1 = copr_create(); a0->src1->kind = IMM; a0->src1->info.imm = 0; cblock_append(zero_blk, a0); a1 = cinst_create(); a1->op = MOVE; a1->dest = copr_create(); a1->dest->kind = TMP; a1->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); a1->dest->type = p->ext.type; a1->src1 = copr_create(); a1->src1->kind = IMM; a1->src1->info.imm = 1; cblock_append(one_blk, a1); m->dest = copr_create(); m->dest->kind = TMP; m->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); m->dest->type = p->ext.type; m->oprs = (COpr_t *)malloc(sizeof(COpr_t) * 2); m->oprs[0] = a0->dest; m->oprs[1] = a1->dest; cblock_pappend(next_blk, m); r1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd->next, &else_t, NULL, succ); compress_branch(r1, else_t, 1)->dest->info.imm = zero_blk->id + gbbase; zero_blk->ref = 1; sblk = else_h; for (t = p->chd; t->rec.subtype == OPT_AND; t = t->chd) { CBlock_t c_h = cblock_create(1), c_t = c_h; ri = ssa_exp_(t->chd->next, &c_t, NULL, succ); compress_branch(ri, c_t, 1)->dest->info.imm = zero_blk->id + gbbase; cfg_add_edge(c_t, zero_blk); /* tail */ DBLINK(c_t, sblk); cfg_add_edge(c_t, sblk); /* connect to header */ sblk = c_h; } r0 = ssa_exp_(t, cur, NULL, succ); compress_branch(r0, *cur, 1)->dest->info.imm = zero_blk->id + gbbase; cfg_add_edge(*cur, zero_blk); DBLINK(*cur, sblk); cfg_add_edge(*cur, sblk); b = cinst_create(); b->op = GOTO; b->dest = copr_create(); b->dest->kind = IMM; b->dest->info.imm = next_blk->id + gbbase; cblock_append(one_blk, b); next_blk->ref = 1; DBLINK(else_t, one_blk); DBLINK(one_blk, zero_blk); DBLINK(zero_blk, next_blk); cfg_add_edge(else_t, one_blk); cfg_add_edge(else_t, zero_blk); cfg_add_edge(one_blk, next_blk); cfg_add_edge(zero_blk, next_blk); *cur = next_blk; return m->dest; } else if (op == OPT_OR) { CBlock_t else_h = cblock_create(1), else_t = else_h, one_blk = cblock_create(1), zero_blk = cblock_create(1), next_blk = cblock_create(1), sblk; COpr_t r0, r1, ri; CInst_t b, a0, a1; CPhi_t m = NEW(CPhi); CNode *t; /* constant opt */ a0 = cinst_create(); a0->op = MOVE; a0->dest = copr_create(); a0->dest->kind = TMP; a0->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); a0->dest->type = p->ext.type; /* int */ a0->src1 = copr_create(); a0->src1->kind = IMM; a0->src1->info.imm = 0; cblock_append(zero_blk, a0); a1 = cinst_create(); a1->op = MOVE; a1->dest = copr_create(); a1->dest->kind = TMP; a1->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); a1->dest->type = p->ext.type; a1->src1 = copr_create(); a1->src1->kind = IMM; a1->src1->info.imm = 1; cblock_append(one_blk, a1); m->dest = copr_create(); m->dest->kind = TMP; m->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); m->dest->type = p->ext.type; m->oprs = (COpr_t *)malloc(sizeof(COpr_t) * 2); m->oprs[0] = a1->dest; m->oprs[1] = a0->dest; cblock_pappend(next_blk, m); r1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd->next, &else_t, NULL, succ); compress_branch(r1, else_t, 0)->dest->info.imm = one_blk->id + gbbase; one_blk->ref = 1; sblk = else_h; for (t = p->chd; t->rec.subtype == OPT_OR; t = t->chd) { CBlock_t c_h = cblock_create(1), c_t = c_h; ri = ssa_exp_(t->chd->next, &c_t, NULL, succ); compress_branch(ri, c_t, 0)->dest->info.imm = one_blk->id + gbbase; cfg_add_edge(c_t, one_blk); /* tail */ DBLINK(c_t, sblk); cfg_add_edge(c_t, sblk); /* connect to header */ sblk = c_h; } r0 = ssa_exp_(t, cur, NULL, succ); compress_branch(r0, *cur, 0)->dest->info.imm = one_blk->id + gbbase; cfg_add_edge(*cur, one_blk); DBLINK(*cur, sblk); cfg_add_edge(*cur, sblk); b = cinst_create(); b->op = GOTO; b->dest = copr_create(); b->dest->kind = IMM; b->dest->info.imm = next_blk->id + gbbase; cblock_append(zero_blk, b); next_blk->ref = 1; DBLINK(else_t, zero_blk); DBLINK(zero_blk, one_blk); DBLINK(one_blk, next_blk); cfg_add_edge(else_t, zero_blk); cfg_add_edge(else_t, one_blk); cfg_add_edge(zero_blk, next_blk); cfg_add_edge(one_blk, next_blk); *cur = next_blk; return m->dest; } else if (op == '+' && IS_PTR(p->ext.type->type)) { COpr_t lhs = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, lval, succ), rhs = ssa_exp_(p->chd->next, cur, lval, succ); CInst_t index = cinst_create(); CType_t et = p->chd->ext.type; if (et->type == CPTR) et = et->rec.ref; else et = et->rec.arr.elem; index->op = MUL; index->dest = copr_create(); index->dest->kind = TMP; index->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); index->dest->type = p->chd->next->ext.type; index->src1 = rhs; index->src2 = copr_create(); index->src2->kind = IMM; index->src2->info.imm = calc_size(et); inst->op = ADD; inst->dest = copr_create(); inst->dest->kind = TMP; inst->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); inst->dest->type = p->ext.type; inst->src1 = lhs; inst->src2 = index->dest; cblock_append(*cur, index); cblock_append(*cur, inst); return inst->dest; } else if (op == '-' && IS_PTR(p->chd->ext.type->type)) { CType_t nt = p->chd->next->ext.type; CType_t et = p->chd->ext.type; COpr_t lhs = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, lval, succ), rhs = ssa_exp_(p->chd->next, cur, lval, succ); CInst_t diff = cinst_create(); if (et->type == CPTR) et = et->rec.ref; else et = et->rec.arr.elem; if (IS_PTR(nt->type)) { diff->op = SUB; diff->dest = copr_create(); diff->dest->kind = TMP; diff->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); diff->dest->type = p->ext.type; diff->src1 = lhs; diff->src2 = rhs; inst->op = DIV; inst->dest = copr_create(); inst->dest->kind = TMP; inst->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); inst->dest->type = p->ext.type; inst->src1 = diff->dest; inst->src2 = copr_create(); inst->src2->kind = IMM; inst->src2->info.imm = calc_size(et); } else { diff->op = MUL; diff->dest = copr_create(); diff->dest->kind = TMP; diff->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); diff->dest->type = p->chd->next->ext.type; diff->src1 = rhs; diff->src2 = copr_create(); diff->src2->kind = IMM; diff->src2->info.imm = calc_size(et); inst->op = SUB; inst->dest = copr_create(); inst->dest->kind = TMP; inst->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); inst->dest->type = p->ext.type; inst->src1 = lhs; inst->src2 = diff->dest; } cblock_append(*cur, diff); cblock_append(*cur, inst); return inst->dest; } else if (op == '&' && !p->chd->next) { ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, inst, succ); if (inst->op == MOVE) { inst->op = ADDR; inst->src1 = inst->dest; } else { inst->op = ADD; inst->src1 = inst->dest; } inst->dest = copr_create(); inst->dest->kind = TMP; inst->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); inst->dest->type = p->ext.type; cblock_append(*cur, inst); return inst->dest; } else { int unary = 0; inst->op = (unsigned)-1; switch (op) { case ASS_MUL: inst->op = MUL; break; case ASS_DIV: inst->op = DIV; break; case ASS_MOD: inst->op = MOD; break; case ASS_ADD: inst->op = ADD; break; case ASS_SUB: inst->op = SUB; break; case ASS_SHL: inst->op = SHL; break; case ASS_SHR: inst->op = SHR; break; case ASS_AND: inst->op = AND; break; case ASS_XOR: inst->op = XOR; break; case ASS_OR: inst->op = OR; break; case OPT_INC: inst->op = ADD; unary = 1; break; case OPT_DEC: inst->op = SUB; unary = 1; break; } if (inst->op != (unsigned)-1) { CInst_t tins = cinst_create(); ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, tins, succ); /* as lval */ inst->src1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, NULL, succ); /* as rval */ if (unary) { inst->src2 = copr_create(); inst->src2->kind = IMM; inst->src2->info.imm = 1; } else inst->src2 = ssa_exp_(p->chd->next, cur, NULL, succ); if (tins->op == MOVE) { inst->dest = tins->dest; cblock_append(*cur, inst); free(tins); return inst->dest; } else { CInst_t tins2 = cinst_create(); inst->dest = copr_create(); inst->dest->kind = TMP; inst->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); inst->dest->type = p->ext.type; tins->src1 = inst->dest; tins2->op = ARR; tins2->src1 = tins->dest; /* base */ tins2->src2 = tins->src2; /* displacement */ tins2->dest = copr_create(); tins2->dest->kind = TMP; tins2->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); tins2->dest->type = p->ext.type; cblock_append(*cur, inst); cblock_append(*cur, tins); cblock_append(*cur, tins2); return tins2->dest; } } } switch (op) { case EXP_CAST: { res = ssa_exp_(p->chd->next, cur, lval, succ); res->type = p->ext.type; free(inst); return res; } case EXP_POSTFIX: free(inst); return ssa_postfix(p, cur, lval, succ); /* KW_SIZEOF is eliminated during semantic checking */ default: { COpr_t lhs = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, lval, succ), rhs = NULL; if (p->chd->next) rhs = ssa_exp_(p->chd->next, cur, lval, succ); inst->src1 = lhs; inst->src2 = rhs; switch (op) { case OPT_SHL: inst->op = SHL; break; case OPT_SHR: inst->op = SHR; break; case '|': inst->op = OR; break; case '^': inst->op = XOR; break; case OPT_EQ: inst->op = EQ; break; case OPT_NE: inst->op = NE; break; case '<': inst->op = LT; break; case '>': inst->op = GT; break; case OPT_LE: inst->op = LE; break; case OPT_GE: inst->op = GE; break; case '/': inst->op = DIV; break; case '%': inst->op = MOD; break; case '*': inst->op = MUL; break; case '&': inst->op = AND; break; case '+': if (p->chd->next) inst->op = ADD; else res = lhs; break; case '-': if (p->chd->next) inst->op = SUB; else { inst->op = NEG; inst->src1 = lhs; } break; case '~': inst->op = NOR; inst->src1 = lhs; inst->src2 = copr_create(); inst->src2->kind = IMM; inst->src2->info.imm = 0; break; case '!': inst->op = EQ; inst->src1 = lhs; inst->src2 = copr_create(); inst->src2->kind = IMM; inst->src2->info.imm = 0; break; default: auto_dest = 0; } if (rec) { if (auto_dest) { inst->dest = copr_create(); inst->dest->kind = TMP; inst->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); inst->dest->type = p->ext.type; } cblock_append(*cur, inst); res = inst->dest; } } } } } return res; }/*}}}*/ COpr_t ssa_exp(CNode *p, CBlock_t *cur, int discard_last) { CBlock_t succ = cblock_create(0); COpr_t res = ssa_exp_(p, cur, NULL, succ); CInst_t last; { CInst_t head = succ->insts, t; while (head->next != head) { t = head->next; cblock_popfront(succ); cblock_append(*cur, t); } free(succ); } last = cblock_getback(*cur); if (discard_last && last && last->dest->kind == TMP && last->op != CALL) /* temporary not used */ { ctmp_destroy(last->dest->info.var); cblock_popback(*cur); free(last); } return res; } CBlock_t ssa_stmt(CNode *, CBlock_t, CBlock_t); CBlock_t ssa_while(CNode *p, CBlock_t cur) {/*{{{*/ CNode *exp = p->chd; CBlock_t loop_h = cblock_create(1), loop_t, cond_h= cblock_create(1), cond_t = cond_h, next_blk = cblock_create(1); CInst_t j_inst = cinst_create(); COpr_t e = ssa_exp(exp, &cond_t, 0); compress_branch(e, cond_t, 0)->dest->info.imm = loop_h->id + gbbase; loop_h->ref = 1; DBLINK(cond_t, next_blk); loop_t = ssa_stmt(exp->next, loop_h, next_blk); j_inst->op = GOTO; j_inst->dest = copr_create(); j_inst->dest->kind = IMM; j_inst->dest->info.imm = cond_h->id + gbbase; cond_h->ref = 1; cblock_append(cur, j_inst); cfg_add_edge(cur, cond_h); cfg_add_edge(cond_t, loop_h); cfg_add_edge(loop_t, cond_h); cfg_add_edge(cond_t, next_blk); DBLINK(cur, loop_h); DBLINK(loop_t, cond_h); return next_blk; }/*}}}*/ CBlock_t ssa_for(CNode *p, CBlock_t cur) {/*{{{*/ CNode *exp1 = p->chd, *exp2 = exp1->next, *exp3 = exp2->next; CBlock_t loop_h = cblock_create(1), loop_t, cond_h = cblock_create(1), cond_t = cond_h, next_blk = cblock_create(1); CInst_t j_inst = cinst_create(); COpr_t e = ssa_exp(exp2, &cond_t, 0); compress_branch(e, cond_t, 0)->dest->info.imm = loop_h->id + gbbase; loop_h->ref = 1; DBLINK(cond_t, next_blk); loop_t = ssa_stmt(exp3->next, loop_h, next_blk); ssa_exp(exp1, &cur, 1); ssa_exp(exp3, &loop_t, 1); j_inst->op = GOTO; j_inst->dest = copr_create(); j_inst->dest->kind = IMM; j_inst->dest->info.imm = cond_h->id + gbbase; cond_h->ref = 1; cblock_append(cur, j_inst); cfg_add_edge(cur, cond_h); cfg_add_edge(cond_t, loop_h); cfg_add_edge(loop_t, cond_h); cfg_add_edge(cond_t, next_blk); DBLINK(cur, loop_h); DBLINK(loop_t, cond_h); return next_blk; }/*}}}*/ CBlock_t ssa_if(CNode *p, CBlock_t cur, CBlock_t loop_exit) {/*{{{*/ CNode *body1 = p->chd->next, *body2 = body1->next; CBlock_t then_blk, then_t, next_blk, else_blk, else_t; CInst_t if_inst; /* = cinst_create(); */ COpr_t rt = ssa_exp(p->chd, &cur, 0); if (rt->kind == IMM) { if (rt->info.imm) return ssa_stmt(body1, cur, loop_exit); else if (body2->type != NOP) return ssa_stmt(body2, cur, loop_exit); else return cur; } then_blk = cblock_create(1); if_inst = compress_branch(rt, cur, 1); cfg_add_edge(cur, then_blk); DBLINK(cur, then_blk); then_t = ssa_stmt(body1, then_blk, loop_exit); if (body2->type != NOP) { CInst_t j_inst = cinst_create(); j_inst->op = GOTO; j_inst->dest = copr_create(); j_inst->dest->kind = IMM; else_blk = cblock_create(1); if_inst->dest->info.imm = else_blk->id + gbbase; else_blk->ref = 1; DBLINK(then_t, else_blk); else_t = ssa_stmt(body2, else_blk, loop_exit); if (cblock_isempty(else_t)) next_blk = else_t; else { next_blk = cblock_create(1); DBLINK(else_t, next_blk); cfg_add_edge(else_t, next_blk); } j_inst->dest->info.imm = next_blk->id + gbbase; next_blk->ref = 1; cblock_append(then_t, j_inst); cfg_add_edge(cur, else_blk); cfg_add_edge(then_t, next_blk); } else { if (cblock_isempty(then_t)) next_blk = then_t; else { next_blk = cblock_create(1); DBLINK(then_t, next_blk); cfg_add_edge(then_t, next_blk); } cfg_add_edge(cur, next_blk); if_inst->dest->info.imm = next_blk->id + gbbase; next_blk->ref = 1; } return next_blk; }/*}}}*/ CBlock_t ssa_ret(CNode *p, CBlock_t cur) { CInst_t inst = cinst_create(); inst->op = RET; if (p->chd->type != NOP) inst->src1 = ssa_exp(p->chd, &cur, 0); cblock_append(cur, inst); return cur; } CBlock_t ssa_break(CBlock_t cur, CBlock_t loop_exit) { CInst_t inst = cinst_create(); assert(loop_exit); inst->op = GOTO; inst->dest = copr_create(); inst->dest->kind = IMM; inst->dest->info.imm = loop_exit->id + gbbase; loop_exit->ref = 1; cblock_append(cur, inst); cfg_add_edge(cur, loop_exit); return cur; } CBlock_t ssa_cont(CBlock_t cur, CBlock_t loop_exit) { CInst_t inst = cinst_create(); assert(loop_exit); loop_exit = loop_exit->prev; /* loop cond */ inst->op = GOTO; inst->dest = copr_create(); inst->dest->kind = IMM; inst->dest->info.imm = loop_exit->id + gbbase; loop_exit->ref = 1; cblock_append(cur, inst); cfg_add_edge(cur, loop_exit); return cur; } CBlock_t ssa_comp(CNode *, CBlock_t, CBlock_t loop_exit); CBlock_t ssa_stmt(CNode *p, CBlock_t cur, CBlock_t loop_exit) { switch (p->rec.subtype) { case STMT_EXP: ssa_exp(p->chd, &cur, 1); break; case STMT_COMP: cur = ssa_comp(p, cur, loop_exit); break; case STMT_IF: return ssa_if(p, cur, loop_exit); case STMT_FOR: return ssa_for(p, cur); case STMT_WHILE: return ssa_while(p, cur); case STMT_CONT: return ssa_cont(cur, loop_exit); case STMT_BREAK: return ssa_break(cur, loop_exit); case STMT_RET: return ssa_ret(p, cur); } return cur; } CBlock_t ssa_comp(CNode *p, CBlock_t cur, CBlock_t loop_exit) { CNode *decls = p->chd, *stmts = p->chd->next, *i; if (decls->chd->type != NOP) { CVList_t a; for (a = p->ext.autos; a; a = a->next) { CNode *initr = a->var->initr; CInst_t last, inst; if (!initr) continue; assert(initr->rec.subtype == INITR_NORM); inst = cinst_create(); inst->src1 = ssa_exp(initr->chd, &cur, 0); last = cblock_getback(cur); if (last && last->dest->kind == TMP) { last->dest->kind = VAR; free(last->dest->info.var); free(inst); last->dest->info.var = a->var; last->dest->type = a->var->type; } else { inst->op = MOVE; inst->dest = copr_create(); inst->dest->kind = VAR; inst->dest->info.var = a->var; inst->dest->type = a->var->type; cblock_append(cur, inst); } } } if (stmts->chd->type != NOP) for (i = stmts->chd; i; i = i->next) cur = ssa_stmt(i, cur, loop_exit); return cur; } CPSet_t cpset_create(void) { CPSet_t res = NEW(CPSet); memset(res->head, 0, sizeof res->head); return res; } void cpset_destroy(CPSet_t cps) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { CPNode *p, *np; for (p = cps->head[i]; p; p = np) { np = p->next; free(p); } } free(cps); } int cpset_insert(CPSet_t cps, long key) { unsigned int hv = key % MAX_TABLE_SIZE; CPNode *p = cps->head[hv], *np; for (; p; p = p->next) if (p->key == key) return 0; np = NEW(CPNode); np->key = key; np->next = cps->head[hv]; cps->head[hv] = np; return 1; } void cpset_erase(CPSet_t cps, long key) { unsigned int hv = key % MAX_TABLE_SIZE; int flag = 0; CPNode *p = cps->head[hv], *pp = NULL; for (; p; pp = p, p = p->next) if (p->key == key) { flag = 1; break; } if (!flag) return; if (pp) pp->next = p->next; else cps->head[hv] = p->next; free(p); } int cpset_belongs(CPSet_t cps, long key) { unsigned int hv = key % MAX_TABLE_SIZE; CPNode *p = cps->head[hv]; for (; p; p = p->next) if (p->key == key) return 1; return 0; } int dom[MAX_BLOCK], ord[MAX_BLOCK], vis[MAX_BLOCK], par[MAX_BLOCK], ocnt; int loop_tail[MAX_BLOCK]; CPSet_t dfset[MAX_BLOCK], phi[MAX_BLOCK]; CBList_t df[MAX_BLOCK]; void dfs(CBlock_t u, int v) { CEdge *e; par[u->id] = v; vis[u->id] = -2; for (e = cfg.head[u->id]; e; e = e->next) { CBlock_t v = e->to; if (vis[v->id] == -1) dfs(v, u->id); else if (vis[v->id] == -2) loop_tail[v->id] = u->id; } vis[u->id] = ocnt; ord[ocnt++] = u->id; } int intersect(int b1, int b2) { while (b1 != b2) if (b1 < b2) b1 = dom[b1]; else b2 = dom[b2]; return b1; } void calc_dominant_frontier(void) { int i; int ch = 1; ocnt = 0; memset(vis, -1, sizeof vis); memset(dom, -1, sizeof dom); memset(loop_tail, -1, sizeof loop_tail); dfs(entry, -1); dom[vis[entry->id]] = vis[entry->id]; while (ch) { int i; ch = 0; for (i = bcnt - 2; i >= 0; i--) { int id = ord[i]; CEdge *e = cfg.rhead[id]; int new_idom = vis[par[id]]; for (; e; e = e->next) { int p = e->to->id; if (vis[p] == new_idom) continue; if (dom[vis[p]] != -1) new_idom = intersect(vis[p], new_idom); } if (dom[i] != new_idom) { ch = 1; dom[i] = new_idom; } } } for (i = 0; i < bcnt; i++) dfset[i] = cpset_create(); for (i = 0; i < bcnt; i++) if (cfg.rhead[i] && cfg.rhead[i]->next) { CEdge *p = cfg.rhead[i]; for (; p; p = p->next) { int runner = p->to->id; while (vis[runner] != dom[vis[i]]) { if (!cpset_belongs(dfset[runner], i)) { CBList_t np = NEW(CBList); np->cblk = blks[i]; np->next = df[runner]; cpset_insert(dfset[runner], i); df[runner] = np; } runner = ord[dom[vis[runner]]]; } } } for (i = 1; i < bcnt; i++) dtree_add_edge(blks[ord[dom[vis[i]]]], blks[i]); } void insert_phi(CVList_t vars) { CVList_t vp; int i; for (i = 0; i < bcnt; i++) phi[i] = cpset_create(); for (vp = vars; vp; vp = vp->next) { /* for each variable */ CVar_t var = vp->var; CBList_t t = var->defsite; CBList_t def = NULL; static int indef[MAX_BLOCK]; #ifdef CIBIC_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "%s:", var->name); #endif for (t = var->defsite; t; t = t->next) if (++indef[t->cblk->id] == 1) { CBList_t p = NEW(CBList); p->cblk = t->cblk; p->next = def; def = p; } for (t = var->defsite; t; t = t->next) indef[t->cblk->id] = 0; /* clear */ #ifdef CIBIC_DEBUG for (t = def; t; t = t->next) fprintf(stderr, " %d", t->cblk->id); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); #endif while (def) /* while def not empty */ { CBList_t n = def, i; /* remove some node n from def */ def = def->next; for (i = df[n->cblk->id]; i; i = i->next) { CBlock_t y = i->cblk; CPSet_t phiy = phi[y->id]; if (!cpset_belongs(phiy, (long)var)) { CPhi_t phi = NEW(CPhi); CBList_t ndef; phi->dest = copr_create(); phi->dest->kind = VAR; phi->dest->info.var = var; phi->dest->type = var->type; phi->oprs = (COpr_t *)malloc(sizeof(COpr_t) * y->pred); cblock_pappend(y, phi); cpset_insert(phiy, (long)var); ndef = NEW(CBList); ndef->cblk = y; ndef->next = def; def = ndef; } } } } for (i = 0; i < bcnt; i++) { CBList_t p, np; for (p = df[i]; p; p = np) { np = p->next; free(p); } df[i] = NULL; if (phi[i]) cpset_destroy(phi[i]); if (dfset[i]) cpset_destroy(dfset[i]); } } void renaming_dfs(CBlock_t blk) { CInst_t ih = blk->insts, i; CPhi_t ph = blk->phis, pi; CEdge *e = cfg.head[blk->id]; COList_t defl = NULL, dn; for (pi = ph->next; pi != ph; pi = pi->next) { COpr_t dest = pi->dest; CVar_t var = dest->info.var; COList_t n = NEW(COList), n2; dest->sub = var->cnt++; dest->def = ih->next; /* the first inst */ dest->range = NULL; n->opr = dest; n->next = var->stack; var->stack = n; n2 = NEW(COList); n2->opr = dest; n2->next = defl; defl = n2; } for (i = ih->next; i != ih; i = i->next) { COpr_t dest = i->dest; COpr_t *opr[3] = {NULL, &(i->src1), &(i->src2)}; int t; if (i->op == WARR) opr[0] = &(i->dest); for (t = 0; t < 3; t++) { COpr_t p; if (!opr[t]) continue; p = *(opr[t]); if (!