#include #include #include #include "ast.h" #include "ssa.h" #define NEW(type) ((type *)malloc(sizeof(type))) #define DBLINK(from, to) ((from)->next = (to))->prev = (from) static CGraph cfg; static CBlock_t blks[MAX_BLOCK]; static int bcnt; /* block counter */ static int tcnt; /* temporary counter */ static int gbbase; CBlock_t cblock_create() { CBlock_t cblk = NEW(CBlock); CInst_t dummy = NEW(CInst); dummy->prev = dummy; dummy->next = dummy; cblk->insts = dummy; cblk->next = NULL; cblk->id = (bcnt++) + gbbase; cblk->ref = 0; return cblk; } void cblock_append(CBlock_t cblk, CInst_t inst) { CInst_t head = cblk->insts; (inst->prev = head->prev)->next = inst; (inst->next = head)->prev = inst; } void cblock_popback(CBlock_t cblk) { CInst_t last = cblk->insts->prev; last->next->prev = last->prev; last->prev->next = last->next; } CInst_t cblock_getback(CBlock_t cblk) { return cblk->insts->prev; } int cblock_isempty(CBlock_t cblk) { return cblk->insts->prev == cblk->insts; } CVar_t ctmp_create(CType_t type) { static char buff[MAX_NAMELEN]; sprintf(buff, "t%d", tcnt++); return cvar_create(strdup(buff), type, NULL); } void ctmp_destroy(CVar_t type) { free(type->name); /* allocated dynamically */ free(type); } void cfg_clear() { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCK; i++) if (cfg.head[i]) { CEdge *p, *np; for (p = cfg.head[i]; p; p = np) { np = p->next; free(p); } cfg.head[i] = NULL; } } void cfg_add_edge(CBlock_t from, CBlock_t to) { int id = from->id; CEdge *e = NEW(CEdge); e->to = to; e->next = cfg.head[id]; cfg.head[id] = e; } void copr_print(COpr *opr) { switch (opr->kind) { case VAR: case TMP: fprintf(stderr, "%s", opr->info.var->name); break; case IMM: fprintf(stderr, "%d", opr->info.imm); break; } } void cinst_print(CInst_t inst) { switch (inst->op) { case MOVE: copr_print(&inst->dest); fprintf(stderr, " = "); copr_print(&inst->src1); break; case BEQZ: fprintf(stderr, "if not ("); copr_print(&inst->src1); fprintf(stderr, ") goto _L"); copr_print(&inst->dest); break; case BNEZ: fprintf(stderr, "if ("); copr_print(&inst->src1); fprintf(stderr, ") goto _L"); copr_print(&inst->dest); break; case GOTO: fprintf(stderr, "goto _L"); copr_print(&inst->dest); break; case ARR: copr_print(&inst->dest); fprintf(stderr, " = "); copr_print(&inst->src1); fprintf(stderr, "["); copr_print(&inst->src2); fprintf(stderr, "]"); break; case NEG: copr_print(&inst->dest); fprintf(stderr, " = -"); copr_print(&inst->src1); break; case WARR: copr_print(&inst->dest); fprintf(stderr, "["); copr_print(&inst->src2); fprintf(stderr, "] = "); copr_print(&inst->src1); break; default: { const char *op; switch (inst->op) { case MUL: op = "*"; break; case DIV: op = "/"; break; case MOD: op = "%"; break; case ADD: op = "+"; break; case SUB: op = "-"; break; case SHL: op = "<<"; break; case SHR: op = ">>"; break; case AND: op = "&"; break; case XOR: op = "^"; break; case OR: op = "|"; break; default: ; } copr_print(&inst->dest); fprintf(stderr, " = "); copr_print(&inst->src1); fprintf(stderr, " %s ", op); copr_print(&inst->src2); } } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } void cblock_print(CBlock_t blk) { CInst_t p, sp = blk->insts; if (blk->ref) fprintf(stderr, "_L%d:\n", blk->id); for (p = sp->next; p != sp; p = p->next) { fprintf(stderr, "\t"); cinst_print(p); } } void ssa_func_print(CBlock_t p) { for (; p; p = p->next) cblock_print(p); } CBlock_t ssa_func(CType_t); void ssa_generate(CScope_t scope) { CTNode *p; int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_TABLE_SIZE; i++) for (p = scope->ids->head[i]; p; p = p->next) { CSymbol_t tp = (CSymbol_t)(p->val); CType_t func = tp->rec.type; if (tp->kind != CTYPE || func->type != CFUNC || !func->rec.func.body) continue; fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n", tp->rec.type->name); ssa_func_print(ssa_func(func)); } } COpr ssa_exp_(CNode *p, CBlock_t, CInst_t); COpr ssa_postfix(CNode *p, CBlock_t cur, CInst_t lval) { CNode *post = p->chd->next; CType_t rt = p->ext.type; CInst_t base = NEW(CInst); switch (post->rec.subtype) { case POSTFIX_ARR: { CInst_t off = NEW(CInst); off->dest.kind = TMP; off->dest.info.var = ctmp_create(post->chd->ext.type); off->op = MUL; off->src1 = ssa_exp_(post->chd, cur, 0); off->src2.kind = IMM; off->src2.info.imm = calc_size(rt); cblock_append(cur, off); base->dest.kind = TMP; base->dest.info.var = ctmp_create(rt); base->src1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, 0); base->src2 = off->dest; base->op = rt->type == CARR ? ADD : ARR; } break; case POSTFIX_DOT: { base->dest.kind = TMP; base->dest.info.var = ctmp_create(rt); base->op = (rt->type == CSTRUCT || rt->type == CUNION) ? ADD : ARR; base->src1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, 0); base->src2.kind = IMM; base->src2.info.imm = p->ext.offset; } break; case POSTFIX_PTR: { base->dest.kind = TMP; base->dest.info.var = ctmp_create(rt); base->op = (rt->type == CSTRUCT || rt->type == CUNION) ? ADD : ARR; base->src1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, 0); base->src2.kind = IMM; base->src2.info.imm = p->ext.offset; } break; } if (lval) { lval->op = WARR; lval->dest = base->src1; lval->src2 = base->src2; free(base); return lval->dest; } cblock_append(cur, base); return base->dest; } COpr ssa_exp_(CNode *p, CBlock_t cur, CInst_t lval) { COpr res; CInst_t inst = NEW(CInst); switch (p->type) { case NOP: ; break; case ID: res.kind = VAR; res.info.var = p->ext.var; if (lval) { lval->op = MOVE; lval->dest = res; } break; default: if (p->ext.is_const) { res.kind = IMM; res.info.imm = p->ext.const_val; } else { int op = p->rec.subtype; int rec = 1, auto_dest = 1; if (op == '=') { inst->src1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd->next, cur, NULL); ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, inst); cblock_append(cur, inst); if (inst->op == MOVE) return inst->dest; else { CInst_t tins = NEW(CInst); tins->op = ARR; tins->src1 = inst->dest; /* base */ tins->src2 = inst->src2; /* displacement */ tins->dest.kind = TMP; tins->dest.info.var = ctmp_create(p->ext.type); cblock_append(cur, tins); return tins->dest; } } else if (op == '*' && !p->chd->next) { { if (lval) { lval->op = WARR; lval->dest = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, NULL); lval->src2.kind = IMM; lval->src2.info.imm = 0; return lval->dest; } else { inst->op = ARR; inst->src1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, NULL); inst->src2.kind = IMM; inst->src2.info.imm = 0; inst->dest.kind = TMP; inst->dest.info.var = ctmp_create(p->ext.type); cblock_append(cur, inst); return inst->dest; } } } else { inst->op = -1; switch (op) { case ASS_MUL: inst->op = MUL; break; case ASS_DIV: inst->op = DIV; break; case ASS_MOD: inst->op = MOD; break; case ASS_ADD: inst->op = ADD; break; case ASS_SUB: inst->op = SUB; break; case ASS_SHL: inst->op = SHL; break; case ASS_SHR: inst->op = SHR; break; case ASS_AND: inst->op = AND; break; case ASS_XOR: inst->op = XOR; break; case ASS_OR: inst->op = OR; break; } if (inst->op != -1) { CInst_t tins = NEW(CInst); ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, tins); /* as lval */ inst->src1 = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, NULL); /* as rval */ inst->src2 = ssa_exp_(p->chd->next, cur, NULL); if (tins->op == MOVE) { inst->dest = tins->dest; cblock_append(cur, inst); free(tins); return inst->dest; } else { CInst_t tins2 = NEW(CInst); inst->dest.kind = TMP; inst->dest.info.var = ctmp_create(p->ext.type); tins->src1 = inst->dest; tins2->op = ARR; tins2->src1 = tins->dest; /* base */ tins2->src2 = tins->src2; /* displacement */ tins2->dest.kind = TMP; tins2->dest.info.var = ctmp_create(p->ext.type); cblock_append(cur, inst); cblock_append(cur, tins); cblock_append(cur, tins2); return tins2->dest; } } } switch (op) { case EXP_CAST: free(inst); return ssa_exp_(p->chd->next, cur, lval); case EXP_POSTFIX: free(inst); return ssa_postfix(p, cur, lval); /* KW_SIZEOF is eliminated during semantic checking */ default: { COpr lhs = ssa_exp_(p->chd, cur, lval), rhs; if (p->chd->next) rhs = ssa_exp_(p->chd->next, cur, lval); inst->src1 = lhs; inst->src2 = rhs; switch (op) { case OPT_OR: inst->op = LOR; break; case OPT_AND: inst->op = LAND; break; case OPT_SHL: inst->op = SHL; break; case OPT_SHR: inst->op = SHR; break; case '|': inst->op = OR; break; case '^': inst->op = XOR; break; case OPT_EQ: inst->op = EQ; break; case OPT_NE: inst->op = NE; break; case '<': inst->op = LT; break; case '>': inst->op = GT; break; case OPT_LE: inst->op = LE; break; case OPT_GE: inst->op = GE; break; case '/': inst->op = DIV; break; case '%': inst->op = MOD; break; case '&': if (p->chd->next) inst->op = AND; else { rec = 0; res.kind = IMM; res.info.imm = 0; /* TODO: be filled in with correct address */ } break; case '*': inst->op = MUL; break; case '+': if (p->chd->next) inst->op = ADD; else res = lhs; break; case '-': if (p->chd->next) inst->op = SUB; else { inst->op = NEG; inst->src1 = lhs; } break; case '~': inst->op = NOR; inst->src1 = lhs; inst->src2.kind = IMM; inst->src2.info.imm = 0; break; case '!': inst->op = SEQ; inst->src1 = lhs; inst->src2.kind = IMM; inst->src2.info.imm = 0; break; case OPT_INC: auto_dest = 0; inst->op = ADD; inst->dest = lhs; inst->src1 = lhs; inst->src2.kind = IMM; inst->src2.info.imm = 1; break; case OPT_DEC: auto_dest = 0; inst->op = SUB; inst->dest = lhs; inst->src1 = lhs; inst->src2.kind = IMM; inst->src2.info.imm = 1; break; default: auto_dest = 0; } if (rec) { if (auto_dest) { inst->dest.kind = TMP; inst->dest.info.var = ctmp_create(p->ext.type); } cblock_append(cur, inst); res = inst->dest; } } } } } return res; } COpr ssa_exp(CNode *p, CBlock_t cur) { COpr res = ssa_exp_(p, cur, NULL); CInst_t last = cblock_getback(cur); if (last->dest.kind == TMP) /* temporary not used */ { ctmp_destroy(last->dest.info.var); free(last); cblock_popback(cur); } return res; } CBlock_t ssa_stmt(CNode *, CBlock_t, CBlock_t); CBlock_t ssa_while(CNode *p, CBlock_t cur) { CNode *exp = p->chd; CBlock_t loop_blk = cblock_create(), loop_t, cond_blk, next_blk = cblock_create(); CInst_t j_inst = NEW(CInst), if_inst = NEW(CInst); loop_t = ssa_stmt(exp->next, loop_blk, next_blk); cond_blk = cblock_create(); DBLINK(loop_t, cond_blk); cfg_add_edge(loop_t, cond_blk); ssa_exp(exp, cond_blk); j_inst->op = GOTO; j_inst->dest.kind = IMM; j_inst->dest.info.imm = cond_blk->id; cond_blk->ref = 1; cblock_append(cur, j_inst); if_inst->op = BNEZ; if_inst->src1 = cblock_getback(cond_blk)->dest; if_inst->dest.kind = IMM; if_inst->dest.info.imm = loop_blk->id; loop_blk->ref = 1; cblock_append(cond_blk, if_inst); cfg_add_edge(cur, cond_blk); cfg_add_edge(cond_blk, loop_blk); cfg_add_edge(cond_blk, next_blk); DBLINK(cur, loop_blk); DBLINK(cond_blk, next_blk); return next_blk; } CBlock_t ssa_for(CNode *p, CBlock_t cur) { CNode *exp1 = p->chd, *exp2 = exp1->next, *exp3 = exp2->next; CBlock_t loop_blk = cblock_create(), loop_t, cond_blk, next_blk = cblock_create(); CInst_t j_inst = NEW(CInst), if_inst = NEW(CInst); loop_t = ssa_stmt(exp3->next, loop_blk, next_blk); cond_blk = cblock_create(); DBLINK(loop_t, cond_blk); cfg_add_edge(loop_t, cond_blk); ssa_exp(exp1, cur); ssa_exp(exp2, cond_blk); ssa_exp(exp3, loop_t); j_inst->op = GOTO; j_inst->dest.kind = IMM; j_inst->dest.info.imm = cond_blk->id; cond_blk->ref = 1; cblock_append(cur, j_inst); if_inst->op = BNEZ; if_inst->src1 = cblock_getback(cond_blk)->dest; if_inst->dest.kind = IMM; if_inst->dest.info.imm = loop_blk->id; loop_blk->ref = 1; cblock_append(cond_blk, if_inst); cfg_add_edge(cur, cond_blk); cfg_add_edge(cond_blk, loop_blk); cfg_add_edge(cond_blk, next_blk); DBLINK(cur, loop_blk); DBLINK(cond_blk, next_blk); return next_blk; } CBlock_t ssa_if(CNode *p, CBlock_t cur, CBlock_t loop_exit) { CNode *body1 = p->chd->next, *body2 = body1->next; CBlock_t then_blk = cblock_create(), then_t, next_blk, else_blk, else_t; CInst_t if_inst = NEW(CInst); ssa_exp(p->chd, cur); if_inst->op = BEQZ; if_inst->src1 = cblock_getback(cur)->dest; /* calculated cond */ if_inst->dest.kind = IMM; cblock_append(cur, if_inst); cfg_add_edge(cur, then_blk); DBLINK(cur, then_blk); then_t = ssa_stmt(body1, then_blk, loop_exit); if (body2->type != NOP) { CInst_t j_inst = NEW(CInst); j_inst->op = GOTO; j_inst->dest.kind = IMM; else_blk = cblock_create(); if_inst->dest.info.imm = else_blk->id; else_blk->ref = 1; DBLINK(then_t, else_blk); else_t = ssa_stmt(body2, else_blk, loop_exit); if (cblock_isempty(else_t)) next_blk = else_t; else { next_blk = cblock_create(); DBLINK(else_t, next_blk); } j_inst->dest.info.imm = next_blk->id; next_blk->ref = 1; cblock_append(then_t, j_inst); cfg_add_edge(cur, else_blk); cfg_add_edge(then_t, next_blk); cfg_add_edge(else_t, next_blk); } else { if (cblock_isempty(then_t)) next_blk = then_t; else { next_blk = cblock_create(); DBLINK(then_t, next_blk); } cfg_add_edge(cur, next_blk); cfg_add_edge(then_t, next_blk); if_inst->dest.info.imm = next_blk->id; next_blk->ref = 1; } return next_blk; } CBlock_t ssa_comp(CNode *, CBlock_t, CBlock_t loop_exit); CBlock_t ssa_stmt(CNode *p, CBlock_t cur, CBlock_t loop_exit) { switch (p->rec.subtype) { case STMT_EXP: ssa_exp(p->chd, cur); break; case STMT_COMP: cur = ssa_comp(p, cur, loop_exit); break; case STMT_IF: return ssa_if(p, cur, loop_exit); case STMT_FOR: return ssa_for(p, cur); case STMT_WHILE: return ssa_while(p, cur); /* return ssa_while(p, cur);*/ /* case STMT_CONT: return ssa_cont(p, cur, loop_exit); case STMT_BREAK: return ssa_break(p, cur, loop_exit); case STMT_RET: return ssa_return(p, cur, loop_exit); */ } return cur; } CBlock_t ssa_comp(CNode *p, CBlock_t cur, CBlock_t loop_exit) { CNode *stmts = p->chd->next, *i; if (stmts->chd->type != NOP) for (i = stmts->chd; i; i = i->next) cur = ssa_stmt(i, cur, loop_exit); return cur; } CBlock_t ssa_func(CType_t func) { CBlock_t start = cblock_create(); ssa_comp(func->rec.func.body, start, NULL); return start; }