(p && (p->kind == VAR || p->kind == TMP))) continue; /* free(p); */ /* memory leak */ (*opr[t] = p->info.var->stack->opr)->type = p->type; (*opr[t])->info.var->weight++; } if (dest) { if (i->op == WARR) i->dest = dest->info.var->stack->opr; else { if (dest->kind == VAR || dest->kind == TMP) { CVar_t var = dest->info.var; COList_t n = NEW(COList), n2; dest->sub = var->cnt++; dest->def = i; dest->range = NULL; n->opr = dest; n->next = var->stack; var->stack = n; n2 = NEW(COList); n2->opr = dest; n2->next = defl; defl = n2; } } } } for (; e; e = e->next) /* for each successor */ { CBlock_t y = e->to; int j = 0; CEdge *pre = cfg.rhead[y->id]; for (; pre->to != blk; pre = pre->next) j++; ph = y->phis; for (pi = ph->next; pi != ph; pi = pi->next) { if (pi->dest->kind == VAR) pi->oprs[j] = pi->dest->info.var->stack->opr; pi->oprs[j]->dep = 1; } } for (e = dtree.head[blk->id]; e; e = e->next) renaming_dfs(e->to); for (; defl; defl = dn) { CVar_t var = defl->opr->info.var; COList_t nf = var->stack->next; free(var->stack); var->stack = nf; dn = defl->next; free(defl); } } void renaming_vars(COList_t oprs) { COList_t p; for (p = oprs; p; p = p->next) if (p->opr->kind == VAR) { CInst_t ld = cinst_create(); CVar_t var = p->opr->info.var; var->cnt = 0; var->reload = var->loc > 0 && var->type->type != CARR; ld->op = LOAD; ld->dest = copr_create(); ld->dest->kind = VAR; ld->dest->info.var = var; ld->dest->type = var->type; cblock_pushfront(entry, ld); } renaming_dfs(entry); } void mark_insts(void) { int i, icnt = 0; for (i = bcnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CBlock_t b = blks[ord[i]]; CInst_t ih = b->insts, ii; CPhi_t ph = b->phis, pi; if (cblock_isempty(b)) b->first = b->last = icnt++; else { for (pi = ph->next; pi != ph; pi = pi->next) icnt++; for (ii = ih->next; ii != ih; ii = ii->next) ii->id = icnt++; b->first = ih->next->id; b->last = ih->prev->id; } } } CPSet_t liveset[MAX_BLOCK]; COList_t live[MAX_BLOCK]; CRange_t crange_merge(CRange_t a, CRange_t b) { CRange res; CRange_t tail = &res; res.next = NULL; res.r = -1; for (; a || b;) { if (a && (!b || (a->l < b->l || (a->l == b->l && a->r < b->r)))) { if (tail->r >= a->l) { if (a->r > tail->r) tail->r = a->r; } else { assert(tail->r < a->l); tail->next = a; tail = a; } a = a->next; } else { if (tail->r >= b->l) { if (b->r > tail->r) tail->r = b->r; } else { assert(tail->r < b->l); tail->next = b; tail = b; } b = b->next; } } tail->next = NULL; return res.next; } void add_range_(COpr_t opr, int begin, int end) { CRange_t range; range = NEW(CRange); range->l = begin; range->r = end; range->next = NULL; opr->range = crange_merge(opr->range, range); } void add_range(COpr_t opr, CBlock_t blk, int end) { int dfid = opr->def->id; int begin; if (blk->first <= dfid && dfid <= blk->last) begin = dfid; else begin = blk->first; add_range_(opr, begin, end); } void build_intervals(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < bcnt; i++) liveset[i] = cpset_create(); for (i = 0; i < bcnt; i++) { int id = ord[i]; CBlock_t b = blks[id]; CEdge *e = cfg.head[id]; CPSet_t curlive = liveset[id]; for (; e; e = e->next) { int sid = e->to->id; CBlock_t s = blks[sid]; COList_t p = live[sid]; CPhi_t ph = s->phis, i; for (i = ph->prev; i != ph; i = i->prev) { CEdge *pe; int t; for (t = 0, pe = cfg.rhead[sid]; pe->to != b; pe = pe->next) t++; COpr_t opr = i->oprs[t]; if (opr && (opr->kind == VAR || opr->kind == TMP) && !cpset_belongs(curlive, (long)opr)) { COList_t np = NEW(COList); np->opr = opr; np->next = live[id]; live[id] = np; cpset_insert(curlive, (long)opr); } } for (; p; p = p->next) if (cpset_belongs(liveset[sid], (long)p->opr) && cpset_insert(curlive, (long)p->opr)) { COList_t np = NEW(COList); np->opr = p->opr; np->next = live[id]; live[id] = np; } } { COList_t p; for (p = live[id]; p; p = p->next) add_range(p->opr, b, b->last + 1); } { CInst_t ih = b->insts, i; for (i = ih->prev; i != ih; i = i->prev) { int t; COpr_t oprs[3] = {NULL, i->src1, i->src2}; if (i->dest && (i->dest->kind == VAR || i->dest->kind == TMP) && i->op != WARR) /* def */ { i->is_def = 1; cpset_erase(curlive, (long)i->dest); } else { if (i->op == WARR) oprs[0] = i->dest; i->is_def = 0; } for (t = 0; t < 3; t++) { COpr_t opr = oprs[t]; if (opr && (opr->kind == VAR || opr->kind == TMP) && !cpset_belongs(curlive, (long)opr)) { COList_t np = NEW(COList); np->opr = opr; np->next = live[id]; live[id] = np; cpset_insert(curlive, (long)opr); add_range(opr, b, i->id); } } } } { CPhi_t ph = b->phis, i; for (i = ph->prev; i != ph; i = i->prev) cpset_erase(curlive, (long)i->dest); } if (loop_tail[id] != -1) { COList_t p; for (p = live[id]; p; p = p->next) if (cpset_belongs(curlive, (long)p->opr)) add_range_(p->opr, b->first, blks[loop_tail[id]]->last + 1); } } for (i = 0; i < bcnt; i++) { COList_t p = live[i], np; for (; p; p = np) { np = p->next; free(p); } live[i] = NULL; if (liveset[i]) cpset_destroy(liveset[i]); } } COpr_t cinterv_repr(COpr_t opr) { return opr->par == opr ? opr : (opr->par = cinterv_repr(opr->par)); } void cinterv_union(COpr_t a, COpr_t b) { a = cinterv_repr(a); b = cinterv_repr(b); fprintf(stderr, "merging "); copr_print(stderr, a); fprintf(stderr, " "); copr_print(stderr, b); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if (a == b) return; b->range = crange_merge(b->range, a->range); a->par = b; b->mod |= a->mod; } void init_def(void) { CBlock_t p; COList_t def; raw_defs = NULL; for (p = entry; p; p = p->next) { CInst_t i, ih = p->insts; CPhi_t pi, ph = p->phis; for (i = ih->next; i != ih; i = i->next) if (i->is_def) { def = NEW(COList); def->opr = i->dest; def->next = raw_defs; raw_defs = def; } for (pi = ph->next; pi != ph; pi = pi->next) { def = NEW(COList); def->opr = pi->dest; def->next = raw_defs; raw_defs = def; } } for (p = entry; p; p = p->next) { CPhi_t pi, ph = p->phis; for (pi = ph->next; pi != ph; pi = pi->next) { int i; for (i = 0; i < p->pred; i++) cinterv_union(pi->dest, pi->oprs[i]); } } for (def = raw_defs; def; def = def->next) { COpr_t opr = def->opr; opr->spill = cinterv_repr(opr); } /* coalescing */ for (p = entry; p; p = p->next) { CInst_t i, ih = p->insts; for (i = ih->next; i != ih; i = i->next) if (i->op == MOVE && i->dest->kind == TMP && (i->src1->kind == TMP || i->src1->kind == VAR)) cinterv_union(i->dest, i->src1); } } void print_intervals(void) { COList_t d; for (d = raw_defs; d; d = d->next) { COpr_t opr = d->opr, repr = cinterv_repr(opr); CRange_t p; copr_print(stderr, opr); fprintf(stderr, ": "); if (repr == opr) { for (p = opr->range; p; p = p->next) fprintf(stderr, "[%d, %d)", p->l, p->r); } else copr_print(stderr, repr); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } void colist_remove(COList_t node) { node->prev->next = node->next; node->next->prev = node->prev; } void colist_add(COList_t head, COList_t p) { (p->next = head->next)->prev = p; (p->prev = head)->next = p; } int overlap_with_beg(COpr_t i, int beg) { CRange_t r; for (r = i->range; r && r->l <= beg; r = r->next) if (r->r > beg) return 1; return 0; } int overlap_with_interv(COpr_t i, COpr_t cur) { CRange_t pi, pc; for (pi = i->range, pc = cur->range; pi && pc;) { if (pi->r <= pc->l) pi = pi->next; else if (pc->r <= pi->l) pc = pc->next; else return 1; } return 0; } int copr_comp(const void *a, const void *b) { return (*(COpr_t *)a)->range->l - (*(COpr_t *)b)->range->l; } const int avail_regs[] = {8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, /*14, 15, */ 16, 17, 24, 25}; const int MAX_AVAIL_REGS = sizeof(avail_regs) / sizeof(avail_regs[0]); void register_alloc(void) { /* Algorithm from the paper: * Linear Scan Register Allocation * in the Context of SSA Form and Register Constraints */ static int freg[32], f[32]; int dn = 0, i; COpr_t *unhandled; COList_t p; COList_t active = NEW(COList), inactive = NEW(COList); active->next = active->prev = active; inactive->next = inactive->prev = inactive; memset(freg, -1, sizeof freg); init_def(); for (i = 0; i < MAX_AVAIL_REGS; i++) freg[avail_regs[i]] = 1; /* available */ for (p = raw_defs; p; p = p->next) { COpr_t opr = p->opr; /* if (opr->info.var->loc < 0) { opr->reg = 3 - opr->info.var->loc; continue; } */ /* arguments */ opr->reg = -2; if (opr->par != opr) continue; if (cinterv_repr(opr)->range) { opr->reg = -1; dn++; } } unhandled = (COpr_t *)malloc(dn * sizeof(COpr_t)); i = 0; for (p = raw_defs; p; p = p->next) if (p->opr->reg == -1) unhandled[i++] = p->opr; for (i = 0; i < dn; i++) { COpr_t opr = unhandled[i]; CRange_t r; /* if (opr->kind == VAR && opr->range->next) { free(opr->range); opr->range = opr->range->next; }*/ /* discard uncessary load */ for (r = opr->range; r->next; r = r->next); opr->begin = opr->range->l; opr->end = r->r; copr_print(stderr, opr); fprintf(stderr, " (key: %d begin: %d, end: %d, weight: %d)\n", opr->range->l, opr->begin, opr->end, opr->info.var->weight); } qsort(unhandled, dn, sizeof(COpr_t), copr_comp); print_intervals(); /* preparation done */ for (i = 0; i < dn; i++) { COList_t c = NEW(COList); COpr_t cur; COList_t np; int reg, t; cur = c->opr = unhandled[i]; /* for each interval in active */ for (p = active->next; p != active; p = np) { COpr_t i = p->opr; np = p->next; if (i->end <= cur->begin) /* if i ends before cur.beg */ { colist_remove(p); free(p); /* move i to handled */ freg[i->reg] = 1; /* add i.reg to free */ } else if (!overlap_with_beg(i, cur->begin)) { colist_remove(p); colist_add(inactive, p); /* move i to inactive */ freg[i->reg] = 1; /* add i.reg to free */ } } /* for each interval i in inactive */ for (p = inactive->next; p != inactive; p = np) { COpr_t i = p->opr; np = p->next; if (i->end <= cur->begin) /* if i ends before cur.beg */ { colist_remove(p); free(p); /* move i to handled */ } else if (overlap_with_beg(i, cur->begin)) { colist_remove(p); colist_add(active, p); /* move i to active */ freg[i->reg] = 0; /* remove i.reg from free */ } } memmove(f, freg, sizeof f); /* for each interval i in inactive that overlaps cur do * f <- f - {i.reg} */ for (p = inactive->next; p != inactive; p = p->next) if (overlap_with_interv(p->opr, cur)) f[p->opr->reg] = 0; reg = -1; for (t = 0; t < 32; t++) if (f[t] > 0) { reg = t; break; } if (reg == -1) /* if f = {} */ { /* assign mem loc */ static int w[32]; int min = 0x7fffffff; memset(w, 0, sizeof w); for (p = active->next; p != active; p = p->next) if (overlap_with_interv(p->opr, cur)) w[p->opr->reg] += p->opr->info.var->weight; for (p = inactive->next; p != inactive; p = p->next) if (overlap_with_interv(p->opr, cur)) w[p->opr->reg] += p->opr->info.var->weight; for (t = 0; t < 32; t++) if (f[t] != -1 && w[t] < min) min = t, reg = t; if (reg == -1 || cur->info.var->weight < w[reg]) { cur->reg = -1; /* assign a memory location to cur */ free(c); /* and move cur to handled */ } else { /* move all active or inactive intervals to which r was assigned to handled * assign memory locations to them */ for (p = active->next; p != active; p = np) { np = p->next; if (p->opr->reg == reg) { p->opr->reg = -1; colist_remove(p); free(p); } } for (p = inactive->next; p != inactive; p = np) { np = p->next; if (p->opr->reg == reg) { p->opr->reg = -1; colist_remove(p); free(p); } } cur->reg = reg; colist_add(active, c); /* move cur to active */ } } else if (cur->mod) /* may be referenced by a pointer */ { cur->reg = -1; /* assign a memory location to cur */ free(c); /* and move cur to handled */ } else { cur->reg = reg; /* cur.reg <- any register in f */ freg[reg] = 0; /* free <- free - {cur.reg} */ colist_add(active, c); /* move cur to active */ } } for (i = 0; i < dn; i++) { COpr_t opr = unhandled[i]; copr_print(stderr, opr); fprintf(stderr, " (begin: %d, end: %d, weight: %d, reg: %d)\n", opr->begin, opr->end, opr->info.var->weight, opr->reg); } for (p = raw_defs; p; p = p->next) { COpr_t opr = p->opr; /* opr->spill = cinterv_repr(opr); */ if (cinterv_repr(opr)->range) opr->reg = cinterv_repr(opr)->reg; } defs = NULL; for (i = 0; i < dn; i++) { COList_t p = NEW(COList); p->opr = unhandled[i]; p->next = defs; defs = p; } free(unhandled); } void const_propagation(void) { #define IS_STATIC(opr) (!((opr)->mod || (opr)->info.var->reload)) int i; for (i = bcnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CBlock_t b = blks[vis[i]]; CInst_t i, ni, ih = b->insts; for (i = ih->next; i != ih; i = ni) { int flag = 0; COpr_t t; if (i->op == ADDR) i->src1->mod = 1; if (i->src1 && i->src1->cval && IS_STATIC(i->src1)) { t = i->src1->cval; i->src1 = copr_create(); *(i->src1) = *t; } if (i->src2 && i->src2->cval && IS_STATIC(i->src2)) { t = i->src2->cval; i->src2 = copr_create(); *(i->src2) = *t; } if (!i->dest) { ni = i->next; continue; } if (i->src1 && i->src1->kind == IMM) { if (i->op == MOVE) flag = 1; else if (i->op == NEG) { i->op = MOVE; i->src1->info.imm *= -1; flag = 1; } else if (i->src2 && i->src2->kind == IMM) { COpr_t c; int immd; int imm1 = i->src1->info.imm; int imm2 = i->src2->info.imm; flag = 1; switch (i->op) { case MUL: immd = imm1 * imm2; break; case DIV: immd = imm1 / imm2; break; case MOD: immd = imm1 % imm2; break; case ADD: immd = imm1 + imm2; break; case SUB: immd = imm1 - imm2; break; case SHL: immd = imm1 << imm2; break; case SHR: immd = imm1 >> imm2; break; case AND: immd = imm1 & imm2; break; case XOR: immd = imm1 ^ imm2; break; case OR: immd = imm1 | imm2; break; case NOR: immd = ~(imm1 | imm2); break; case EQ: immd = imm1 == imm2; break; case NE: immd = imm1 != imm2; break; case LT: immd = imm1 < imm2; break; case GT: immd = imm1 > imm2; break; case LE: immd = imm1 <= imm2; break; case GE: immd = imm1 >= imm2; break; default: flag = 0; } if (flag) { c = copr_create(); c->kind = IMM; free(i->src1); free(i->src2); i->op = MOVE; i->src1 = c; c->info.imm = immd; } } } ni = i->next; if (flag) { i->dest->cval = i->src1; if (i->dest->kind == TMP && !i->dest->dep) { i->next->prev = i->prev; i->prev->next = i->next; free(i); } } } } } void strength_reduction(void) { #define SWAP_IMM \ do { \ if (i->src1->kind == IMM) \ { \ COpr_t t = i->src1; \ i->src1 = i->src2; \ i->src2 = t; \ } \ } while (0) int i; int call_cnt = 0; for (i = bcnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CBlock_t b = blks[vis[i]]; CInst_t i, ni, ih = b->insts; for (i = ih->next; i != ih; i = ni) { ni = i->next; switch (i->op) { case ADD: SWAP_IMM; case SUB: if (i->src2->kind == IMM && !i->src2->info.imm) { i->op = MOVE; i->src2 = NULL; } break; case MUL: SWAP_IMM; if (i->src2->kind == IMM) { int p = 0, n = i->src2->info.imm; while (!(n & 1)) n >>= 1, p++; if (n == 1) { i->op = SHL; i->src2 = copr_create(); i->src2->kind = IMM; i->src2->info.imm = p; } } break; case DIV: SWAP_IMM; if (i->src2->kind == IMM) { int p = 0, n = i->src2->info.imm; while (!(n & 1)) n >>= 1, p++; if (n == 1) { i->op = SHR; i->src2 = copr_create(); i->src2->kind = IMM; i->src2->info.imm = p; } } break; case PUSH: call_cnt++; break; case CALL: if (i->src1->kind == IMMF && call_cnt == 1 && !strcmp(i->src1->info.str, "printf")) { i->src1->info.str = "__print_string"; } call_cnt = 0; break; default: ; } } } } unsigned int copr_hash(COpr_t opr) { if (!opr) return 0; switch (opr->kind) { case VAR: case TMP: return (unsigned long)opr; default: return (unsigned int)opr->info.imm; } } int copr_eq(COpr_t a, COpr_t b) { if (a->kind != b->kind) return 0; switch (a->kind) { case VAR: case TMP: return a == b; case IMM: return a->info.imm == b->info.imm; case IMMS: return a->info.cstr == b->info.cstr; case IMMF: return !strcmp(a->info.str, b->info.str); default: return 0; } } unsigned int cexpmap_hash(CInst_t exp) { unsigned int res = 0; res = ((unsigned int)exp->op) << 10; res ^= copr_hash(exp->src1); res = (res << 1) ^ copr_hash(exp->src2); return res; } CExpMap_t cexpmap_create(void) { CExpMap_t res = NEW(CExpMap); memset(res->head, 0, sizeof res->head); return res; } int cexpmap_comp(CInst_t exp1, CInst_t exp2) { if (exp1->op != exp2->op) return 0; if (!copr_eq(exp1->src1, exp2->src1)) return 0; return copr_eq(exp1->src2, exp2->src2); } void cexpmap_insert(CExpMap_t cem, CInst_t exp) { int hv = cexpmap_hash(exp) % MAX_TABLE_SIZE; CENode *np = NEW(CENode); np->exp = exp; np->next = cem->head[hv]; cem->head[hv] = np; } CInst_t cexpmap_lookup(CExpMap_t cem, CInst_t exp) { int hv = cexpmap_hash(exp) % MAX_TABLE_SIZE; CENode *p; for (p = cem->head[hv]; p; p = p->next) if (cexpmap_comp(p->exp, exp)) return p->exp; return NULL; } void cexpmap_clear(CExpMap_t cem) { int i; CENode *p, *np; for (i = 0; i < MAX_TABLE_SIZE; cem->head[i++] = NULL) for (p = cem->head[i]; p; p = np) { np = p->next; free(p); } } void cexpmap_destroy(CExpMap_t cem) { cexpmap_clear(cem); free(cem); } void copr_shortcut(COpr_t *opr) { COpr_t t = *opr; if (!t) return; t = t->same; if (t->kind == TMP) *opr = t->same; } void subexp_elimination_(CBlock_t b, CExpMap_t cem) { CInst_t i, ih = b->insts, ni; CEdge *e; for (i = ih->next; i != ih; i = ni) { CInst_t t; ni = i->next; if (i->op == MOVE) { i->dest->same = i->src1->same; continue; } else if (i->op == CALL) { cexpmap_clear(cem); continue; } copr_shortcut(&i->src1); copr_shortcut(&i->src2); t = cexpmap_lookup(cem, i); if (t) { i->op = MOVE; i->src1 = t->dest; i->src2 = NULL; i->dest->same = i->src1; } else { switch (i->op) { case MUL: case DIV: case MOD: case ADD: case SUB: case SHL: case SHR: case AND: case XOR: case OR: case NOR: case EQ: case NE: case LT: case GT: case LE: case GE: case NEG: /* if (i->dest->kind == VAR) { CInst_t t = cinst_create(); *t = *i; t->dest = copr_create(); t->dest->kind = TMP; t->dest->info.var = ctmp_create(); (t->next = i->next)->prev = t; (t->prev = i)->next = t; t->dest->def = t; t->dest->type = i->dest->type; t->dest->range = NULL; cexpmap_insert(cem, t); } else */ if (i->dest->kind == TMP) cexpmap_insert(cem, i); break; default: ; } } } for (e = dtree.head[b->id]; e; e = e->next) subexp_elimination_(e->to, cem); cexpmap_clear(cem); } void subexp_elimination(void) { CExpMap_t cem = cexpmap_create(); /* int i; for (i = bcnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) */ subexp_elimination_(entry, cem); cexpmap_destroy(cem); } void deadcode_elimination() { int i; for (i = bcnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CBlock_t b = blks[vis[i]]; CInst_t i, ih = b->insts; for (i = ih->next; i != ih; i = i->next) { if (i->src1) i->src1->dep = 1; if (i->src2) i->src2->dep = 1; if (i->op == WARR && i->dest) i->dest->dep = 1; } } for (i = bcnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CBlock_t b = blks[vis[i]]; CInst_t i, ih = b->insts; for (i = ih->next; i != ih; i = i->next) if (i->op != CALL && i->dest && i->dest->kind == TMP && !i->dest->dep) { i->next->prev = i->prev; i->prev->next = i->next; free(i); } } } void ssa_func(CType_t func) { #define OPRS_ADD(_opr) \ do { \ if (cpset_insert(avs, (long)((_opr)->info.var))) \ { \ COList_t n = NEW(COList); \ n->next = oprs; \ n->opr = _opr; \ oprs = n; \ } \ } while (0) #define VS_ADD(_d) \ do { \ if (cpset_insert(vs, (long)(_d))) \ { \ CVList_t n = NEW(CVList); \ n->next = vars; \ n->var = _d; \ vars = n; \ } \ } while (0) CBlock_t p; entry = cblock_create(1); CPSet_t vs = cpset_create(), avs = cpset_create(); CVList_t vars = NULL; COList_t oprs = NULL; /* CVar_t pr; */ cfg_clear(); dtree_clear(); ssa_comp(func->rec.func.body, entry, NULL); /* for (i = 0, pr = func->rec.func.params; i < 4 && pr; i++, pr = pr->next) pr->loc = -(i + 1); */ /* mark arguments */ for (p = entry; p; p = p->next) { CInst_t head = p->insts, i; CEdge *e; p->pred = 0; for (e = cfg.rhead[p->id]; e; e = e->next) p->pred++; for (i = head->next; i != head; i = i->next) { if (i->src1 && (i->src1->kind == VAR || i->src1->kind == TMP)) OPRS_ADD(i->src1); if (i->src2 && (i->src2->kind == VAR || i->src2->kind == TMP)) OPRS_ADD(i->src2); if (i->op == WARR) OPRS_ADD(i->dest); else if (i->dest && i->dest->kind == VAR) { CVar_t d = i->dest->info.var; CBList_t b = NEW(CBList); VS_ADD(d); OPRS_ADD(i->dest); b->next = d->defsite; b->cblk = p; d->defsite = b; } } blks[p->id] = p; } cpset_destroy(avs); cpset_destroy(vs); calc_dominant_frontier(); /* build SSA */ insert_phi(vars); renaming_vars(oprs); /* optimization on SSA */ const_propagation(); subexp_elimination(); const_propagation(); strength_reduction(); deadcode_elimination(); /* out of SSA */ mark_insts(); build_intervals(); register_alloc(); }